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VC.07 Change of Variables to Compute Double Integrals.

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Presentation on theme: "VC.07 Change of Variables to Compute Double Integrals."— Presentation transcript:

1 VC.07 Change of Variables to Compute Double Integrals

2 Example 1: A Familiar Double Integral


4 Example 2: An Attempt at a Change of Variables

5 Detour: Working Out the Change of Variables the Right Way





10 The Area Conversion Factor:


12 Example 3: Fixing Example 2

13 Summary of Change of Variables for Polar Coordinates

14 By now you probably already asked yourself why this change of variables is useful. This was just a circle of course! We could have used A = πr 2 or the Gauss-Green formula.By now you probably already asked yourself why this change of variables is useful. This was just a circle of course! We could have used A = πr 2 or the Gauss-Green formula. Hence, we should look at an example where a double integral in xy-coordinate space would be horribly messy, the boundary region is hard to parameterize for Gauss-Green, and we can’t just plug into a familiar area formula…Hence, we should look at an example where a double integral in xy-coordinate space would be horribly messy, the boundary region is hard to parameterize for Gauss-Green, and we can’t just plug into a familiar area formula… Example 4: More With Polar Coordinates


16 Analogy Time:

17 Example 5: Change of Variables for Single Variable Calculus

18 As I said, a change of variables isn’t just good for polar coordinates. We’ll try a few regions tomorrow that require a different change of variables with a different Jacobian determinant (area conversion factor). Next Up:

19 Example 6: Beyond Polar Coordinates


21 Example 7: Mathematica-Aided Change of Variables (Parallelogram Region)



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