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Published byShon Newman Modified over 9 years ago
2 2 ABSTRACT OF IWMP-JHARKHAND STATE S. No. Item Details No.Area (ha) 1Total no. of micro-watersheds in the State 10,798 7,970,080 2 Total no. of untreatable micro-watersheds (Reserved Forest, Barren Rocky, flow irrigation) 2,519 1,439,801 3 Total no. of treatable micro-watersheds in the State 8,279 6,530,279 4 No. of micro-watersheds covered under different schemes 1,026* 784,334 5 Balance no. of micro-watersheds not covered till date 7,253 5,745,945 6 Plan for covering balance micro- watersheds 11 th Plan 761 745,181 12 th Plan 809 631,091 13 th Plan 2,638 2,233,691 14 th Plan 3,045 2,135,982 Total 7,253 5,745,945
3 3 Details of sanctions under IWMP, 2009-10 S. No. Item Details No.Area (ha) Micro-watersheds sanctioned during 2009-10 189 117824.05 No. of projects (clusters) 20 Estimated project cost (Rs. in lakhs) for the sanctioned projects:14138.85 Central share State share Total 12724.96 1413.89 14138.85 Amount of 1 st installment of Central & State Share (20 %) (Rs. in lakhs)2827.77 6% 14% Total Central State Total Share Share 763.49 84.83 848.32 1781.50 197.94 1979.44 2544.99 282.77 2827.77
4 Annual action plan and DPR 16-17 April 2010, a workshop was organized on preparation of PPR/DPR/MIS 13 experts/staff have been engaged on contract basis at SLNA level. Preparation of Annual action plan and DPR for 2010-11 are in the process. Project fund release to PIAs are in the process. PG Diploma / Certificate courses will be organized by R K Mission in collaboration with university. PIAs are in the Process of organizing PRA and EPA. JSAC – are in the process of digitization of Cadastral sheets. UNDP – is assisting for preparation of process mechanism manual / financial manual / technical manual / MIS /Capacity Building and Technical support to SLNA.
5 CAPACITY BUILDING INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED BY THE STATE The state has UNDP assisted Jharkhand State support programmes which comprehensively, interalia, would be addressing the issue of capacity building on watershed management in Jharkhand Institutes of eminence, specifically, situated in Jharkhand shall be utilized in the SLNA’s endeavor to develop the capacity of villagers, SHGs, Users’ group, watershed committee, PIAs as well personnel in the government involved in the watershed management 5
6 Project Proposed by Soil Conservation Department for the Year 2010-11 of the District WeightageTotal no. of Cluster No. Microwat ershed Proposed Total Project Area(hac. ) Total Proposed Treatable Area Total Cost Rs. In lakh 1Dumka125.51116047.715617.00674.04 2E.Singhbh um 105195899.005725.00687.00 3Giridih118196568.006375.00765.00 4Koderma118184336.004000.00480.00 5Latehar108177080.007000.00840.00 6Simdega120.51105326.004588.00550.00 Total65435256.7133305.003996.60
7 Project Proposed by Forest Deptt. For the year 2010-11 of the District BlockTotal no. of Cluster No. Microwaters hed Proposed Total Proposed Treatable Area Total Cost Rs. In lakh 1ChatraChandawa, huntergang 2118529.691023.5628 2Deogharmadhupur131976.86237.2232 3East SinghbhumBairagoda132922.72350.7264 4GarwahMeral, Mazhiaon, Ranka 31114393.551727.226 5GiridhiGawan11974.56116.9472 6GoddaSunderpahadi149050.711086.0852 7GumlaBasia143116.31373.9572 8HazaribaghSadar174829.2579.504 9Lateharsadr156863.87823.6644 10PalamuVishrampur, Chainpur 238747.291049.6748 11RanchiBundu, Namkum 21010823.821298.8584 12West singhbhumSonava143193.91383.2692 Total176675422.499050.6988
8 Status of IWDP/DPAP Total no. of project sanctioned under DPAP during (2000-01 to 2006-07): 1332 No. of Projects to be foreclosed under DPAP: 1000 No. of Projects to be continued :332 Total no. of project sanctioned under IWDP: 25 FIR has been filed under IWDP in Giridhi Dist. Two projects of IWDP has merged as single project in GUMLA Distt.
