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Luis Bermudez Southeastern Universities Research Association Carlos Rueda Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Moving Beyond the 10,000 Ways That Don't.

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Presentation on theme: "Luis Bermudez Southeastern Universities Research Association Carlos Rueda Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Moving Beyond the 10,000 Ways That Don't."— Presentation transcript:

1 Luis Bermudez Southeastern Universities Research Association Carlos Rueda Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Moving Beyond the 10,000 Ways That Don't Work AGU Fall Meeting Dec 14 2009 David Arctur Open Geospatial Consortium


3 Complexity

4 Heterogeneity

5 Identification of technologies.. and then what ?

6 And then... create profiles create tools Minor PERL, PYTHON or JAVA programming... Simple Configuration File OGC Sensor Observation Service

7 How ?

8 8 I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas Edison Try and try and try and try...

9 Try and try in an organized way community + process

10 10 Engage with OGC

11 OGC’s Approach to Advancing Interoperability © 2009 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. 11 Interoperability Program (IP ) - a global, innovative, hands-on rapid prototyping and testing program designed to accelerate interface development and validation, and bring interoperability to the market Specification Development Program – Consensus standards process similar to other Industry consortia (World Wide Web Consortium, OMA, etc.) Outreach and Community Adoption Program – education and training, encourage take up of OGC specifications, business development, communications programs Demo & Reports

12 Types of Interoperability Projects Test beds are fast-paced, multi-vendor collaborative efforts to define, design, develop, and test candidate interface and encoding specifications. These draft specifications are then reviewed, revised, and, potentially, approved in the OGC Specification Program. Pilot Projects apply and test OpenGIS specifications in real world applications using standards based commercial off-the-shelf (SCOTS) products that implement OpenGIS Specifications. Pilot projects help users understand how to best implement interoperable geoprocessing that meets their requirements for application, spatial data, and geoprocessing service sharing. These projects also help identify gaps for further work. Interoperability Experiments are brief, low-overhead, formally structured and approved initiatives led and executed by OGC members to achieve specific technical objectives that further the OGC Technical Baseline. 12 © 2009 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

13 OGC Ocean Science Interoperability Experiment OGC World initiative to develop & improve standards & best practices for advancing interoperability of ocean observing systems.

14 Some History...

15 Marine Metadata Interoperability Building Community Interoperability Experiments Tethys Education Agreements

16 SURA Coastal Ocean Observing & Prediction (SCOOP) program

17 OOSTethys = MMI interoperability demonstration + SURA interoperability demonstration


19 Phase I Phase II Phase III ?

20 Phase I Explore Web Feature Service (WFS) and Sensor Observation Service (SOS) Advance SOS in the ocean community Explore implementation about discovery of sensors and observations using semantic web technologies

21 Phase I Results Report

22 Phase I Results Request for Change s for SOS

23 Phase I Results Best Practices

24 Semantics Semantic Services led by Carlos Rueda (MBARI/MMI) Visualization Services led by Eric Bridger (GoMOOS)

25 Phase I Results Open Source Sofware Easy to setup SOS server toolkits Minor PERL, PYTHON or JAVA programming SOS War filesPerl Scripts Simple Configuration File om/p/oostethys

26 Phase II More topics than in Phase I Different interests New participants SWE Standards are more accepted, and more tools have been developed...

27 1. Automated metadata/software installation via PUCK protocol. 2. SWE Common encoding for vertical and horizontal profiles (e.g. ADCP) and trajectories (AUV). 3. Long time series services (e.g. 20 years of data). 4. Offering of complex systems (e.g. observations systems containing other systems) such as collection of stations. 5. Linking data from SOS to out-of-band offerings. 6. Representation of vectors and scalars in SOS vs semantics. 7. Semantic Registry and Services. 8. Alert services for fast detection of coastal events. Offerings that are event based (e.g. all tsunami sensors within +/-12 hrs of an tsunami). 9. XSLT and SOS responses. 10. CSW Registry. Phase II Topics

28 11. Portal - Human Interface to discover and download access data 12. Development of KML encodings for SOS. 13. WCS / SOS Chaining 14. NetCDF/OpenDAP and SOS Chaining Gridded data and stations. 15. IEEE-1451/OGC-SWE harmonization 16. Instruments control. 17. SOS WaterML harmonization 18. Incorporation of QA/QC into SOS services. 19. Deployment of SOS services 20. SOS client – visualization 21. Guidance for capturing metadata fields and lineage using SensorML. Phase II Topics

29 Phase II Results Report

30 Led by Tom O’Reilly (MBARI)

31 IEEE 1451 - SWE Harmonization Led by Eric Delory (dbscale, ESONET)

32 Led by Manil Maskey (UAH) Standard registry with testing capabilities

33 Led by Carlos Rueda (MBARI) Simple SensorML Generator Semanticall y enabled

34 Based on SensorM L Ocean Observing Systems Modeling Led by Luis Bermudez (SURA) SensorML

35 Example of affected communities


37 GEOSS workshop, Oceans 09, Bremen European Seas Observatory Network Eric Delory

38 GEOSS workshop, Oceans 09, Bremen European Seas Observatory Network Eric Delory

39 39 Thomas Edison Conclusions try and try and try.. foster community consensus in a organized standard process

40 40 How to start an IE

41 How to Start an IE: Reference Documents The OGC Interoperability Program –05-127r1, Mar 200605-127r1, Mar 2006 Interoperability Experiment Policies & Procedures (IE P&P) –05-130r3, April 200905-130r3, April 2009 The OGC Reference Model (ORM) –Describes the OGC Standards Baseline and the relationship between baseline documents –The OGC Standards Baseline consists of the approved OpenGIS® Abstract and Implementation Standards (Interface, Encoding, Profile, Application Schema) and Best Practice documents – –08-062r4, Nov 200808-062r4, Nov 2008 OGC Intellectual Property Rights Policies and Procedures – –

42 Interoperability Experiment Life Cycle © 2009 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. 42

43 Architecture Board Approval Conditions The IE is focused on an interoperability issue related to the OGC Technical Baseline The IE completion timeframe is reasonable (4- 6 months) The IE is “lightweight” – focuses on a single interoperability issue All materials, documents, lessons learned, and other findings developed as a result of the IE will be shared with the OGC membership © 2009 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. 43

44 44 How to participate in OOSTethys.. Luis Bermudez

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