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Flip_Flops  Logic circuits are classified ito two groups  1. The combinational logic circuits,using the basic gates AND,OR and NOT.  2. Sequential.

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Presentation on theme: "Flip_Flops  Logic circuits are classified ito two groups  1. The combinational logic circuits,using the basic gates AND,OR and NOT.  2. Sequential."— Presentation transcript:


2 Flip_Flops  Logic circuits are classified ito two groups  1. The combinational logic circuits,using the basic gates AND,OR and NOT.  2. Sequential logic circuits involving timing and memory devices.  The basic building block of the combinational logic circuits is the logic gates. The basic building block for sequential is the flip_flops

3 Logic ciorcuit for J-K FF


5 J-K Flip flop


7 The R-S Flip_flop using 2-OR gates

8 R-S Flip_flop using NOR Gate

9 The R-S Flip flop using NAND Gate

10 The truth table for R-S Flip- flop Q’QRS Previous state 00 0101 1010 Prohibited state 11

11 The truth table for R-S flip_flop Effect on output Q Q’QRSMode of operation Prohibited_ Do not use 1100Prohibited For setting Q to 1 0110Set For resetting Q to 0 1001Reset Depends on previous state Q’Q11Hold

12 The clocked R-S Flip flop

13 The clocked RS Flip-flop

14 The clocked RS using AND and NOT logic gates

15 The clocked RS using NAND and AND gates

16 The T-FF

17 The logic symbol for the T_FF

18 The D- Flip-flop

19 The clocked RS-FF using NAND gates

20 The truth table for the clocked RS-FF Q’QRSCLK Previous state 001 01011 10101 Prohibited state 111 01011 01100

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