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COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. TODAY’S OUTCOMES  2.7.4 Examine the role of unions in the workplace and the process of collective bargaining. (a)  2.7.5 Analyze.

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Presentation on theme: "COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. TODAY’S OUTCOMES  2.7.4 Examine the role of unions in the workplace and the process of collective bargaining. (a)  2.7.5 Analyze."— Presentation transcript:


2 TODAY’S OUTCOMES  2.7.4 Examine the role of unions in the workplace and the process of collective bargaining. (a)  2.7.5 Analyze the major components of a collective bargaining agreement. (a)  2.7.6 Compare and contrast job actions taken by labour and by employers to obtain a collective agreement. (a)

3 Today can you…?  Define collective bargaining and explain why it is used?  Name the 4 components of collective bargaining?  Name at least 2 job actions by employees and explain them?  Name at least 2 job actions by employers and explain them?

4 2.7.4 Examine the role of unions in the workplace and the process of collective bargaining. (a)  _collective_bargaining.cnnmoney/ _collective_bargaining.cnnmoney/

5 2.7.5 Analyze the major components of a collective bargaining agreement. (a) There are four issues that are potential components of a collective bargaining agreement are:

6 1. Compensation-  wages - pay  fringe benefits – other than pay  vacations and holidays  shift premiums – extra pay for back shifts  profit sharing – shares in the company

7 2. Personnel Policies and Procedures-  Layoffs – removing employees due to lack of need  promotion  transfer policies  overtime  vacation rules

8 3. Employee Rights and Responsibilities-  seniority rights – which workers get first choice  job standards – what is expected of workers, such as length of shift  workplace rules – for example dress code

9 4. Employer Rights and Responsibilities-  management rights – what managers are permitted to do  just cause discipline and discharge - firing  subcontracting – hiring other workers with jobs related to the union  safety standards

10 2.7.6 Compare and contrast job actions taken by labour and by employers to obtain a collective agreement. (a) Job Action: a temporary action by workers to protest management decision or to make demands

11 Types of Job actions by employees  direct action - a protest action by labour or minority groups to obtain their demands  go-slow - a form of protest by workers in which they deliberately slow down in order to cause problem from their employers  work to rule - a job action in which workers cause a slowdown by doing only the minimum amount required by the rules of the workplace  strike, work stoppage - a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions; "the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled"

12 Types of Job actions by employers  Strikebreaking – choosing to not negotiate with the union. Hire scabs.  Lockout – choosing to stop work.  Strike preparation – increase inventories before a strike occurs.  Ethnic hiring – hire people of different cultures and languages to increase the difficulty of union cohesion.

13 Break into groups:  Discuss the following topics and using a piece of paper and anything else you like to create a slogan that illustrates the groups general thinking on the issue:  Occupy wall street  Unions and their pros and cons  Collective bargaining

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