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SCSU TECHNOLOGY UPDATE FY07 Kristi Tornquist Learning Resources & Technology Services.

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Presentation on theme: "SCSU TECHNOLOGY UPDATE FY07 Kristi Tornquist Learning Resources & Technology Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCSU TECHNOLOGY UPDATE FY07 Kristi Tornquist Learning Resources & Technology Services

2 Technology for Teaching and Learning

3 Electronic Classroom Growth

4 ITV Classes

5 ITV/Video Conferencing  Added Adobe Connect as a video conferencing tool  Allows full interaction between participants, using a microphone and/or Webcam  A variety of uses: classes, meetings, office hours, etc.

6 Course Management System Course Comparison

7 Course Management System Student Use Comparison

8 Research/Instruction Tools  Research QuickStart page hits nearly doubled, from 17,178 in FY06 to 34,094 FY07

9 Electronic Resources % of Acquisitions Budget

10 Changing Nature of Reserves # items added

11 Interlibrary Loan Electronic Document Delivery

12 Electronic Database Searches 12.4%

13 Minnesota Digital Library  Outreach Coordinator position added, funded by a contract with MINITEX  Through her work, more than 7,000 additional digital objects—images, documents and maps— were added to the collection  The collection is freely available online at

14 Miller Center Library Gate Count September – May Comparison § one of four gate counters was malfunctioning from September through January §

15 Technology for Students

16 General Access Computer Lab Locations

17 18 General Access Labs (408 Computers) 7 Miller Center Public Access Labs (198 Computers) 40 Discipline Related Labs (889 Computers) ---------------------------------------------------------- 65 Total Labs (1495 Computers)

18 Student Training  94 Software workshops offered on 7 different topics; 262 students attended.  40 Technology instruction sessions for classes; 546 students attended.  300 Library instruction sessions; 6,376 students attended

19 ResNet Connections

20 OS Change

21 Technology for Faculty and Staff

22 College Computer Distribution as of September 2007

23 # of Workstations in Other Areas as of September 2007

24 Age of Faculty/Staff Computers as of September 2007

25 Training Workshops  Total of 496 workshops offered by InforMedia Services and the Center for Information Systems  Workshop registrations totaled 2,681  Workshop attendance totaled 1,883

26 Other Information Technology Resources

27 Software Licensing Agreements  Campus Microsoft Agreement  Operating Systems (XP)  Office 2007  Additional Microsoft licensing  SharePoint, Project, Visio  Symantec Antivirus agreement  New MnSCU negotiated 3 year agreement (both campus and home use)  MnSCU negotiates volume pricing  Adobe (New CS3 applications)  Maple (site license)  ESRI Geographical Information Systems (ArcView)  SCSU software  SPSS site license; no student home use  SAS increased license count from 100 to 300

28 IT Security Incidents

29 Inbound E-mail/SPAM Comparison

30 Campus Ethernet Infrastructure

31 Equipment Checkout

32 Network Uptime  Uptime was 99.93%, the highest level ever, and up.03% over FY06  Down an average of one half hour per month  Only down 1 hour total for the year due to security, virus, or denial of service

33 SCSU Internet Connection Bandwidth in Megabits/second

34 Growth in # of Wireless Users

35 HelpDesk Traffic Comparisons

36 Multimedia/Web projects increase

37 Updated SCSU Website  Worked with Stamats on developing more of an external marketing emphasis  Greater emphasis on photos/images with content aimed at prospective students

38 Technology Committees  Faculty Technology and Pedagogical Resources Committee  Teaching Learning Technology Roundtable  Student Technology Fee Committee  Administrative Computing Advisory Group  College Technology Committees

39 Thank you!

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