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Ten Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing.

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Presentation on theme: "Ten Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ten Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

2 Fun and Stress The holiday season can be fun … but it can also be marked by over- commitments and stress. © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

3 The Stress/Health Link Chiropractors emphasize the connection between emotional stress and physical health Following are tips for a stress-free holiday … © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

4 Holiday Stress Buster No. 1: Check With the Doctor Chiropractic care … stress reduces boosts immune function and the related spinal dysfunction © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

5 Holiday Stress Buster No. 2: Maintain a Healthy Diet Yes, it is possible amidst the holiday parties and treats… Limit tempting food favorites to one per event Design festive fruit trays for parties Make craft items as hostess gifts Cook with olive oil, not butter Eat several healthy snacks before a party © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

6 Holiday Stress Buster No. 3: Exercise Aerobic exercise reduces stress hormones Get creative this month! Try: Ice skating Dancing to holiday music Walking around the neighborhood to see holiday lights © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

7 Holiday Stress Buster No. 4: Avoid Holiday Debt Create a holiday budget – and stick to it. Shorten your gift list with a name exchange. Host a holiday pot-luck. © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

8 Holiday Stress Buster No. 5: Stay Flexible Many people have unrealistic expectations for the holidays, particularly how family members will interact. This is a major source of holiday- related stress. Keep an open mind. Adapt quickly when things don’t go as planned. This year: © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

9 Holiday Stress Buster No. 6: Keep It Simple Simplify meal planning. Make dishes ahead of time and reheat. Ask each guest to bring a dish. Relaxed fun is more important than perfection. © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

10 Holiday Stress Buster No. 7: Be Organized 1. Make lists for groceries and gifts -- and stick to them. 2. Make a packing list if traveling. 3. Pack a couple days before traveling. 4. Allow extra time for travel. © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

11 Holiday Stress Buster No. 8: Start Early Shop early to avoid lines and chaos. Don’t wait until the last minute to mail gifts. Shop online early for free shipping or other promotional offers. © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing Start holiday shopping!

12 Holiday Stress Buster No. 9: Appreciate What You Have Stop and smell the roses. Remember that the holidays only come once a year -- Appreciate the simple things that you may be taking for granted. and that each year is a gift. © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

13 Holiday Stress Buster No. 10: Take a Break Take time out to do something you enjoy. Preventing stress-related illness should be a priority. Treat yourself to a massage, an hour alone with a good book, or dinner out. © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

14 Pick up a Copy of the “Ten Ways to Reduce Holiday” Stress OHU For more on this topic, please pick up a copy of the corresponding OHU handout. Share the OHU handout with friends, family, co- workers, etc. Just let us know how many you need. Look to the OHU for citations to research on this topic. © Copyright, 2008, PreventiCare® Publishing

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