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Building a Knowledge Management System as a Life Cycle

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1 Building a Knowledge Management System as a Life Cycle
Ganakrishnan, RMIT University, Vietnam

2 Objective viewed as a lifecycle that begins with a master plan and ends with a system structured to meet Knowledge Management requirements for the entire company This paper examines the usefulness and value in building a Knowledge Management System as a Life cycle in enterprise resource planning (ERP)

3 Introduction comparison between a conventional information system life cycle and a knowledge management life cycle The relationship between these two can be perceived by analyzing the role of the systems analyst and that of a knowledge developer .

system analyst deals with data and information from the user who in turn relies heavily on the system analyst for the solution under the conventional information system knowledge developer deals with knowledge captured from the people with known knowledge in the firm’s specific know how of the company to produce future cash flows.

conventional information system life cycle- the main interface for the systems analyst is with the novice user, who knows the problem but not the solution (no in-house expert) knowledge system life cycle- the knowledgeable person who knows the problem and the solution DEVELOPED WITHIN THE FIRM

conventional information system primarily go by a sequential process, that is, particular steps are carried out in a particular order (analysis testing design) knowledge management system life cycle is incremental and interactive (not built in a few large steps, rather, it evolves toward a final form)


System testing normally at end of conventional system life cycle; KM system testing evolves from beginning of the cycle need for corrections and modifications in the system and in the processes can be carried out so that the evolving system is in line with the requirements of the users for finalizing solutions to problems

9 Conventional System Life Cycle
KM System Life Cycle Recognition of Need and Feasibility Study Evaluate Existing Infrastructure Software Requirements Specifications Form the KM team Logical Design (master design plan) Knowledge Capture Physical Design (Coding) Design KM Blueprint Testing Verify and Validate the KM system Ottar So what is the difference between Conventional System Life Cycle and a KM System Life Cycle? In short NEW names. O yea they have also added this box here (Click) Well in the book they count 7 differences, but they are confusing the difference with the development of the methods, (E.g. saying that quality is build into the KM System Life Cycle and not the other) So, what in our opinion are the differences? KM system life cycle deals with capturing the knowledge available to the organisation. Inside and outside sources. KM system deals with the knowledge capture from experts. Conventional IS systems deals with the information needed by the user. Focuses on user needs for information and fulfil those needs. Implementation Implement the KM system Operations and Maintenance Manage Change and Rewards Structures Post system Evaluation

10 SYSTEMS MAINTAINENCE Knowledge editors are assigned roles as quality assurance keepers and ensure compliance to standards of maintenance ensures that every step in the knowledge system development and system maintenance is error free.

11 KNOWLEDGE CAPTURE works well and systematically in the process for knowledge capture, knowledge design and knowledge implementation. KMSLC- The system captures explicit knowledge from repositories, and tacit from company experts and knowledge stored in databases for all authorized personnel

12 KNOWLEDGE CAPTURE KM system life cycle is result-oriented or “start slow and grow” Conventional system life cycle is process-driven and documentation oriented (flow of the data) or “specify then build”

13 KNOWLEDGE CAPTURE Viewing the knowledge management system as a life cycle has positive uses in making itself an open-ended system accommodating incremental information and data from reviewing with experts and users as the process moves along towards implementation

14 CONCLUSION Building a KMS as a Life Cycle augurs well as one that does not follow some kind of rigid set sequence of steps on the conventional systems development. KMSLC supports tools like rapid prototyping, incorporating changes on the spot, and augmenting and refining the knowledge management system until it is ready for use.

15 CONCLUSION The internal make up of the system is checked to see that the right knowledge is available when needed in the format required and that any rules will take place when they are supposed to

16 CONCLUSION A knowledge development cycle in an organization consists of knowledge creation, knowledge adaptation, knowledge distribution, and knowledge review and revision phases. The discussion show that KM system encompasses all the above phases and elements in its life cycle as a ‘start slow and grow’ incremental process

17 CONCLUSION This paper is supportive of the view that there are various helpful uses and advantages in the development of knowledge management system as a life cycle

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