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Queenstown Professional Learning. The state of play  PLD the strongest system lever in improving educational outcomes yet:  Plethora of providers; 

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Presentation on theme: "Queenstown Professional Learning. The state of play  PLD the strongest system lever in improving educational outcomes yet:  Plethora of providers; "— Presentation transcript:

1 Queenstown Professional Learning

2 The state of play  PLD the strongest system lever in improving educational outcomes yet:  Plethora of providers;  Sporadic access;  Lack of in depth work.

3 Teacher requirements  Ongoing PLD.  Trusted.  Local.  Available to all.  Sound balance of internal and external expertise.

4 The old consensus: SSS evaluation  Equity in access to services.  Synergy between pre-service and in- service teacher education.  Consistency of implementation of the national curriculum.  Schools development rather than individual teacher development focus.

5 SSS evaluation continued  A future focus to assist schools to look beyond the immediate issues and to proactively shape vision and direction.  Teaching practice is informed by evidence, thus forging a closer relationship in which knowledge is valued and shared.

6 Meenakshi’s Findings  More open, formal, systematic approach to school selection.  Increased information sharing to direct PLD.  Focus on the school as a system to better use the resource.  Coordinated and connected PLD.

7 Current PLD provision  28 different contracts.  ‘Fully contestable’ model for letting contracts.  Contracts let to consortia and companies.  MOE chooses schools to target(use of SAFs and Senior Advisers).

8 National Provision: Contracts that have been let  Te Kotahitanga (closing down - EOI for new phase).  Ako Panuku (Maori teachers- Haemata Ltd).  Aspiring Principals (University of Waikato – Te Toi Tupu).  First Time Principals (Auckland Uni).

9 National Provision continued  He Kakano (University of Waikato).  Secondary Student Achievement Contract.  PB4L (Ministry of Education).  PB4L case study.


11 PB4L National PLD  Current evaluation.  Solid resourced process.  Based on evidence.  Is the PLD lever strong enough?  Data gathering process is progressing.

12 Restorative Practices  24 trial schools.  RP manual.  National PLD around RP facilitation.

13  Need for local infra-structure that both delivers and coordinates PLD.  Has a role in principal appointment and leadership development.  Is trusted and high quality to support and sustain quality teaching. Cathy Wylie- Vital Connections

14 PPTA role  Pressuring government for better PLD more aligned with Best Evidence Synthesis.  Professional Learning Groups.  Survey on PLD Term 2.  Preferred Professional Activities 2012:



17 Issues we can support you with  The Quality Teaching for Excellence and Equity document.  Teacher appraisal – PPTA’s resources.  Positive Behaviour for Learning and School Wide and restorative practices.  Session on PPTA’s ‘Safer Schools for All’.  The PLD toolkit.

18 What we can help with  Topics and issues of relevance.  Organising speakers.  Providing Advisory Officers to take workshops.  Best Evidence.  Collaborative practice.

19 Suggestions  Local issues and local (external and internal) expertise.  Sharing what works.  “What’s that school down the road doing about…?”  “I’ve heard that … is doing some really cool stuff with….”

20 Contact us   04 9134242  021822045  Twitter: @PPTA_PIU  @martinallenh

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