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Chatbots 101 0121 247 3628.

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Presentation on theme: "Chatbots 101 0121 247 3628."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chatbots 101

2 Health Warning TLAs Ahead

3 What is a chatbot? A chatbot (also chatterbot, chatterbox) is a computer program which attempts to maintain a conversation with a person. - Wikipedia

4 What is a chatbot? Virtual Assistant Virtual Helper Virtual Agent Virtual Customer Service Assistant Virtual Customer Service Agent Web Assistant

5 What is a chatbot?

6 How does a chatbot work?

7 How does a chatbot work - Interface
Speech Text ? Input Text Speech Output

8 How does a chatbot work - Cases
<aiml> <category> <pattern>HELLO * </pattern> <template> <random><li>Hello World!</li><li>Hi</li></random> </template> </category> </aiml>

9 Case Dimensions 1 How do Daden operate? When was Daden founded?
Who owns Daden? Where are Daden based? What do Daden do? What are Daden?

10 Case Dimensions 2 What do Daden do? Rephrasing Subsidiary Questions
Alternate answers

11 How does a chatbot work - Modules
Internal Time User Memory Conversation Memory Gossip Garbage Learning Mood Emotion Dream External Generic RSS RDF/ATOM REST RPC-XML SOAP Screenscrape External Specific Amazon Google RSSWeather BBC News Wikipedia

12 How does a chatbot work - Management
Learn from all users, all inputs Jabberwacky Convo-logging ALICE Halo Brian Question users Learn from the web Hybrids

13 How does a chatbot work?

14 Is it Artificial Intelligence?

15 How do organisations use chatbots?
As guides As newscasters As an alternative to a FAQ As survey takers As teachers and trainers As interpreters for the visually impaired As virtual sales people As customer service assistants As personal assistants

16 Why do organisations use chatbots?
Differentiate their site/campaign/content Build identification/empathy Increase usage and loyalty Increase trust Improve usability In order to: Increase sales Increase customer retention Increase course completion and information retention

17 Who’s Using Chatbots and Avatars?

18 Chatbots 101

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