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Room 214 World History Cook/Colvin. Points of Emphasis on the W-SR IPad Policy 3.6 Personal photos and videos The iPad is an instructional tool that is.

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Presentation on theme: "Room 214 World History Cook/Colvin. Points of Emphasis on the W-SR IPad Policy 3.6 Personal photos and videos The iPad is an instructional tool that is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Room 214 World History Cook/Colvin

2 Points of Emphasis on the W-SR IPad Policy 3.6 Personal photos and videos The iPad is an instructional tool that is to be used for school purposes only. Students should not store personal videos, photos, or music on their iPad. 5.2 Additional Software Students are not allowed to load non educational software/apps on their iPads. Students may load educational software/apps to the iPad by synching to a home or personal iTunes account. 5.3 Inspection Students may be selected at random to provide their iPad for inspection. iPads are the property of WSR School District, and any staff member may confiscate any iPad at any time for any purpose.

3 While you were gone World History- Make-up Assignments Sept.10 While you were gone World History- Make-up Assignments Cook/Colvin Room 214 Student-_____________ Date Absent- Sept.10 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework:Homework: Unit I- GeographyUnit I- Geography Interacting With Our EnvironmentChapter 5- Interacting With Our Environment –Section 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 due Sept. 11 –Vocabulary- flashboard –Page 119- Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1+2 –Section 2- Land Use- Pages 120-125 due Sept. 12 Vocabulary- flashboard Page 125- Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1+2+3 –Section 3- People’s Effect on the Environment- Pages 120-125 due Sept. 13 Vocabulary- flashboard Page 132- Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1+2 Chapter 5 Quiz- Sept. 13Chapter 5 Quiz- Sept. 13 In Class Work: Chapter 4 QuizAssignments- Chapter 4 Quiz Activities- 1.Vocabulary- Flashboard 2.Todaysmeet- 3.Clip #1- 3.Clip #1- Global Reference..Environment, Energy & Natural Resources– 1:52 4.Clip #2- Natural Resources- 3:29 5.Clip #3-Types of Natural Resources- 1:52 6.World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Interacting With Our EnvironmentSection 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 1.Chapter 5- Interacting With Our Environment Section 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 2.go over homework with in class notes. – 2.go over homework with in class notes. – Page 119 Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1+2 3.Review- Pages 114-119 in small groups. – –Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam- _________________ Signature:____________

4 Day #13 Go over notes for Section 1+2- Pages 92-101Assignments- Go over notes for Chapter 4 Section 1+2- Pages 92-101 Activities- 1.Vocabulary- Flashboard 2.Todaysmeet- 3.Clip #1- Social Class extremes- 2:01 4.Clip #2- 4.Clip #2-Multi generational Families living under the same roof- 3:01 5.Clip #3- 5.Clip #3- World Religions Astonishing Facts – 3:37 6.World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Cultures of the World Section 1- Understanding Culture- Pages 92-95 1.Chapter 4- Cultures of the World Section 1- Understanding Culture- Pages 92-95 2.Chapter 4Section 2- Culture and Society Pages 96-101 go over homework with in class notes. 2.Chapter 4 Section 2- Culture and Society Pages 96-101 go over homework with in class notes. –Page 95+101 Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1+2+3

5 World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere-Interacting With Our EnvironmentSection 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Chapter 5- Interacting With Our Environment Section 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 1.Vocabulary- After you finish the quiz today. 1.Vocabulary- After you finish the quiz today. Open the Flashboard App and put the following vocabulary and definition in. Write your own definition. 2.Label- Unit I- Chapter 5 Vocabulary- WH5 –Natural resources –Raw materials –Renewable resources –Nonrenewable resources

6 1.Open the App- Todaysmeet- 2.Open the Room- 3.This room will be open for one day only. 4.Answer today’s meet question- (Target Reading Skill) What are Your thoughts? World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Interacting With Our EnvironmentSection 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Chapter 5- Interacting With Our Environment Section 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119

7 Clip #1- Global Reference..Environment, Energy & Natural Resources– 1:52 – Ksm4V4 Ksm4V4

8 Clip #2- Natural Resources - 3:29 – m/watch?v=a_6M3CNZ RkU m/watch?v=a_6M3CNZ RkU

9 Clip #3- Types Of Natural Resources – 1:52 – YlUdOA4 YlUdOA4

10 World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Economic Systems and Political Systems- World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Chapter 3 Earth’s Human Geography Sections 3+4- Economic Systems and Political Systems- Pages 114-119 1.Read Pages 114-119 2.Homework due- tomorrow –Page 119 Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1+2 World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Interacting With Our EnvironmentSection 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Chapter 5- Interacting With Our Environment Section 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119

11 I.Natural Resources A.Renewable Resources 1.. 2.. B.Living Resources 1.. 2.. C.Nonrenewable Resources 1.. 2..

12 World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Interacting With Our EnvironmentSection 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Chapter 5- Interacting With Our Environment Section 1- Natural Resources Pages 114-119 II. A Special Resource: Energy A.. B.. III. Energy “Have’s and Have Not’s” A.. B.. IV.Meeting Energy Need in the Future A.. B..

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