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Subject Verb Agreement Practice Exercises. Click on the Correct Verb One of the cars in the parking lot ( h h h h h aaaa ssss h h h h h aaaa vvvv eeee.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject Verb Agreement Practice Exercises. Click on the Correct Verb One of the cars in the parking lot ( h h h h h aaaa ssss h h h h h aaaa vvvv eeee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject Verb Agreement Practice Exercises

2 Click on the Correct Verb One of the cars in the parking lot ( h h h h h aaaa ssss h h h h h aaaa vvvv eeee ) its headlights on.

3 Oops! The subject here is “one,” which is singular. The subject here is “one,” which is singular. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

4 Right! Click on the correct verb: ( TTTT hhhh eeee rrrr eeee ’’’’ ssss TT hhhh eeee rrrr eeee a a a a rrrr eeee) several squirrels in the birdhouse, eating all the birdseed.

5 Not quite! Remember, when a sentence begins with “here,” “there,” or “where,” the subject follows the verb. Remember, when a sentence begins with “here,” “there,” or “where,” the subject follows the verb. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

6 Right! Try another: Damaged by the tornado ( w w w w w aaaa ssss w w w w eeee rrrr eeee) a church, a video arcade, and a hardware store.

7 Oops! The subject in this sentence is “church,” “arcade,” and “store.” This is a plural subject. The subject in this sentence is “church,” “arcade,” and “store.” This is a plural subject. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

8 Yes! Click on the correct verb: Sylvia, as well as her sister, ( l l l l l iiii vvvv eeee ll iiii vvvv eeee ssss ) in Loveland, Colorado.

9 Not exactly. Remember, the subject here is “Sylvia.” Phrases such as “as well as” or “along with” are prepositional phrases. Remember, the subject here is “Sylvia.” Phrases such as “as well as” or “along with” are prepositional phrases. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

10 You’ve got it! Click on the correct verb. Neither the President nor the Vice-President ( a a a a a cccc cccc eeee pppp tttt ssss aa cccc cccc eeee pppp tttt ) responsibility for this scandal.

11 Not quite! Remember, when subjects are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the closest subject. Remember, when subjects are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the closest subject. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

12 Right! Click on the correct verb. ( H H H H H aaaa ssss HH aaaa vvvv eeee) the jury reached a decision yet?

13 Oops! Remember, “jury” is a collective noun that is considered singular. Remember, “jury” is a collective noun that is considered singular. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

14 Right! Click on the correct verb. Each of the students ( h h h h h aaaa ssss hh aaaa vvvv eeee ) turned in his or her research paper.

15 Not quite! “Each” is an indefinite pronoun that is always considered singular. “Each” is an indefinite pronoun that is always considered singular. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again.

16 You’ve got it! Click on the correct verb. Vinegar and oil ( s s s s s eeee eeee mmmm ssss ss eeee eeee mmmm ) to be a popular dressing with this Italian salad.

17 Not quite! Some subjects joined by “and” are considered one unit. “Vinegar and oil” is considered one flavor. Some subjects joined by “and” are considered one unit. “Vinegar and oil” is considered one flavor. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again.

18 Right! Click on the correct verb. Either Chad or Tamika ( a a a a a rrrr rrrr aaaa nnnn gggg eeee ssss aa rrrr rrrr aaaa nnnn gggg eeee ) transportation for VIPs.

19 Oops! Remember, when two subjects are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the closer subject. Remember, when two subjects are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the closer subject. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again.

20 Correct! Click on the correct verb. Neither of these slacks ( m m m m m aaaa tttt cccc hhhh eeee ssss mm aaaa tttt cccc hhhh ) that orange blouse.

21 Not exactly. “Neither” is a singular indefinite pronoun and is the subject of this sentence. “Neither” is a singular indefinite pronoun and is the subject of this sentence. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

22 Correct! Click on the correct verb. None of the night shift workers ( h h h h h aaaa ssss hh aaaa vvvv eeee ) volunteered to work on Thanksgiving.

23 Not quite! In this case, the subject “none” is considered plural because it refers to workers. In this case, the subject “none” is considered plural because it refers to workers. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

24 Right! Click on the correct verb. There ( g g g g g oooo gg oooo eeee ssss ) my Corvette and my ex- wife.

25 Oops! Remember, “there” is not the subject. The subject here is “Corvette” and “wife,” so the subject is plural. Remember, “there” is not the subject. The subject here is “Corvette” and “wife,” so the subject is plural. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

26 You’ve got it! Click on the correct verb. The condition of the hotel rooms ( i i i i i ssss aa rrrr eeee ) ) ) ) ) surprisingly good.

27 Not quite! In this case, “condition” is the subject. “Of the hotel rooms” is a prepositional phrase. In this case, “condition” is the subject. “Of the hotel rooms” is a prepositional phrase. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

28 Right! Click on the correct verb. Some of the errors ( h h h h h aaaa ssss hh aaaa vvvv eeee ) been corrected.

29 Oops! “Some” is considered plural here because it refers to “errors.” “Some” is considered plural here because it refers to “errors.” Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

30 Right! Click on the correct verb. Fifty dollars ( s s s s s eeee eeee mmmm ssss ss eeee eeee mmmm ) like a lot to pay for a steak.

31 Not quite! Amounts are considered one unit and therefore singular. Amounts are considered one unit and therefore singular. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

32 Right! Click on the correct verb. Both of the televisions in my apartment ( i i i i i ssss aaaa rrrr eeee ) not working.

33 Oops! “Both” is a plural pronoun. “Both” is a plural pronoun. Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

34 Yes! Click on the correct verb. Taken in the burglary ( w w w w w aaaa ssss ww eeee rrrr eeee) a television set, a diamond ring, and a Tickle Me Elmo doll.

35 Not quite! In this sentence, the verb follows the subject, which is “set,” “ring,” and “doll.” In this sentence, the verb follows the subject, which is “set,” “ring,” and “doll.” Click here to try again. Click here to try again. Click here to try again Click here to try again

36 Correct! This concludes the practice exercises on subject verb agreement. This concludes the practice exercises on subject verb agreement.

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