9 Status of the projects under DPAP Rs. in Lakh Sn o. Name of the distri cts Total no. of Pr oj ec ts Projects to be contine ud Projects to be foreclos ed Unspent Balance (To Be Returned) Remarks CentralStateTotal 1Bokaro31XI & XII (8)VI to X (23)98.0833.15131.23Refunded 2Chatra760VI to XII (76)15.605.2020.80 3Deoghar105XII (17)VI to XII (88)49.5816.5366.11 Refunded by PIAs 4Dumka108XI & XII (34)VI to X (74)67.2822.4389.71 5Dhanbad115X to XII (43)VI to IX(72)3.471.164.62 6Garhwa182XI & XII (64)VI to X (118)58.4019.4677.86 7Godda77XI & XII (23)VI to X (54)11.013.6714.68 8Hazaribag720VII to XII(72)43.0414.3557.39 9Jamtara56IX to XII (30)VI to VIII(26)0.360.120.48 10Koderma75IX & XII (30)VI to VIII(45)22.917.6330.54 11Latehar800VI to XII (80)64.3121.4485.75 12Pakur740VI to XII(74)20.276.7627.03Refunded 27.03 13Palamu162XI & XII (48)VI to X (114)49.0716.3665.42 14Ramgarh45 XII (4)VII toXI (41)2.210.742.94 15Sahebganj74X to XII (31)VI to IX(43)11.913.9715.89 Total13323321000517.50172.96690.45
10 Status of the projects under DPAP contd. Sno. Name of the districts MTERUCsASA Criminal Cases/FIR QPRMPR 1BokaroYes No Not Avail. 2ChatraNoYesNo Not Avail. 3DeogharMarch,09April,10No2008-09March,2009FIR on PIAs 4DumkaNoMarch,10No Not Avail. 5DhanbadNoApril,10NoSept,09/XINoNot Avail. 6GarhwaNo 2008-09NoNot Avail. 7GoddaNoApril,10No2008-09NoNot Avail. 8HazaribagNoMarch,10No Not Avail. 9JamtaraNoMarch,10No Not Avail. 10KodermaNoApril,10No2008-09 B.-VI matter in vigilence 11LateharNoApril,10No2009-10NoNot Avail. 12PakurNoMarch,10yes2009-10 Not Avail. 13PalamuNoApril,10No Not Avail. 14RamgarhNoMarch,10No Not Avail. 15SahebganjMarch,10 No2009-10NoNot Avail. Total
11 Status of the projects under IWDP Rs. in Lakh Sno. Name of the district s No. of Clust er proje cts Total Central Share Released Total State Share Releas ed others reciept Total Avail able fund Total Exoendit ure Balance 1Bokaro141.253.7504540.964.04 2Chatra141.253.75045 0 3 Ramnchi and Khunti 2244.947.50.87253.31172.3181 4 Saraikela Kharsa wan 3 514.2639.8614.24568.36449.43118.93 5E.Singhbhum 2 295.1920.070315.26312.892.37 6Giridih 3 399.5737.511.25448.32386.5261.8 7Palamu 1 123.0111.330134.3485.6748.67 8Lohardaga 1 146.4113.52.94162.85145.2417.61 9 W.Singhbhu m 3 152.858.255.34166.44131.1635.28 10Gumla 2 0 11Simdega 2 246.07150261.07159.25101.82 12Godda 1 122.2911.250.77134.31111.2123.1 13Hazaribag1122.6211.251.23135.10132.651.12 Total252532.21190.5139.92762.622265.55497.07
12 Status of the projects under IWDP contd. Sno. Name of the districts MTERUCsASA Criminal Cases/FI R QPRMPR 1BokaroMarch,2010 No2009-10NoNot Avail. 2ChatraNo Not Avail. 3 Ramnchi and Khunti NoApril,2010No Not Avail. 4 Saraikela Kharsawan March,2010 In Pro ces s 2008-09March,10Not Avail. 5E.SinghbhumNoApril,2010No Not Avail. 6GiridihMarch,2010 No Not Avail. 7PalamuNoApril,2010No Not Avail. 8LohardagaNoMarch,2010No Not Avail. 9W.SinghbhumNoApril,2010No Not Avail. 10GumlaNo Not Avail. 11SimdegaNoApril,2010No Not Avail. 12GoddaNoApril,2010No Not Avail. 13HazaribagNoApril,2010No Not Avail.
