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Hinduism-Buddhism Religious changes taking place in India.

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1 Hinduism-Buddhism Religious changes taking place in India

2 Hinduism Evolves very slowly Over a very long period of time Cannot be traced back to one founder Some aspects of Hinduism trace back to ancient time

3 Key Beliefs Atman-your soul Brahman-world soul that unites us all Moksha-the perfect understanding of all things Takes a very long time It unites Atman w/ Branman-you become “one with the world”

4 Karma Good deeds Bad deeds They all come back and affect your next life What next life? Instant karma’s gonna get you…..

5 Reincarnation Hindus believe it takes many lives to perfect one’s soul It serves to strengthen the caste system Born rich? You must have earned good karma in your past life Born poor? You must be working off bad karma from a past life and you have a longer way to go to achieve perfection

6 Gods Brahma-creator This god will fade and be replaced by Devi-mother goddess Vishnu-protector Shiva(remember him?) destroyer

7 Buddhism Siddhartha-founder Parents kept him isolated from the rest of the world in order to fulfill a prophesy that he would become a world leader Leaves home at 29 Searches for truth,end of suffering Meditated for 49 days- becomes BUDDHA Means “enlightened one”

8 Noble truths Life is filled w/suffering The cause is our desire for world pleasure You can end suffering by ending desire Follow a path between desire and self-denial

9 The eight fold path The right way to live your life Reincarnation helps you on this long journey Your goal Nirvana

10 Similarities/Differences Buddhism rejects: Caste system Many gods of Hinduism Both Hindu/Buddhism accept: Reincarnation Goal is to achieve perfect understanding

11 Buddhist terms Jatakas-sacred religious writings of Buddha’s life Sangha-Buddhist religious order Originally referred to the priests Now refers to the whole community

12 Buddhism spreads Never takes hold in India Very similar to Hindu- so why convert? Traders main reason it spreads to central Asia and China

13 Remember Reincarnation Karma Takes a long time to become perfect Caste system Buddhism founder-Siddhartha Hindu founder-????? Buddhism-one god Hindu-many gods

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