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Matter Matters! An introduction to the three phases of matter. Students will conduct physical and virtual Experiments to investigate the properties of.

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Presentation on theme: "Matter Matters! An introduction to the three phases of matter. Students will conduct physical and virtual Experiments to investigate the properties of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter Matters! An introduction to the three phases of matter. Students will conduct physical and virtual Experiments to investigate the properties of Solids, liquids and gases. Copyright 2011 New Dimension Media

2 General Summary:  Concept: Phases of Matter | Recommended for Grades 3-5  Common Core State Standards: Reading Standards for Informational Text K-5, Key Ideas and Details 3: Explain events, procedures, ideas or concepts in a historical, scientific or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.  Illinois Learning Standard for Science: 12.C.2b Describe and explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Teacher Tips: By the time students have reached their elementary years, they have had extensive experience with the three primary phases of matter. Bikes, baseballs, televisions, desks and chairs are solid objects, for instance, and your students have most likely had the opportunity to manipulate those in course of play or school. Students have manipulated liquids while swimming or pouring themselves a glass of juice, and students have manipulated gases by inflating balloons, struggling to walk on a windy day or blowing glitter off their art projects and all over your immaculate classroom floor. The bottom line is this: Students have an immense wealth of content knowledge about matter already. That prior knowledge just needs to be connected to the concepts and vocabulary of the phases of matter. Students must make the short but essential transition from “juice goes in the glass” to “liquids take on the shape of their container." Copyright 2011 New Dimension Media

3 Lesson Focus: These experiments offer an opportunity for students to engage directly in their learning process, and as fun as it can be, it is important to remember that comprehension of the phases of matter provides a foundation for more complex concepts. Students will be expected to break down matter into parts in later years, and eventually explain the function, behavior and properties of molecules and atoms in chemistry, physics, biology and the higher-order scientific disciplines. As you might imagine, the Common Core State Standards and individual state learning standards require a thorough grounding in the phases of matter. Copyright 2011 New Dimension Media

4 Enduring Understandings  Matter can exist in three phases: solid, liquid and gas. Each of the phases of matter have defining characteristics. Essential Questions  What are the three phases of matter?  What are the properties of each phase of matter?  How does matter change from one phase to another? Copyright 2011 New Dimension Media

5 The first experiment is designed to engage students in analysis and allow them to investigate different phases of matter, and then later connect their descriptions and impressions to the concepts and vocabulary required by the lesson objectives. For this experiment, you will need zip-top plastic bags filled with different substances representing the three phases of matter. Each substance should be able to fit in a clear plastic or glass cup. Here are some suggestions of what you could put in the plastic bags: Solids: wooden blocks, rocks, marbles, ball bearings, etc. Liquids: water, oil, honey, non-toxic glue (Elmer ’ s), syrup, etc. Gas: classroom air would be fine, but if you have access to helium or more exotic and/or colored gases, that would be fantastic! Each plastic bag is its own station. Students should rotate from station to station in an orderly fashion with a specific time limit for each. Students should journal their observations of each substance. Students will probably come up with descriptive statements like “ marbles are round and hard ”, or “ honey is squishy ” or “ the bag is the only thing keeping the air inside." After the students have had a chance to express their experiential results, begin connecting/translating their descriptions to the academic concepts required by the lesson. For instance: Marbles are round and hard. Solids have a definite shape. Honey is squishy. Liquids do not have a definite shape. The bag is the only thing keeping the air inside. Gases do not have a definite shape. You can follow up the concept of definite/indefinite shape with the concept of definite/indefinite volume. Pour the contents of each bag into the clear plastic or glass cups. Students will be able to see clear boundaries between the solids and liquids and the surrounding air, demonstrating that solids and liquids have definite volume, while gases do not have a definite volume. Teacher Tips: Experiment 1 Copyright 2011 New Dimension Media

6 Experiment 1: Mystery Bags Visit each station for approximately 3 minutes and create a journal entry for each station recording your observations. You'll need: Station 1Station 2 Station 3

7 Teacher Tips: Video 1 The following video will reiterate the characteristics of the phases of matter in the first two segments. (The entire video is six minutes long.) Students complete an accompanying graphic organizer while viewing the film. Conclusions you want students to understand after viewing the film: Solids have definite shapes and volumes. Liquids have no definite shape but a definite volume. Gases have no definite shape and no definite volume. All phases of matter take up space. In the third segment, the video will introduce the effects of energy on matter, and how energy makes the molecules in matter behave differently. Students may not understand immediately why the behavior of molecules has consequences for the characteristics of matter. Using an analogy can be helpful when teaching this concept. You can use the analogy below or create an analogy of your own to drive home the deep learning related to the affect energy can have on molecules. Students are like molecules: When students are reading or working quietly, they are still, and the class remains in a relatively consistent shape and space, like a solid. When students are walking in line to the library or gym, they take up the same amount of space, but the shape of the class line changes to go around corners or up stairs. When students are on recess, the shape of the class changes as kids run around, and the kids will take up the whole playground or gym, whatever space is available. Copyright 2011 New Dimension Media

8 Now check out this video to learn more about the phases of matter! Great job with your experiment! Copyright 2011 New Dimension Media

9 Teacher Notes About Copyright Throughout this lesson you might have noticed the 2011 Copyright New Dimension Media tag. The meaning of this tag is important for you to understand in terms of your use in upholding copyright law. 1. You cannot distribute this lesson plan beyond your school boundaries. 2. Film producers receive royalties on their work and distributing these lessons outside of this agreement means they will not receive remuneration for their work. 3. If you enjoy high-quality media content, then you will want film producers to keep producing. This will only happen if they receive the royalties they have agreed to in their contract which, in turn, allows educational companies like us to extend high-quality media content to our customers. 4. Copyright law also covers the images in this lesson. These cannot be re-purposed and distributed outside of this lesson. Doing so does break copyright law. 5. We are required to say this in legal terms so our legal disclaimer is below: License to Use Lesson Plan and Content: NDM hereby grants to the Approved Teacher a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to display and use the content, images and methods included in this Lesson Plan. The license also applies to other Teachers in the Approved Teacher ’ s school District only. This Lesson Plan cannot be distributed or sold outside the Approved Teacher ’ s District. Restrictions on Use: Teachers shall not make or distribute unauthorized copies of the content, images or methods included in this Lesson Plan. Unauthorized use or distribution of content at unlicensed sites is a violation of intellectual property rights and subject to additional fees and charges. Trademarks and Copyrights: New Dimension Media, CCC! (Core Curriculum Content!) and other trademarks contained in the content and Lesson Plan are the trademarks of NDM. Third party trademarks, trade names, product names, logos, images, copyrights or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols or labels in the content and Lesson Plan are the property of their owners. The license to use this Lesson Plan does not authorize Teachers or students to use the names, trademarks or copyrights of NDM or its licensors or third parties except as set forth herein.

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