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Propaganda Ideas, information or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to harm an opposing cause. Propaganda is used to influence the.

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Presentation on theme: "Propaganda Ideas, information or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to harm an opposing cause. Propaganda is used to influence the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Propaganda Ideas, information or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to harm an opposing cause. Propaganda is used to influence the thinking of others.

2 Name Calling Gives “bad name” to people, products, groups, nations, races, beliefs, and ideals

3 Name Calling

4 Pepsi vs. Coke Sometimes the name calling will be subtle; implying that one product is better than another

5 Glittering Generalities Uses appealing words/ images without giving any concrete idea about what is being advertised. Often uses words like brotherhood, liberty, justice, freedom, motherhood, and apple pie Stalin

6 Glittering Generalities

7 5 React gum “Everyone experiences it differently” “Stimulate your senses”

8 Transference Advertisers have us transfer approval from something we readily approve of to their program. “If we approve of one, then, we have to accept the other.” Uses the power of symbols

9 Transference Beer commercials often center around sports so that drinking takes on a healthy image which is far from the truth

10 Transference Bud Light You like football? Then you’ll like Bud Light.

11 The Testimonial Uses personal interviews/ endorsements to persuade us The more prominent the person, the more powerful the testimony

12 The Testimonial Be like Mike

13 The Testimonial Clay Matthews shoe commercial Clay Matthews thinks these shoes are great, so should you!

14 The Plain Folks Uses words or images to portray “just ordinary folks” to convince us that they are in tune with people like us. Politicians are famous for this

15 The Plain Folks Xfinity Clorox Advertisers use “every day/ordinary” people in their ads to show that they know what our lives are like

16 Card Stacking Only part of the truth is highlighted Negative aspects of the product are left out, written in fine print, or said so fast the consumer can’t hear it

17 Card Stacking ◦Common side effects are diarrhea, upset stomach, muscle and joint pain, and some changes in blood tests.

18 Abilify Do the positives outweigh the negatives???

19 Bandwagon Urges us to join everyone else “Everyone’s doing it”

20 Bandwagon McDonalds commercial You should participate to be part of the “in-crowd”

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