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ECE-L304 Lecture 6 Review of Step 5 Introduction to Step 6 and 7 Final Lecture Quiz Next Week.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE-L304 Lecture 6 Review of Step 5 Introduction to Step 6 and 7 Final Lecture Quiz Next Week."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE-L304 Lecture 6 Review of Step 5 Introduction to Step 6 and 7 Final Lecture Quiz Next Week

2 ECE-L304 Lecture 72 Up to now ADC is running What is your sampling rate? DAC is running What is your resolution? 555 Timer is running (or close to running) What is the frequency and duty cycle?

3 ECE-L304 Lecture 73 The final stretch - What remains? Build 17 bit address generator for RAM Using 2 8 bit counters + ? Build Control Circuitry to: Take a reading on the ADC Store it to RAM Once RAM is filled, output recorded waveform

4 ECE-L304 Lecture 74 Step 6 and 7 Prelab Read the datasheets for the 74LS08 AND gate, 74LS112 JK flipflop, 74LS590 8-bit counter Complete the Step 6 Prelab Worksheet Review RAM and ADC control logic

5 ECE-L304 Lecture 75 Project Circuit Progress to Date ADCDAC 88 RAM Address Gen R/W Control Clock

6 ECE-L304 Lecture 76 Project Circuit Step 7 Blocks ADCDAC 88 RAM Address Gen R/W Control Clock ADC Control 217?

7 ECE-L304 Lecture 77 Step 6 Part 1 Assemble the 16-bit address generator Place the circuitry according to your floorplan Use the 555 counter as the clock for now Design and build a circuit that will provide a 17th bit This step is required to get full hardware credit Confirm functionality using the logic analyzer

8 ECE-L304 Lecture 78 Step 6 74LS590 Description 8-Bit Counter With Register Parallel Register Outputs Choice Of 3 State Or Open Collector Register Outputs Guaranteed Counter Freq DC To 20 MHz

9 ECE-L304 Lecture 79 Step 6 74LS590 Description Multi-chip applications “For cascading, a ripple carry output RCO is provided. Expansion is easily accomplished for two stages by connecting RCO of the first stage to CCKEN of the second stage. Cascading for larger count chains can be accomplished by connecting RCO of each stage to CCK of the following stage.”

10 ECE-L304 Lecture 710 Step 6 Cascaded 74LS590 Chips

11 ECE-L304 Lecture 711 Step 6 74LS590 Description “Both the counter and register clocks are positive edge triggered. If the user wishes to connect both clocks together, the counter state will always be one count ahead of the register.”

12 ECE-L304 Lecture 712 Part 2 - Measure AND Time Delay Wire the clock signal into two AND gates in series to create a delay Measure the delay and use this signal as the input for your control circuitry Use the oscilloscope to measure delay by placing the input and output signals on the screen simultaneously, trigger on the input signal and use the cursors to measure the delay between edges

13 ECE-L304 Lecture 713 Step 6 Prelab Analyze the control circuit used in the Step 4 simulation Q Q from Address Generator TC = Terminal Count

14 ECE-L304 Lecture 714 Step 6 Prelab Graph the expected outputs RE = Read Enable OE = Output Enable WE = Write Enable Draw these curves

15 ECE-L304 Lecture 715 Step 6 Prelab In your Prelab Workbook Sketch the schematic Sketch your control circuitry and timing diagrams needed to control circuit

16 ECE-L304 Lecture 716 What should the circuit do? The circuit should have two stages 1- Take 2^17 readings from the ADC and store then in the RAM 2- Take the ADC offline and write the recorded signals from the RAM to the bus for output Note - The ADC output and the RAM input/output are all on the same bus, meaning that the ADC cannot write outputs to the bus at the same time as the RAM

17 ECE-L304 Lecture 717 Part 3 - Control Circuitry First - decide which signals are involved in the control circuitry 555 Timer ADC controls RAM controls Second - create a timing diagram that describes what the signals need to look like in order to control the circuit properly

18 ECE-L304 Lecture 718 Board Center Connectors ADC Control CS_, RD_, WR_, INTR_ Power, GND RAM Control CE1_, CE2, OE_, WE_ RAM Addresses A16 - A0

19 ECE-L304 Lecture 719 RAM Controls Subset of NEC RAM (uPD431000A) Control Table: We also have CS1 and CS2 to deal with WE OE Mode L X WRITE H L READ Active Low Logic

20 ECE-L304 Lecture 720 ADC Control Get the ADC off-line Our acquisition system has only one data bus, which is shared by the ADC and the DAC We have to take the ADC off-line during the RAM READ cycle so we do not have the ADC and RAM writing to the bus simultaneously

21 ECE-L304 Lecture 721 ADC Control Specify when to get new data Take the ADC out of its current free- running mode In free-running mode, the INTR pin signal initiates a new data conversion when it falls Synchronize the system Generate a new memory address every clock cycle Put new data on the bus every clock cycle

22 ECE-L304 Lecture 722 ADC Control ADC0804 Pins CS = Chip Select RD = Read WR = Write INTR = Interrupt 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1011 13 15 17 19 12 14 16 18 20 CS RD WR CLK IN INTR DB0 DB7

23 ECE-L304 Lecture 723 ADC Control Free-Running Circuit CS = Chip Select RD = Read WR = Write INTR = Interrupt 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1011 13 15 17 19 12 14 16 18 20 CS RD WR CLK IN INTR DB0 DB7 Start

24 ECE-L304 Lecture 724 ADC Control Free-Running Circuit While CS is low, acquisition starts whenever WR drops How can this happen? Start switch is grounded INTR output falls 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1011 13 15 17 19 12 14 16 18 20 CS RD WR CLK IN INTR DB0 DB7 Start

25 ECE-L304 Lecture 725 ADC Control Free-Running Circuit While CS and RD are low, data will appear at the outputs [DB7:DB0] as soon as it is ready About 72 internal clock cycles 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 1011 13 15 17 19 12 14 16 18 20 CS RD WR CLK IN INTR DB0 DB7 Start

26 ECE-L304 Lecture 726 ADC Control Free-Running Circuit Rising transition on WR begins the conversion 100 ns min

27 ECE-L304 Lecture 727 ADC Control Free-Running Circuit RD must be low for data to appear at outputs. When RD is high, outputs are Hi-Z.

