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CAN_EYE 1/11 The CAN_EYE software for processing Digital Hemispherical Photos F. Baret, M. Weiss.

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Presentation on theme: "CAN_EYE 1/11 The CAN_EYE software for processing Digital Hemispherical Photos F. Baret, M. Weiss."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAN_EYE 1/11 The CAN_EYE software for processing Digital Hemispherical Photos F. Baret, M. Weiss

2 CAN_EYE 2/11 How to derive LAI from gap fraction fCover= 1-Po(0) fAPAR(  s )  fIPAR(  s )= 1-Po(  s )

3 CAN_EYE 3/11 The LAI Po relationship

4 CAN_EYE 4/11 Uncertainties in LAI estimates -0.08 -0.04 -0.02 -0.01 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.01 Error on Po

5 CAN_EYE 5/11 Start SetupImage selection Pre processing Classification End Processing & reporting CAN_EYE: suite of steps

6 CAN_EYE 6/11 Some results over Barrax Comparison of 2 independent processing

7 CAN_EYE 7/11 Comparison with other methods Comparison with LAI2000 over Barrax By B. Martinez Comparison with destructive measurements by V. Desmarez (CESBIO)

8 CAN_EYE 8/11 The P57 photos Using only the 57° direction allows to get better resolution But no more access to fAPAR (except at tetas=57°!) and fCover

9 CAN_EYE 9/11 Evidence of finer resolution Hemispherical photos P57 photos

10 CAN_EYE 10/11 Some results

11 CAN_EYE 11/11 Conclusion Software available (for free) ( Advantages: –Quick and easy to use –Accounting for clumping in LAI –Provides estimates of fAPAR and fCover –Traceability of the processing –Some encouraging validation results Potential problems: –Importance of illumination conditions: diffuse for looking down-ward –Potential problems when small gaps (resolution) –Not yet full documentation and references!! Future enhancements –Inclusion of Chen’s/Leblanc/Fernandes clumping computation –Processing P57 photos –Slope correction –More validation Development of autonomous light sensors (dynamics)

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