13 ORGANOGRAM FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF IWMP Institutional Structure Development Commissioner CEO (SLNA) DWDU (DRDA) PIA Watershed Committee GoI Secretary Rural Development
14 SELECTION CRITERIA FOLLOWED BY THE STATE WHILE SELECTING NEW PROJECTS S. No.CriteriaApplied or Not iPoverty index (% of poor to population)Applied ii% of SC/ ST populationApplied iiiActual wagesApplied iv% of small and marginal farmersApplied vGround water statusApplied viMoisture index/ DPAP/ DDP BlockApplied viiArea under rain-fed agricultureApplied viiiDrinking waterApplied ixDegraded landApplied xProductivity potential of the landApplied xi Contiguity to another watershed that has already been developed/ treated Applied xiiCluster approach in the plains (more than one contiguous micro-watersheds in the project) Applied
15 ActivitiesSub activities Preparation of Strategic plans for IWMP Local systems of planning, capacity building, implementation and reporting. Preparing basic data tables at Jharkhand with help from JSAC & other departments (Secondary data) as per the requirement of the GoI. Taking a view on the closer of previous watershed development projects. Preparation of the perspective, Strategic & Annual action plans. CAPACITY BUILDING INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED BY THE STATE: Continued……
16 ActivitiesSub activities Identification of CB institutions Preparation of a process document including criteria for selection of the organizations for capacity building need of all stakeholders at different levels. Establishment of procedures for selection of organizations for capacity building. Selection of organizations for CB. Initial orientation of the CB organizations. Jharkhand –state specific process guidelines for IWMP Sharing of experiences workshop-exploring local experiences & innovations related to watershed development programme and evolving broad frame work for process guidelines. Identification of experts agency for preparation of state specific process guidelines for Jharkhand CAPACITY BUILDING INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED BY THE STATE: Continued……
17 ActivitiesSub activities Evolving monitoring, evaluation & learning systems Evolving a frame work for on line monitoring and identification of an institutions for developing the online monitoring & reporting systems. Evolving a planning frame work for conversant livelihood action plans Identification of four block based on different agro climatic regions/Zones. Understanding the context of blocks identified in each Zone. Identification of one representative in each agro-eco situation for preparation of action plan. Orientation of field staff about the frame work. Field testing in one village per block. CAPACITY BUILDING INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED BY THE STATE: Continued……
18 ActivitiesSub activities Evolving a planning frame work for conversant livelihood action plans Preparation of detailed action plans for all major component of the rain fed farming systems in above representative villages. Synthesis of above information into a block level plan with clarity about convergence of funds from different schemes. Consolidation of above proposal into a district level plan with clarity about convergence of various schemes. CAPACITY BUILDING INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED BY THE STATE: Continued……
19 CAPACITY BUILDING INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED BY THE STATE: Sl.Name of InstitutionsTypeSpecialization 1Horticulture Agro forestry Research Programme, Palandu, Ranchi Research station (Indian Council for Agriculture Research) Horticulture, Watershed management etc. 2. Jharkhand Space Application Centre (JSAC) State Govt. InstituteSpace Application, GIS, Watershed etc. 3Birsa Agriculture universityTechnical universityAgriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Watershed management etc. 4.Watershed training Institute (Nagri) State Govt. InstituteWatershed management, Soil conservation etc. 5Training Institute on Soil conservation, Demotand, Hazaribagh State Govt. field training / production cum / agro tourism institute etc. Soil conservation and watershed management etc. 6Soil conservation directorate, Damodar Valley Corporation, Hazaribagh Training InstituteRiver valley management 7Indian School of mines- Dhanbad Central Govt. InstituteMining, Mine disaster, Soil,water & other natural resource management. The expertise & specialization of the following state and national level institutions shall be involved Continued……
