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DO NOW Define the following words: Mass Volume Density Solid Liquid Gas Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Define the following words: Mass Volume Density Solid Liquid Gas Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Define the following words: Mass Volume Density Solid Liquid Gas Matter

2 Soda Lab Each table needs: 1 Cola can 1 Diet Cola can 1 Twist Up can 1 Fruit Punch can Triple Beam Balance

3 Soda Lab 1. Our question is – Which types of soda will float on water? 2. Make a hypothesis – Which cans do you think will float? 3. As a table, measure the mass of each type of soda  Record your results in a table  The volume is listed on the can 4. As a table, calculate the density for each type of soda  Record this on your table as well Update your hypothesis if needed

4 Soda Lab 5. One table at a time, come to the back counter and put your cans of soda in the aquarium  Record your results in your table 6. Make a conclusion – Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not?

5 Soda Lab The artificial sugar in the Diet Cola is less dense than the real sugar in the other sodas Since the Diet Cola is less dense than water, it floats

6 Density Practice Worksheet Complete the Density Practice Worksheet

7 For Thursday Complete the Density Practice Worksheet It’s Red Ribbon Week! Wear sunglasses and fun socks on Wednesday

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