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RAA Website Training Initial Operations & Meetings Management.

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Presentation on theme: "RAA Website Training Initial Operations & Meetings Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAA Website Training Initial Operations & Meetings Management

2 Meeting Objectives So, you want to be a website administrator…. After this session, you’ll be able to: –Log in / out of your account –Set up a meeting or event Use download sign-up forms –Publish or forward for review / approval –View / download meeting and event attendees –Delete meetings or events from the list

3 The (new) RAA Website

4 RAA Events Page

5 RAA Board Meetings Page

6 RAA Committee Meetings Page

7 Admin Tool: Logging-in & out

8 The RAA Admin Tool Use this page for all Administrative Tasks: Select at top of page You’ll have authorization for: Edit Site Attendees Export to Excel LogOn / LogOff

9 Edit Administrators Page You’ll be set-up with a username & password on this page. Any RAA Officer can do it

10 Edit Meetings/Events Page

11 Editing an existing meeting Headings & Tools For a new meeting: –“Add New” - Click to add a new meeting from scratch To edit and existing meeting, use these: –“Date” - of the event –“Title” - Description of the event –“Type” - Event, Committee, or Board mtg –“Condition” - pick one: Visible Hidden –“Photos” - Used for Articles - not for meetings –“Attendees” - View replies to notice –“Modify” - Edit the selected meeting / event To delete a meeting or event: –“Delete” - Removes the meeting and all attendees from the database

12 Add a new meeting Page (top)

13 Inserting a new meeting, 1 Headings and tools Top of Page tools: –“Date *” - The date of the new meeting –“Headline *” - Meeting Title –“Time” - Start time –“Location” - –“RSVP Date” - Respond by or else –“Intro Text” Normally blank for Board or Committee meetings (to keep page uncluttered) Short intro summary for Events This text may be edited and formatted using the tools in the text block (only)

14 Add a new meeting Page (bottom)

15 Inserting a new meeting, 2 Headings and tools Bottom of Page tools: –“Article Text” Summary of the meeting or event - not limited in length This text may be edited and formatted using the tools in the text block, including adding hyperlinks, and downloadable sign-up forms –“Check to include on homepage” When checked, the meeting will be included in the list –“Add Registration form” Adds a standard form (generated by the software) for on-line sign-up. The software will automatically include these in the database of attendees See one - next page –“Check to approve and publish” –“Select” - Board, Committee. or Event –“Add Record” When clicked, the new meeting will be added immediately to the site

16 The Sign-up form (what the user sees)

17 Attendees List (What YOU See)

18 When the event requires a more formal sign-up You can add a form to any meeting or event –User downloads, completes the form & mails back –Used for limited attendance, or events with cost Forms can be either.doc or.pfd types –.pdf is better, but not everyone can create these Forms must be created off-line & uploaded –Copy an existing form, change it for your meeting, and save it to your computer (remembering where) –Add hyperlink text in the detailed meeting text Highlight, Right-click, select “Hyperlink” –Upload using the SPAW manager to the folder titled “RegistrationForms” under “Files” –Software will automatically connect the file to your hyperlink

19 Sign-Up Form - Step 1 Highlight the word “HERE” Then Right-Click to get this list Then select “Hyperlink” Add some text for a sign-up form

20 Sign-Up Form - Step 2 Click on this graphic To initiate a search for the Registration Form

21 Sign-Up Form - Step 3 You’re in the “Images” section need to get to “Files” section

22 Sign-Up Form - Step 4 Now in “Files” Section; select the folder “Registration Forms”

23 Sign-up Form - Step 5 A Blank Registration form you can use -or- Download it, edit it to match your event, And upload it (with the event name) To use it as-is, Highlight it & click “OK”

24 Example Sign-Up Form

25 Whew! - We’re done We now know how to… –Log in and out of our accounts –Set-up new meetings –Add sign-up details –Review attendees –Delete meetings no longer needed - after the meeting is held Export the final attendee list first, if desired What now? –Try it out! You cannot break anything –Worst case - we’ll delete a “bad” meeting –Best case - new meeting is important & now is included Go forth and administer!

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