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“Saving the Environment Starts at Home” Eco-Homes Rebecca Kuhlmann.

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Presentation on theme: "“Saving the Environment Starts at Home” Eco-Homes Rebecca Kuhlmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Saving the Environment Starts at Home” Eco-Homes Rebecca Kuhlmann

2 Advice Hit two birds with one stone

3 Major components Company Background and Structure Market Opportunity Marketing Strategy Financial

4 Company Background and Structure Structure Location Management

5 Structure Home-checks Initial fee of $17 Eco-Homes goes to destination House is surveyed for energy imperfections Review to customer

6 Structure Two choices: –Fix-it-yourself –Second appointment with Eco-Homes Second appointment requirements: –$10/hour + materials used

7 Structure Materials for sale ($ for 3) –Fluorescent compact bulbs-$24 –Weather stripping-$19 –Motion detector lighting systems-$45 –Low-flow shower head-$42 –Caulking-$18 –Transparent film-$75 –Insulted water heater jacket-$70 (per item) –Occupancy sensors-$60 (per item) –Door Sweep-$14

8 Structure Workshops –$10 –Covers basic tips and larger products on sale

9 Location Outside of city limits No zoning permit

10 Management Manager and employee –Rebecca Kuhlmann Qualifications: –Multiple science courses –Business management classes –Safety procedures w/ OSHA –If not qualified, hire professional contractor

11 Market Opportunity Market Competition

12 Market Targeted structures: –Homes –Businesses –Schools

13 Market Houses: 5,045 (4,630 occupied) Schools-10+ Businesses-300+

14 Market Expected to grown due to… –Migration of population –Economy –Earth awareness

15 Marketing Strategy Minimal Competition Products and Services Promotion

16 Competition Minimal in area Anticipation of competition within 5 years Current competition: and Goldenrod –Strengths Free –Weaknesses Room for Error Difficult to pin-point mistake Uncomfortable entering info. No immediate fixes Not well known

17 Competition Goldenrod Hills –Strengths Free –Weaknesses Meet requirements –Certain low income –No previous weatherization –Disabilities –Race –Age

18 Products and Services Products are… –Excellent in quality –Personally inspected Services are… –Informative –Thorough

19 Promotion Newspapers Fliers Sponsorship Online web site – Work with the UNL Extension Office Tax incentives

20 Promotion Expenses –$500 limit Expenses will be monitored using Quicken Surveys will be used to cut down on unnecessary promotion costs

21 Financial

22 Finances Advertising$500 Attorney Fee$400 On-site supplies$361.48 Employee equipment$88.88 Total Cost $1,718.87 Total Funds $2,000.00

23 Finances Revenue (First Year) $2,117.00 Revenue expected to increase after start- up cost are eliminated

24 A Helpful Equation More money + saving mother earth= Eco-Homes Saving the Earth Starts at Home!

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