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Validity/Reliability Matters Really? Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Validity/Reliability Matters Really? Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Validity/Reliability Matters Really? Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

2 Can a test be valid and not be reliable? Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

3 Can a test be reliable and not be valid? Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

4 Justifiable Relevant True to its purpose (consistently) Validity Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

5 Validity Design Issues Application Issues Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

6 Validity Design Issues Application Issues Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

7 Design: Creating the Instrument 1-Inference 2-Complexity Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

8 Inference LowHigh Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

9 High Inference  To draw a conclusion  To guess, surmise  To suggest, hint Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

10 Low Inference  Straightforward  Language = precise & targeted  Clear – no competing interpretations of words  No doubt as to what point is being made Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

11 Inference LowHigh Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

12 Complexity LowHigh Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

13 High Complexity  Complicated  Comprised of interrelated parts or sections  Developed with great care or with much detail Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

14 Low Complexity  Simplistic  Plain  Unsophisticated Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

15 Complexity LowHigh Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

16 Low High Inference Complexity Low High How They Are Related Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

17 Low High Inference Complexity Low High Designing the Instrument Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

18 Low High Inference Complexity Low High Due “Yesterday”! Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

19 Low High Inference Complexity Low High “Overachieving” Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

20 Low High Inference Complexity Low High How Much Error Are You Willing to Risk? Error Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

21 Low High Inference Complexity Low High Compromise Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

22 Does the OBSERVED Behavior = True Behavior? Observed SCORE ≠ TRUE SCORE E R R O R Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

23 Design: Creating the Instrument 1-Inference  General Rubric - high  Qualitative analytic rubric – low 2-Complexity  Easy to develop – question worthiness, guidance, single interpretation - low  Time to develop – labor intensive, onerous, long - high Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

24 Validity Design Issues Application Issues Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

25 Application Issues  Designated Use  Limitations/Conditions Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

26 Application Issues  Designated Use  Don’t borrow from neighbor! Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

27 Application Issues  Limitations/Conditions  One size does not fit all or apply to all circumstances Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

28 Ways to Increase Probability for Accuracy  Compare language: standards & concepts  The concepts/expectations in the standards are apparent in the assessments – same depth and breadth  Good example of Content Validity  Behavior (performance) expected in the standard matches the performance expected in the assessment – i.e., knowledge of…demonstrating skill…  Identify Key/Critical items/concepts to evaluate  Give it away for analysis (many eyes)  Invite external “expert” review  Be receptive to feedback  Surveys from P-12 partners, candidates  Regular evaluation and analysis: revise, revise, revise  Awareness of design and application issues Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

29 Ways to Increase Reliability  Begin with a valid instrument  Two reliability issues:  Reliability of the instrument: repeated use of instrument by same evaluators  If problematic: revise, re-think, abandon  Reliability of the scoring: performance rated same by different evaluators, i.e., objectivity  If problematic: ensure qualifications of evaluators, check rubric, check language, minimize generalized concepts applied to all subject areas  Train evaluators frequently Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

30 AN APPLICATION: A KSU Workshop (Handouts Available)  Th irty experienced teachers participated in a daylong workshop to help us evaluate three student teaching observation rating forms. Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

31 Three Instruments  Traditional Candidate Performance Instrument (CPI) Observation of Student Teaching. Observer is asked to indicate strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement in three broad outcomes (Subject matter, Facilitation of Learning, and Collaborative Professional).  Modified CPI Observation of Student Teaching (Observer is asked to explicitly rate each proficiency within each outcome and then provide narrative indicating any strengths, weaknesses, suggestions for improvement.  Formative Analysis Class Keys: Observer is asked to rate 26 elements from Georgia Department of Education’s Class Keys. No required narrative. Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

32 Generally we were interested in two areas……………….  Validity/Accuracy – Which instrument provides us the best inference about the present of positive behaviors (proficiencies) we deem important? AND  Reliability/Consistency – Which instrument demonstrates the best inter-rater reliability? Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

33 Study Design InstrumentGroup 1Group 2Group 3 Period 1:Traditional CPI-Narrative Video AVideo BVideo C Period 2: Modified CPI Rating and Narrative Video BVideo CVideo A Period 3: Class Key Formative Analysis Video CVideo AVideo B Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

34 Reliability  Strongest inter-rater agreement between Modified CPI with performance level rating followed by Class Keys Formative Assessment Instrument with a performance level rating.  Very little agreement between behaviors noted in Traditional CPI narratives and no performance level ratings were available. Probably not a reliable instrument for rating student teaching behaviors. Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

35 Validity  Both the traditional CPI and Modified CPI are explicitly aligned with institutional (and other) standards but the Traditional CPI is a global assessment and the Modified CPI requires a rating and narrative for each proficiency.  However, the traditional CPI has not demonstrated reliability….so  Participants were also asked to provide information about the language, clarity, ease of use for all instruments. Beverly Mitchell, Kennesaw State University

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