28 ECE-L304 Lecture 728 ADC Control Redesign the connections to the ADC control pins to get the results you want Details of the pin functions are on the data sheet Diagrams of control sequences are on the data sheet


30 The first task is to make sure the 555 clock and the ADC internal clock are coordinated.

31 If WE_ never rises, no conversions will occur.

32 If there are no conversions, INTR_ will stay high.

33 There should be no pulses on WR_ in READ mode.

34 When RD_ is high the ADC output is high-impedance.

35 OE_ is low in READ mode.

36 ECE-L304 Lecture 736 Draw a Timing Diagram for the Control Circuitry Which signals are involved Which ones are inputs and which are outputs What should the signals look like in order to get the correct behavior Try writing the sequence of steps down in words first, then creating the timing diagram Keep in mind which signals are active low and active high, what state does a signal need to be in during a stage where it is not switching?

37 ECE-L304 Lecture 737 Timing Diagram Complete a timing diagram and circuit schematic for the controls Have Eric check your results before you begin construction, and be ready to answer questions about your decisions

38 ECE-L304 Lecture 738 Hints Don’t connect power supplies incorrectly now, if your RAM goes you will not be happy Remove your ADC chip during control signal testing Check your ADC internal clock - is it fast enough?

39 ECE-L304 Lecture 739 Optimizing the Circuit Goal: Record audio to your specs Storage is limited 131,072 sites in RAM (2 17 ) Acquisition speed is limited ADC internal clock must make about 72 cycles per conversion High speed = high bandwidth High speed = short capture time

40 ECE-L304 Lecture 740 Optimize the Circuit You have a design goal for how you want your circuit to function If necessary to meet this goal: Adjust the ADC internal clock frequency Adjust the on-board (555) clock

41 ECE-L304 Lecture 741 Test the Circuit Display analog input (sine or ramp) and analog output on scope During the RAM WRITE cycle, the data on the bus comes from the ADC The DAC automatically converts it back to analog. At low frequencies, the DAC output should be identical to the analog input

42 ECE-L304 Lecture 742 Test the Circuit Display analog input (sine or ramp) and analog output on scope During the RAM READ cycle, the data on the bus comes from the RAM The DAC automatically converts it back to analog The DAC output should be identical to the analog input of the previous acquisition cycle

43 ECE-L304 Lecture 743 Test the Circuit Note the length of the acquisition (WRITE) cycle. Does it equal 131,072 times the period of the on-board clock? Note the length of the READ cycle. Does it equal 131,072 times the period of the on- board clock? If you want to see if the circuit is really working, pull the RAM chip Your output should be 0 during the READ cycle

44 ECE-L304 Lecture 744 Experimental Results

45 ECE-L304 Lecture 745 Deliverables Test 1 - Bandwidth Analog in, analog out Determine failure frequency A = (Goal - Measured)/Goal A ≤ 0 (measured exceeds goal) 20 pts 0.95 ≤ A < 1 18 pts 0.90 ≤ A < 0.95 16 pts A < 0.90 14 pts

46 ECE-L304 Lecture 746 Deliverables Test 2 - Address Generator Working 17 bits20 pts Working 17 bits, novel design22 pts Working 16 bits16 pts < 16 bits10 pts

47 ECE-L304 Lecture 747 Deliverables Test 3 - RAM/ADC Control Working and in sync20 pts Working not in sync15 pts Not working 10 pts

48 ECE-L304 Lecture 748 Deliverables Test 4 - Timing ADC internal clock period INTR period 555 timer period Record time Playback time

49 ECE-L304 Lecture 749 Deliverables Test 4 - Timing For record time: R = (Calculated - Measured)/Calculated If R ≥ 0.910 pts If R < 0.95 pts

50 ECE-L304 Lecture 750 Deliverables Test 5 - Playback Is DAC output from stored data? Yes20 pts No10 pts

51 ECE-L304 Lecture 751 Deliverables Test 6 - Construction Has the circuit been constructed neatly and with a reasonable floorplan? 0 to 10 pts

52 ECE-L304 Lecture 752 Deliverables Test 7 - Return Board Has the circuit been returned in good condition? Good Conditionmultiplier = 1.0 Damagedmultiplier = 0.8 Not Returnedmultiplier = 0.0

53 ECE-L304 Lecture 753 Deliverables Write up your control design: Design criteria what were the specs you wanted sketch the desired output waveforms Sketch the control schematic Show any equations used, and define terms if necessary

54 ECE-L304 Lecture 754 Deliverables Write up your control design: Discuss what changes were made to the circuit to optimize performance How effective were they? Document the performance change

55 ECE-L304 Lecture 755 Deliverables Have your circuit functionality verified Comment on your observations and provide conclusions on the entire experiment Any improvements to this Step? Any improvement to the lab course? Yes, we do have class next week

56 ECE-L304 Lecture 756 Quiz Next Week ADC operation Sampling rate vs internal clock Resolution DAC Resolution Wire Wrapping Basic Instrument Operation Quiz will be in Bossone 303 starting at 6pm and ending at 6:45pm promptly, no exceptions

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