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Discussion of Allen, Carletti, Goldstein & Leonello „ Government Guarantees and Financial Stability“ Gerhard Illing LMU Munich University/CESifo Norges.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion of Allen, Carletti, Goldstein & Leonello „ Government Guarantees and Financial Stability“ Gerhard Illing LMU Munich University/CESifo Norges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion of Allen, Carletti, Goldstein & Leonello „ Government Guarantees and Financial Stability“ Gerhard Illing LMU Munich University/CESifo Norges Bank Workshop on Understanding Macroprudential Regulation 29 November, 2012

2 Central issues How to cope with Moral Hazard effects of public interventions (deposit guarantee schemes)? Optimal design of Financial Safety Nets? Challenge: Distinguish between fundamental and panic driven runs (runs due to coordination failure) Insolvency vs. illiquidity Panic driven runs: Multiple equilibria ~ how to handle indeterminacy? Elegant model. Tractable Structure But only first step – some key issues not yet solved

3 Summary – Model setup Modeling Strategy: Analyze Public Guarantuee Schemes in Goldstein /Pauzner version of Diamond/Dybvig model Model allows for both fundamental and panic driven bank runs Model determines strategies of depositors and banks endogenously Indeterminacy of multiple equilibria solved by Global Game approach (Goldstein /Pauzner) Depositors receive noisy signals about fundamentals Inefficiency if runs are panic driven; Public support improves outcome, but may increase region with fundamental runs beyond “efficient” level

4 Summary – Model setup Diamond Dybvig type Deposit contract High return R>1 with p(θ) at date 2 θ: state of the economy Depositors get noisy signal: x i = θ+ε i θ high: Good fundamentals - no run (upper dominance); θ≤θ low: bad fundamentals - always run (lower dominance) intermediate range: multiple equilibria; panic runs Goldstein/Pauzner Global games solution: Critical θ*: no run above some threshold θ*! Both θ and θ* are increasing in c 1 In the range θ≤θ≤θ* panic driven runs  Interventions can prevent panic runs encourage insurance (higher c 1 ) Moral Hazard: Support may induce „excessive risk“ - shifting θ(c 1 ) upward beyond some optimal level.

5 Comments Laissez Faire solution: Banks determine θ*(c 1 ) such that Marginal gain from better risk sharing (higher c 1 for early consumers) equals Marginal loss from increased probability of runs (higher θ*(c 1 ) )  c 1 D (Constrained) efficient solution: prevent panic runs  only fundamental runs;  threshold θ(c 1 )  c 1 SP >c 1 D Problem: How to avoid panic runs? Costless insurance against panic runs? Implementation mechanism left unclear in the paper: Insure depositors only for θ<θ(c 1 ). Resources needed? Announcement to repay depositors only if θ <θ(c 1 ) won’t help if private agents cannot observe θ General Critique: Clear-cut regions of fundamental and panic runs implausible ~~ Too simplified view: In reality, signals provide noisy information about true state of the world  alpha error vs. beta error

6 Comments Social planner allows transfer of resources from some public good Idea: Real deposit insurance in period 1: Guarantee c 1 SPI >1 in the case of fundamental runs (θ<θ(c 1 )) Paid out from funds g available for public goods Ad hoc modeling strategy Since risk averse agents prefer some insurance, why not insure depositors with c 1 SPI >1 in all states θ? Why not also insure against bad realization in period 2? Crucial issue: Resources g modeled as exogenously given; corner solutions g not properly modeled (deus ex machina): Partial equilibrium! Determine investment in g endogenously ex ante (distortionary taxes) Strong incentives to provide insurance pool against systemic risks Why no private insurance (investment in safe assets; equity funds)?

7 Comments Inefficiencies from public guarantee schemes Guarantuees induce moral hazard (excessive risk taking): c 1 GG >c 1 SP θ(c 1 GG )>θ(c 1 SP ). Externality: Government provides insurance funds without adequate „pricing,“ taking private deposit contracts c 1 GG as given;  overinsurance In line with intuition, but not worked out properly: Characterise efficient pricing strategy as benchmark case ~ not done convincingly in the paper (only a first step) Key argument: Cannot prevent banks to offer contracts c 1 GG >c 1 SPI Simple mechanism: Provide deposit insurance only for banks offering contracts with payout c 1 ≤ c 1 SPI Other available options : capital adequacy; liquidity requirements No role in your set-up ~ strong limitation

8 Comments Comparison of different public deposit insurance schemes All transfer resources from some given public good g to depositors 1) Pay out c 1 D to depositors only at t=1 2) Pay out c 1 D to depositors both at t=1 and t=2 3) Insure all deposit claims fully at t=1 and t=2 Key insight: Optimal scheme depends on size of g If g is large, full insurance more efficient than moderate intervention With tight budget (small g), limited intervention allowing panic runs is preferred Limited insight - Puzzle: How to determine optimal size g? Very preliminary work

9 Suggestions Key problem: Dynamic inconsistency of conditional guarantee schemes: Incentives to renege on commitment not to intervene Cao/Illing (2011), JICB Endogenous exposure to systemic risk Banks have incentives to invest excessively in activities prone to systemic risk Allows to model different regulatory designs  Liquidity (and capital adequacy) requirements can address these incentives Diamond/Dybvig framework less suitable – Sequential Service constraint: Optimality of deposit contracts?

10 Minor comments: Analysis incomplete: Compare c 1 SPI relative to c 1 SP ? Upper dominance region: Same return R at date 1 and 2 ~ contradicts initial claims

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