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Unit 6 Vocabulary 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Vocabulary 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Vocabulary 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

2 ANSWER 1q This gave industrialized nations raw materials and markets to exploit

3 1a Imperialism

4 2q ANSWER This uprising was an attempt to rid China of foreigners

5 2a Boxer Rebellion

6 3q ANSWER Migration into the city

7 3a urbanization

8 4q ANSWER This British imperialist and successful businessman was a major supporter of British expansion

9 4a Cecil Rhodes

10 5q ANSWER Name given to the westernization, modernization, industrialization, and end to Japanese isolationism

11 5a Meiji Restoration

12 6q ANSWER Political/economic system that believes that government should reform business

13 6a Socialism

14 7q ANSWER The belief that the Jews should have a homeland

15 7a Zionism

16 8q ANSWER A number of unfair treaties between China and various Western powers in the 19 th century. The Treaty of Nanjing is an example

17 8a unequal treaties

18 9q ANSWER The shift in England during the 18 th century from making goods by hand to making them by machine. Numerous people would move to the cities as a result

19 9a Industrial Revolution

20 10q ANSWER A disregard for ethnicity and culture occurred during this as European countries tried to “get what they could”

21 10a Scramble for Africa

22 11q ANSWER The white man’s responsibility to show the world their “advanced ways”

23 11a White Man’s Burden

24 12q ANSWER This factory owner made numerous reforms including education and age limits of factory workers

25 12a Robert Owen

26 13q ANSWER Investors put their money in their business

27 13a Capitalism

28 14q ANSWER European countries made up rules for carving up Africa

29 14a Congress of Berlin

30 15q ANSWER This showed Japan was a military power and Russia was outdated

31 15a Russo-Japanese War

32 16q ANSWER The stronger countries will control the weaker ones.

33 16a Social Darwinism

34 17q ANSWER This gave the United States access to two Japanese ports.

35 17a Treaty of Kanajawa

36 18q ANSWER Belief that government should stay out of business’ affairs.

37 18a laissez-faire

38 19q ANSWER The leader of the Jewish Zionist movement

39 19a Theodor Herzl

40 20q ANSWER A disrespect for Indian culture led to this uprising by Indian soldiers against the British

41 20a Sepoy Mutiny

42 21q ANSWER This famine led to mass death and migration from Ireland

43 21a Irish potato famine

44 22q ANSWER Type of economy where goods are produced on a supply and demand basis

45 22a Market economy

46 23q ANSWER United States policy which stated that China should be open to all merchants. This actually kept China from being colonized

47 23a Open Door policy

48 24q ANSWER He believed that all history was a struggle between the classes (the haves and have-nots)

49 24a Karl Marx

50 25q ANSWER A conflict between Britain and China over Britain’s trade. This showed China how weak they in fact were.

51 25a Opium Wars

52 26q He believed in the Principals of Population that population would always exceed food supply. New inventions that made for greater food production proved him wrong ANSWER

53 26a Thomas Malthus

54 27q This time period led to a great output of crops. Fewer farmers were needed. People began to move to the cities to work in the factories. ANSWER

55 27a Agrarian Revolution

56 28q This looked into the practice of child labor by interviewing those involved ANSWER

57 28a Sadler Report

58 29q After the Russo- Japanese War of 1904, Japan would annex this nation ANSWER

59 29a Korea

60 30q Conflict in which the British and the Dutch farmers fought for control of South Africa ANSWER

61 30a Boer War

62 31q Goods were no longer made at home. They could be made cheaper and faster. ANSWER

63 31a Factory System

64 32q His book, The Wealth of a Nation, supported the idea of laissez faire ANSWER

65 32a Adam Smith

66 33q Term given to European control of areas of China ANSWER

67 33a Spheres of Influence

68 34q This war which took place in Korea showed Japan to be a world power. ANSWER

69 34a Sino-Japanese War

70 35q Economic/political system where people own the means to production. Everyone owns everything, no one owns anything. ANSWER

71 35a Communism

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