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A G E N D A Avatara Team Background CompleteCloud Overview Next Steps.

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2 A G E N D A Avatara Team Background CompleteCloud Overview Next Steps

3 In 2005 our executive team set out to bring
W H O I S A V A T A R A ? In 2005 our executive team set out to bring Enterprise Level Technology to the SMB Market.

4 W H O I S A V A T A R A ? They took Enterprise experience to build a well thought out and highly engineered virtualized desktop for the SMB space that is accessible from anywhere under a Utility Model.

5 W H O I S A V A T A R A ? They took Enterprise experience to build a well thought out and highly engineered virtualized desktop for the SMB space that is accessible from anywhere under a Utility Model. Thousands of Virtualized users now enjoy the Avatara solution called…

6 W H A T I S T H E C O M P L E T E C L O U D ?

7 …Delivered through VDI and data center technology …ALL provided under
W H A T I S T H E C O M P L E T E C L O U D ? Hardware: Thin Clients, Servers, Virtual machines, etc. Software: Lifetime Microsoft, maintain business line Connectivity: Never pay another Internet bill Support: 24/7 U.S. based help desk …Delivered through VDI and data center technology …ALL provided under Utility Pricing Model (per user per month)

8 Full Technology Refresh CAD specific computers cost $2000-$4000
C O M P L E T E C L O U D S O L V E S E N G I N E E R I N G & A R C H I T E C T U R E I S S U E S Full Technology Refresh CAD specific computers cost $2000-$4000 Increase in server space Build cloud “home” How we solve issue… 100% new hardware and software, including upgrades with $0 capital investment.

9 Multi-offices are also common Autodesk does not like “cloud”
C O M P L E T E C L O U D S O L V E S E N G I N E E R I N G & A R C H I T E C T U R E I S S U E S Mobility Multi-offices are also common Autodesk does not like “cloud” Moving large files over Internet slows performance How we solve issue… Non-CAD users get VDI environment and CAD users get dedicated CAD specific machine. Employees can now access their desktop from any device anywhere there’s an internet connection!


11 Disaster Recovery & Backup
C O M P L E T E C L O U D S O L V E S E N G I N E E R I N G & A R C H I T E C T U R E I S S U E S Disaster Recovery & Backup Growing file sizes make primary and backup storage difficult Multiple file versions stay on employee computers All data is now centralized How we solve issue… All data and applications are backed up in multiple data centers, and their employees are desktop independent with unlimited data storage.

12 Who has admin passwords?
C O M P L E T E C L O U D S O L V E S E N G I N E E R I N G & A R C H I T E C T U R E I S S U E S Security Who has admin passwords? Employees have unrestricted access and server rooms unlocked How we solve issue… All computers and servers reside in a redundant Enterprise Data Center with 24/7 physical monitoring, video surveillance, biometric access, layers of firewalls and no data reside on-site.

13 Most IT technical engineering who is billable
C O M P L E T E C L O U D S O L V E S E N G I N E E R I N G & A R C H I T E C T U R E I S S U E S Support Most IT technical engineering who is billable No specialized IT support for complex software How we solve issue… 24x7 U.S. based helpdesk support! All users are on the same platform receiving proactive monitoring, maintenance, and support.

14 Autodesk forces you to have updated technology
C O M P L E T E C L O U D S O L V E S E N G I N E E R I N G & A R C H I T E C T U R E I S S U E S Green Autodesk forces you to have updated technology Servers and CAD station are energy hogs How we solve issue… Thin Clients use a fraction of the electricity, and desktop refresh will happen every 6-8 years instead of 3-4 years.

15 Project work load constantly changing Expanding into new markets
C O M P L E T E C L O U D S O L V E S E N G I N E E R I N G & A R C H I T E C T U R E I S S U E S Scalability Project work load constantly changing Expanding into new markets Downsizing old markets How we solve issue… Utility Model (pay per user), allowing business’s to scale up and down with no concern to the impact on their IT network.

