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Narrative Short Story Review Am I ready for the test?

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Short Story Review Am I ready for the test?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Short Story Review Am I ready for the test?

2 What is the internal conflict that Martin has in “The Elevator”?

3 Answer: Martin is afraid of the elevator.

4 What story has an unreliable narrator?

5 Answer: 1) The Hitchhiker – because Ronald Adams isn’t living in reality. 2) The Tell-Tale-Heart because the narrator is insane.

6 What is unusual about the way the landlady answered the door?

7 Answer: She answers the door very quickly.

8 In “The Tell-Tale-Heart”Why does the Narrator want to kill the old man?

9 Answer: The narrator hates the old man’s eye.

10 In “The Tell-Tale-Heart” when the narrator keeps going into the bedroom each night it builds what for the reader?

11 Answer: Builds tension and suspense.

12 In “The Monkey’s Paw, the setting creates what mood?

13 Answer: The setting creates a scary mood: the house is the only one on the road, all the action happens at night, it is windy.

14 What two stories end at the climax?

15 Answer: The Elevator and The Lady or the Tiger

16 When Ronald Adams’ mother warns him about driving fast and pick up strangers – it is an example of?

17 Answer: Forshadowing

18 When Morris throws the paw into the fire, the reader can infer that?

19 Answer: The paw is bad luck

20 What story is the only comedy?

21 Answer: Us and Them

22 When David Sedaris eats the candy when it will make him sick is an example of what kind of Irony?

23 Answer: Situational Irony – we wouldn’t expect him to eat it – we would think he would give it away

24 What is the external conflict Martin faces?

25 Answer: Marin doesn’t get along with his father and that the fat lady is after him. (If we believe the fat lady is real)

26 What can we predict about the narrator in “The Tell-Tale-Heart” at the beginning of the story?

27 Answer: He is insane because he wants to kill someone because of their eye

28 How does the Narrator get caught with the murder?

29 Answer: The narrator confesses to the crime

30 Why does Mr. White in “The Monkey’s Paw” ask for 200 pounds

31 Answer: He wants to pay off his mortgage

32 “Us and Them” When the parents agree that they do not like TV, but then watch it all evening, it is an example of ?

33 Answer: Verbal Irony

34 Who is the protagonist in “The Landlady?

35 Answer: Billy Weaver

36 Who is the protagonist in “The Landlady”?

37 Answer: The Landlady

38 In “The Landlady, why does the tea taste funny?

39 Answer: There is poison in it!

40 Who it the protagonist in “Us and Them”?

41 Answer: David Sedaris

42 What story was written as a radio play?

43 Answer: “The Hitchhiker”

44 At the end of the story, what does Ronald Adam’s realize?

45 Answer: He is dead.

46 What is the resolution of a story?

47 Answer: Where the story ends

48 In “The Lady or the Tiger, what is the young man’s crime?

49 Answer: He fell in love with the king’s daughter

50 What is verbal irony?

51 Answer: When someone says something, but they mean the opposite

52 What is situational irony?

53 Answer: When the opposite of what you expect happens.

54 What is dramatic irony?

55 Answer: When the reader knows something that the characters do not

56 What two genre’s have dramatic irony?

57 Answer: Horror and comedy

58 What is a genre?

59 Answer: It is a category in which a work of literature is categorized

60 What is a climax?

61 Answer: A struggle between opposing forces and one of the most important elements of a story

62 What is a flashback?

63 Answer: When the action is stopped to tell readers what happened at an earlier time

64 What story does Billy Weaver belong to?

65 Answer: “The Landlady”

66 What story does Morris belong to?

67 Answer: “The Monkey’s Paw”

68 What story does Martin belong to?

69 Answer: “The Elevator”

70 What story does the King belong to?

71 Answer: “The Lady or the Tiger:

72 What story does the Tomkey’s belong to?

73 Answer “Us or Them”

74 What story does Ronald Adam’s belong to?

75 Answer: “The Hitchhiker”

76 What story does the insane narrator belong to?

77 Answer: “The Tell-Tale-Heart”

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