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HydrologyHydrology-How we use our water! Condensation Transpiration Precipitation Runoff Infiltration.

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Presentation on theme: "HydrologyHydrology-How we use our water! Condensation Transpiration Precipitation Runoff Infiltration."— Presentation transcript:

1 HydrologyHydrology-How we use our water! Condensation Transpiration Precipitation Runoff Infiltration






7 Zone of aeration Zone of Saturation




11 Infiltration occurs when the regolith is: permeable unsaturated moderate slope Runoff occurs when the regolith is: Impermeable Saturated Steep gradient

12 Permeability The ability of water to flow through. The speed is the permeability rate.permeability The opening of the rock material must be interconnected to allow water to flow through. Water infiltrates through the zone of aeration until it reaches the zone of saturation. The water table is at the top of the zone of saturation.water table Impermeable bedrock is below the zone of saturation.

13 Porosity Is the amount of open space between particles. It depends on –Shape –Packing –Sorting –Not size

14 Porosity and Shape Rounds have greater porosity or open space than angular particles. Angular -very little open space Round-more open space


16 Porosity and Packing Tightly packed materials have a lower porosity. Loosely packed -high porosity Tightly packed -low porosity

17 Porosity and sorting Same size = well sorted (high porosity) Different size = poorly sorted/unsorted (low porosity) Same size = high porosity Mixed = low porosity

18 Porosity and size The same shape particles have the same porosity as long as they are sorted. Porosity = 30% Mixed = 10%

19 Porosity and Permeability For water to quickly infiltrate a material must be porous and permeable Aquifer – natural water pipe

20 Water Retention Smaller particles retain more water because smaller particles have more surface area.

21 Capillarity Water moving upward through soil. Smaller holes are better.

22 Hydrologic cycle Aquifer – artesian well Capillary water

23 Weathering Break down Preparation for erosion Smaller the particle=faster Climate and type of material make a huge difference in weathering rates.

24 Physical Weathering SMALLER PIECES –Frost Action –Abrasion –Exfoliation

25 Chemical Weathering Smaller BY CHEMICAL CHANGE –Oxidation - oxygen –Hydration - water –Carbonation – carbonic acid (acid rain) –Decay – rot, acid is given off, breaks down materials

26 Today 1.Turn in corrected quiz 2.Finish halite shake and finish lab 3.In packet, complete the soil section 2-2 using a Earth’s Changing Surface book. Take it home if needed.

27 Soil End product of weathering. Residual – stays in one spot Transported – moved from the original rock

28 For Monday Correct Quiz Finish lab Look at chart on page 132

29 In computer lab: 1. Finish weathering and erosion scavenger hunt In book, 2-2 (should be done) In book, 2-3, Soil Conservation –Homework if it is not done today!

30 Surface area and weathering s/texture/soilgeo.swf

31 Starter, graph and questions page 132 Soil and weathering video 10 questions Homework – Erosion 3-1 with book

32 Starter On an index card, answer questions 1-10 on page 135-137 in your green book. On your desk, please get out your homework 3-1 Erosion so I can check it. Today: Erosion/Streamflow lab 3-2 and stream tables after your notes.

33 Erosion

34 Starter Video Lab 3-3 For Thursday: Water Erosion, using the Earth Changing Surface Book Finish lab – including questions (conclusion)

35 Starter On an index card, answer question 1-10 on page 141-143. Use your notes! Lab from Friday out 3-2

36 Down cutting V-shaped valley Stream

37 Lateral Erosion – flood plain

38 Youth V-Shaped Valley Rapids Waterfalls No Flood Plain Drainage Divides Broad and Flat, Undissected by Erosion Valley Being Deepened General Agreement on this stage, lots of examples

39 Maturity (Early) V-Shaped Valley Beginnings of Flood Plain Sand and Gravel Bars Sharp Divides Relief Reaches Maximum Valleys stop deepening General Agreement on this stage, lots of examples

40 Maturity (Late) Valley has flat bottom Narrow Flood Plain Divides begin to round off Relief diminishes Sediment builds up, flood plain widens River begins to meander Lots of Disagreement from here on; some geologists believe slopes stay steep but simply retreat.

41 Stream evolution

42 Old Age ; Very Wide Flood Plain Land worn down to flat surface (Peneplain) Resistant rocks form residual hills (Monadnocks) Pronounced River Meanders Cut-off Meanders (Ox-bow lakes)

43 Rejuvenation Uplift of Land (Lowering of Sea Level, sometimes greater stream flow) causes stream to speed up and cut deeper. Stream valley takes on youthful characteristics but retains features of older stages as well. Can happen at any point in the cycle.

44 Meanders Erosion Deposition


46 Erosion Deposition

47 Cut-off





52 Thursday - wrap up of erosion/deposition notes Friday – deposition/stream lab Monday – Go over constructed response Next Week – Tuesday – Section 1, Surface Processes Test

53 Tributaries

54 Distributaries


56 Delta – Alluvial fan

57 All delta deposits

58 Delta development


60 Sand Bars – parallel to the shoreline

61 Colloids never settle Big sediment Small sediment


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