16 Productivity + $0 CAPEX + Predictable OPEX = Profitable IT
I T E C O N O M I C S Productivity + $0 CAPEX Predictable OPEX Productivity + $0 CAPEX + Predictable OPEX = Profitable IT

17 Will CompleteCloud work for your business?
N E X T S T E P S Does this slide need anything? So what’s next? Will CompleteCloud work for your business? Next Steps… CompleteCloud Assessment & Pre-Proposal Survey Assessment Results and Proposal Reference Check/Other Diligence Contracting Migration

18 CompleteCloud Thin Client
A P P E N D I X A : U S E R E N V I R O N M E N T CompleteCloud Thin Client Virtual Windows 7 Computer Office 2013 Pro and Adobe Reader Dedicated Hosted Exchange SharePoint Foundation Lync for Messaging, Conferencing, and Collaboration Remote File Share and Printer Access Desktop Backup Thin Client with 24 inch desktop monitor, keyboard and mouse Mobile access to desktop on ANY device through RDP 24/7 IT support

19 CompleteCloud Voice Option
A P P E N D I X B : P H O N E CompleteCloud Voice Option Voic to Personal DID numbers Personal and company efax Personal and company meet-me conference bridges Full auto-attendant and call queuing capabilities Polycom VVX 600 Phone HD Voice SIP Handset Improve productivity through larger, color multi-touch display and more line appearances Video conference calls with internal teams

20 A P P E N D I X C : C O M P L E T E C L O U D P H O T O S

21 A P P E N D I X C : C O M P L E T E C L O U D P H O T O S

22 Plug in Data Capture Box Built New “IT Home” in Redundant Data Centers
A P P E N D I X D : M I G R A T I O N 30 Day Migration Collect User Forms Plug in Data Capture Box Built New “IT Home” in Redundant Data Centers Inspection of new “IT Home” Migration Weekend install new LAN switches transfer all data and application onto their new virtual computers in the completecloud. remove outdated servers replaced personal computers with new Thin Clients. Basic Training

23 Personal Computers: Windows 7 64 Thin Clients: Avatara Custom
A P P E N D I X E : T E C H N O L O G Y / W H A T A L L I S I N C L U D E D Components Personal Computers: Windows 7 64 Thin Clients: Avatara Custom Monitors: 24” H.P. Servers: Exchange 2010, SharePoint 2013, Server Windows 2008 R2 w/ SQL 2008 Office Software: Microsoft Office Professional 2013, Microsoft Forefront Anti-Malware Virtualization Base: VMware base with Avatara custom applications, switches and management tools. LAN Environment: Redundant Data Center including redundant Layer 2 and 3 devices Data Center Network Security: Edge Firewalls, Flow Based Analysis, Active Intrusion Detection Virus Scanning, Server Firewalls Data Center Connectivity: BGP routed gigabit connection to tier one carriers, % access to server. Internal IT Controls: Kerberos Domain Authentication, Password Complexity / Expiration, Role Based Access Controls, Diskless Workstations. Slide Notes: Need new layout Develop this further with complete list of all that is included.

24 Standard CompleteCloud Normal business computer usage – 90% of users
A P P E N D I X F : S O L U T I O N S Standard CompleteCloud Normal business computer usage – 90% of users This setup is engineered using a VDI desktop with a VMware Hypervisor. Each user has a dedicated VM running an individual copy of Windows 7 Enterprise, with dedicated memory and storage resources. Software and configuration may be individualized for the user to any extent. Terminal CompleteCloud Light users, single application users. Example Call Center Users are engineered desktops on a Microsoft RD Server, with all users on the customer’s terminal server having the same set of applications and sharing memory and storage resources at the Microsoft OS level with no hypervisor level separation. Graphics CompleteCloud High-end graphics and video producers. Example Engineers with CAD Users are engineered on dedicated computer hardware with one-to-one dedicated Autodesk certified graphics cards. There is no virtualization or sharing of these compute nodes, which are resident on-site in the LAN closet. All solutions can be deployed as a Desktop Thin Client, Laptop Thin Client, or use a customer provided access (current computer).

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