20 CAPACITY BUILDING INTERVENTIONS PROPOSED BY THE STATE: 8Indianl Institute of Natural Resin & Gums, Ranchi, (IINRG) Central Govt. Institute Gums & resins, natural resource and lac based livelihood management. 9 Institute of forest productivity (ICFRE) Regional research station Aforestation, silviculture, watershed management etc. 10Central Ground Water board, Ranchi Central Govt. Institute Ground water management 11MANAGE, HyderabadNon-Govt. organization Watershed Management 12WASSANNon-Govt. organization Watershed Management 13National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad Central Govt. Institute Integrated Rural Development Management 14Central Land use survey Institute Central Govt. Institute Water & Land management 15Central soil survey, Kolkata Central Govt. Institute Soil & watershed management The expertise & specialization of the following state and national level institutions shall be involved:
21 Livelihoods interventions proposed by the State: 21 Livelihoods proposed for Asset less Livestock based livelihoods: Promotion of improved breed, improved rearing practices (such as broiler poultry) along with improved feeding practices, health and re-production Forest and tree based activities such as lac cultivation, Tasar silk worm rearing, etc. Non Timber Forest Produce collection, aggregation and primary processing Micro enterprises development such Tasar reeling and spinning Handicraft development Services required for the area and livelihoods (product collecting, sorting -grading, marketing of produces, trading, other skill based services )
22 Livelihoods interventions proposed by the State: 22 Livelihoods proposed for Farmers Production and productivity enhancement : Introduction of new & improved varieties of cereal, pulses, oilseed and vegetable crops, crop demonstration, farm mechanization, new production processes such as Systematic rice intensification (SRI) promotion of bio- fertilizer, integrated nutrient and pest management, vermi composting, promotion of organic farming, etc. Area nearby upper ridges or upland under fruit and vegetables crops Promotion of production clusters for specified crops Promotion of pisciculture in water bodies created or rejuvenated Establishment of Infrastructure such as sorting grading centers, mini cold storage, etc. through convergence Conducting Value chain study for Agricultural produce and setting up primary processing units Improved livestock mainly dairy Promotion of people’s collectives for dealing with inputs – aggregation – marketing
23 Expected Outcomes S. No. ItemUnitPre-project StatusExpected Post-project Status 1Status of water table Meter10mtr8 -9 mtr (facilitating infiltration of 300-400 mm additional rain water into soil per unit area) 2Water Harvesting structures repaired/ rejuvenated No.Approx. 2,400 structures require repair / rejuvenation/Structures not in use All structures would be repaired / rejuvenated & brought under use, etc.. 3Quality of drinking water Safe drinking water Unsanitized/collecting drinking water from farther places in summer shortening the distance for water collection and making it safe by providing roof etc. 4Availability of drinking water Months in a year 8 months10-12 months
24 Expected Outcomes S. No ItemUnitPre-project StatusExpected Post-project Status 5Increase in irrigation potential Ha.15,55030,000 6Change in cropping/ land use pattern PercentageCropping intensity 110% Fallow land Uncultivable wasteland Cropping intensity 125 -135 % fallow land uncultivable wasteland converted as cultivable land 7Area under agricultural crop iArea under single crop Ha.40,18330,000 -35,000 iiArea under double crop Ha.2,50020,000 - 25,000 (nearly 80 % irrigated area would be under double crop.) 8Increase in area under vegetation Ha.1,2503,500 – 4,000
25 Expected Outcomes S. No. ItemUnitPre-project StatusExpected Post-project Status 9Increase in area under horticulture Ha.NA@15 hectare/ Micro watershed 10Increase in area under fuel & fodder Ha.NA@ 15ha / Micro watershed 11Increase in milk production Lt/day Per animal.5 – 1.0 (on an Average) 1.0-3.0 (Breed improvement, productivity enhancement with the support of BAIF and NDDB) 12No. of SHGsNo.Approx. 2000 functional SHGs More than 3500 SHGs would be functional and linked with livelihood activities or delivering services. 13Increase in no. of livelihoods No.Approx. 45,000 households require livelihoods support. 45,000 households will get the benefit of increased livelihood support from expanded basket of livelihood through activities based on land, water, forest and livestock.
26 Expected Outcomes in farming system S. No. ItemUnitPre-project StatusExpected Post-project Status 14Increase in income Rs. per annum per capita Own agricultural produce + Rs. 9,000 – 10,000 Year round food sufficiency + Rs. 12,000 – 18,000 (4000-12000 from cereal and another 5000-10000 from forest & enterprise) 15SHG Federations formed No.110-14 (Based on one federation per block) 16Credit linkage with banks No.3000Additional 15,00 SHGs with credit linkage 17Resource use agreements NilPlanning will incorporate use of assets created. Facilitation/training would be imparted by PIA to ensure the same (As a process, User Groups may sign an agreement with WC regarding utilization of resources and maintenance of assets). Similar arrangements shall be made for developed/treated land and plantation related activities. )
27 Thanks
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