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Definition Categories Words functions and relationship Words functions and relationship.

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1 Definition Categories Words functions and relationship Words functions and relationship

2 1)What is blending? Blending is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. e.g. brunch from (breakfast + lunch) telequiz from( telephone+ quiz) blend ( 拼缀词或合成词) or pormanteau word ( 行囊词) or telescopic word ( 混成词)

3 2) how was blending developed? It is a very old method to product new words. Though not all the blends become the standard, most of them have been more or less acceptable in the English language. Moreover,they even serve as models for new formations. It is very productive. e.g. hamburger –beefburger shrimpburger Watergate – muldergate billiegate

4 1)Classified by structures head +tail camcorder (camera + recorder) 摄象机 Oxbridge (Oxford + Cambridge) autome (automobile + home) 流动住宅车 head +head sitcom (situation + comedy) psywar (psychological + warfare) 心理战 Amerind (American +Indian )

5 head + word medichair (medical + chair) medicare ( medical + care) 医疗服务 helipad (helicopter + pad) 直升飞机升降场 word + tail Nixonomics (Nixon + economics) videophone (video + telephone) workfare (work + welfare)

6 2)classified by functions slang or nonce-words 暂用词 blaxploitation ( black + exploitation) 剥削黑人 Bikethon (bike + marathon) eggwich ( egg + sandwich) smog (smoke +fog) motel (motor + hotel) brunch( breakfast +lunch) 早中饭 scientific terms biorhythm( biological + rhythm) 生理节奏 lidar (light + radar) 激光雷达 mellowtron (mellow + electronic) 由计算机控制的一种音乐 journalistic terms Nixonomics (Nixon + economics) masscult (mass + culture) 平民文化

7 1)part of speech  Nouns. ( majority)  Verbs. ( very few) guestimate (guess+ estimate) 瞎猜 meld (melt +weld) breathalyse (breath+ analyse )  Adjectives.( even fewer) fantabulous (fantastic + fabulous) fumious ( fuming + furious) alphanumetic ( alphabetic + numeric) 文字数字式 的

8 2)Relationship between blended words brunch ( breakfast + lunch) smog; guestimate Psywar ( psychological +warfare); medicare; videophone

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