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Persuasive Messages AOS 272.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Messages AOS 272."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Messages AOS 272

2 Types of Persuasive Messages
Requests reader would most likely refuse Unknowing Disinterested Unwilling Sales messages

3 Appeal to Reader’s Interests
Facts Logic Emotional appeals

4 Motivation Self- Actualization Esteem Love and Affiliation
Physical Needs Security and Safety Love and Affiliation Esteem Self- Actualization Survival

5 Survival Needs Food Water Air Reproduction

6 Applies to: Unemployed Homeless Environmentalists

7 Security and Safety Safe shelter/neighborhoods Personal safety
Routines and habits Job security

8 Applies to: Parents Women Children of dysfunctional parents

9 Love and Affiliation Relationships Organizations and clubs Friendships

10 Applies to: Teens and adolescents People with high social needs

11 Esteem Respect and admiration Academic success Career success

12 Applies to: Those who have satisfied lower level needs
People with low self-esteem

13 Self-Actualization Accomplishment Fulfillment “Be all you can be!”

14 Applies to: Financially successful Empty-nesters
People with high self-esteem

15 Gardner’s Seven Factors of Mental Change
Reason Logic Analogy Classification Research Statistical tests Experiments

16 Resonance Redescription Feels right Fits the situation Convincing
Described in different forms: linguistic, spatial, numeric

17 Rewards Real world events Resources Reinforcement Natural Political

18 Resistance Opposition Inertia

19 Arguments FACTS - Proof of superiority or benefit LOGIC Statistics
Features Expert opinions Testimonials LOGIC What are reader’s objections? Answer/refute these objections.

20 Logic What are reader’s objections? Answer/refute these objections.

21 Emotional Appeals When facts or logic don’t apply or are not effective
Happy Families Humor Exotic Places Something for Nothing Bandwagon Plain Folks Sex Appeal Science and Statistics Patriotism Fears and Insecurities

22 Happy Families Plays on needs for affiliation and affection.

23 Feeling lost in the shuffle?
Humor Associate product with positive feelings May be subtle or slapstick Feeling lost in the shuffle?

24 Exotic Places Make us want to be there
We would be beautiful, glamorous, and sexy if we were

25 Something for Nothing Coupons, giveaways, premiums.

26 Everybody’s Doing It We’d all like to be as attractive and
popular as these people.

27 Plain Folks Trust and credibility

28 Celebrity Endorsements
“Be Like Mike” Use sports and entertainment figures

29 Sex Appeal

30 Science and Statistics

31 Health and Nature



34 Patriotism

35 Fears and Insecurities
Personal characteristics Future

36 Positive Effects Tobacco advertising – all the good things we do
NFL participation in the United Way

37 Planning the Request Goals: 1. Get audience to read entire message
2. Get receiver to react positively

38 Indirect Plan (AIDA) Attention Interest Desire Action

39 Attention Interest Show benefit to reader Show need or problem
Expand on benefit Show relevance to audience Appeal to logic or emotions

40 Desire Action Supply proof of reader benefits
Answer potential questions Downplay any negative points or obstacles Action Motivate reader to immediate action Make action easy

41 Critical Points Benefits must appeal to reader
Connection between benefits and request must be clear Action should be easy and immediate

42 Types of Appeals Humanitarian Individual responsibility
Your action will help others Individual responsibility It’s your “job” to do this Personal experience You are unique, or you may have had a similar experience

43 Attention Devices What kinds of persuasive messages get your attention? Medium Mail Telephone TV/Radio Interest vs. Annoyance

44 Establishing Credibility
Use simple language Evidence Research, facts, testimonials Credible Sources Verifiable Qualified Knowledge Background Research

45 Enthusiasm & Sincerity Objectivity Trustworthy
Common Ground Shared experience, similar beliefs Enthusiasm & Sincerity Care about the subject & audience Objectivity Fair and balanced Trustworthy Honest and factual

46 Sales Letters Advantages Direct – product is obvious
Inexpensive Can be targeted to a specific market Can be personalized Direct – product is obvious Indirect – goodwill, introduction, job application

47 Knowledge Needed Know your product Know your customers
Features, competitors, market Know your customers Who they are What they want or need Know how sales are made Practice effective writing “You” viewpoint Positive language

48 Central Selling Point The item of information most likely to motivate the reader to buy the product.

49 Other Persuasive Messages
Proposals Recommendations Persuasive Claims Collection Letters

50 In-Class Assignment At Tolson Auto Repair, We have been in business for over 25 years. We stay in business by always taking into account what the customer wants. That’s why we are writing. We want to know your opinions to be able to better conduct our business.

51 Take a moment right now and fill out the enclosed questionnaire
Take a moment right now and fill out the enclosed questionnaire. We know everyone is busy, but this is just one way we have of making sure our people do their job correctly. Use the enclosed envelope to return the questionnaire.

52 And again, we’re happy you chose Tolson Auto Repair
And again, we’re happy you chose Tolson Auto Repair. We want to take care of your auto needs.

53 The Aquarium Letter Due Thursday, November 16

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