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Results from Transportation Survey Twin Cities Metro Area (Area 3)

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2 Results from Transportation Survey Twin Cities Metro Area (Area 3)

3 Respondents

4 What Function Do You Perform?

5 71.8% Of providers in the Metro region provide regular transportation to passengers that are "eligible" for reimbursement 2% above the state average

6 But, How many of those passengers are being reimbursed? Wide range 10% - 100% Unknowns (5) PercentNumber of Respondents 101 152 20-303 50-604 651 751 1006

7 Possible Sources of Funding State and County Human Services County Social Services Grants Pay-per-ride Donations Veteran Services United Way Hospital/Clinic Funds School Health Insurance Providers Counties Adult Day Care CADI Insurance/Insurance Brokers Black Diamond Safe Ride hospitality associations Mnet Medical Assistance Medical Assistance Waiver Funding Met Council General Transportation Mn/Dot CSA (County) ADA U Care MN County Tax Levy Title III Funds through Older Americans Act Metro Mobility Minneapolis Public Housing Authority PMAP Medica DHS

8 Do you currently have contracts with agencies that reimburse you for the client rides that you provide?

9 How many respondents do? 86.7% = Metro 80.8% = State * 7 respondents skipped this question

10 Which Agencies? Blue Ride Ucare Medica Mnet Health Partners County Human Services Red Cross Metro Mobility Met Council DHS Ucare of Minnesota Metro Mobility ADA Transportation MAAA Cities Minnesota Department of Human Services Hospitals Health Partners Blue Plus WACOSA Counties Access to Jobs Rise Inc. County Family Services County Social Service Agencies Families Moving Forward Winnetka Learning Center Grants United Way

11 If you knew that some of your passengers were eligible for transportation subsidy, would you be interested in participating in a software “billing system” to recoup that available funding?

12 69.4% * 1 respondents skipped this question

13 Interest in software by region Area 3: 69.4% Area 4: 68.8% Area 2: 53.8% Area 1: 50.0% South and Metro areas show the most interest

14 What features would you like to see included? Flexibility (different contracts/different rates) Easy to use Customized reports Cost effective (with great ROI) Flexibility (volunteer, non-profits, medical, etc.) Web-based Five-year Forecasting Configurable fields Overall improvement over current process Basic information fields (I.e. rider info, date and time of rides, etc.)

15 Reasons for not recouping funding Not necessary at this time. Contracts are already in place and passengers needs have already been identified. Upgrade of existing accounting systems have included a number of new Accounts Payable items that could easily be updated to include cost reimbursement. Billing system already set up. “We have current processes we must follow for reimbursement.” “I do not think our clients are eligible for any subsidy, but if they were we would love to know how to get paid for the work we are providing. Our clients are private pay but they do not pay enough for us to break even on the program.” “We get federal, state, and local funding along with fare collection.” Time Factor Involved Paperwork

16 In your current contracts, is there uniformity in the amount reimbursed PER MILE?

17 71.9% say NO!

18 Current rates for those that answered “yes" $12 per day $1.75 per ride Determined by DHS Varies $0.14 per mile $0.16 per mile $0.20 per mile $0.24 per mile $0.96 per mile $1.50 per mile $1.75 per mile

19 How was this rate determined? “ It is fairly universal across the State of Minnesota. We have a Volunteer Driver Network that [meet] periodically in the State. This group discuss current issue and recommends mileage reimbursement. ” “ Federal mileage rate plus an administrative allowance per mile. Rate determined by the County. ” “ There is a different rate based on the agency. One uses the federal rate plus a pre-determined trip fee and the other uses another rate with a lower trip fee and does not reimburse ‘ dead ’ miles (mileage to and from the rider's home, for example). ” “ One contract uses the federal rate determined by the IRS. For this contract we also receive a "Trip Charge" to help defray the administrative costs of the program. The other does not pay the half cent per mile and includes a monthly administrative fee. ” Negotiated individually with each agency. Cost of maintenance and repair.

20 How was this rate determined? Varies with the agency source “Rate is determined by the trip type, per trip by the funder and a general grant based on previous service provided for performance based general transit.” The current IRS rate plus administrative fees “All of our clients pay $5.00 per one way ride. If it is over 20 miles they pay an additional $5.00” “DTH rate Rate set by ride to/from work. It's a full or half day rate.” “We charge $20 per load trip plus &1.75/mile. Compared rates of existing long term transportation companies and decided on what we needed to charge to make it worth the effort and still be affordable for our clients.” “It was determined by the funder.” “Set by provider, set by payer, negotiated.”

21 What mileage rate would you need in order to cover your full costs (please provide amount needed PER MILE)?

22 RateNumber of Responses $0.14 - $0.414 $0.58 - $0.984 $1.00 - $1.503 $2.25 - $2.352 $3.301 $17.001 Depends on subsidy for ride 1 Variable ($11 - $20) 1 Variable (by type of trip) 1 Variable (for bus and volunteer drivers) 1 Unsure1

23 Actual cost of a BUS ride per mile $2.02$3.20$3.58$6.67

24 34 responses statewide RateNumber of Responses $0 - $0.504 $0.821 $1.73 - $2.457 $2.71 - $3.587 $4.00 - $4.382 $5.861 $6.671 Unknown or N/A10 Variable1

25 Administrative Expense Per Mile Only 20 responses statewide! Only 2 responses in area 3! Low response count. What does this mean? Response #1 Response #2 $0.58$3.33

26 Statewide Administrative Expense Per Mile RateQuantity of Responses $0.00 - $0.264 $0.30 – $0.503 $0.50 - $0.55*2 $1.12 - $1.202 $3.33*1 Unknown2 Included in Per Mile * = area 3 responses 1

27 Minimum Needed to Cover Cost Per Mile Some responded per trip Some responded with average trip length One responses per mile $0.24 - $3.58

28 Comparison with state 20 responses statewide Wide range Minimum neededNumber of responses $0 - $0.894 $1.80 - $2.355 $3.50 - $4.415 $5.861 $10 - $223 $501 Unknown1

29 Actual Cost of A VOLUNTEER Driver Per Mile RateNumber of Responses $0.141 $0.501 $0.543 $0.58 – $0.592 $0.611 $0.851 $0.961

30 Cost of a VOLUNTEER Driver Per Mile statewide RateNumber of Responses $0.507 $0.53- $0.5914 $0.611 $0.85 - $0.963 $1.001 $10.501 IRS Rate2 Unknown, N/A12

31 Administrative Expense Per Mile 6 responses in area 3! Rate $0.22 $0.39 $0.41 $0.75 $1.40 $16.46

32 Statewide Administrative Expenses Per Mile RateNumber of Responses $0.00 - $0.2513 $0.39 - $0.514 $0.62 - $0.752 $1.40 - $1.551 $10.151 $16.461 N/A1 Unknown3

33 Minimum Needed to Cover Cost Per Mile RateNumber of Responses $0.751 $0.831 $0.921 $0.961 $1.981 $17.001

34 Comparison with State RateNumber of Responses $0.00 - $0.504 $0.55 - $0.759 $0.80 - $0.986 $1.171 $1.991 $2.081 $17.001 $25.001

35 Actual Cost of a WHEEL CHAIR LIFT VEHCILE Ride Per Mile 3 numeric responses in area 3 One essay response: “Same as bus.” $0.96$2.02$6.67

36 Statewide Responses RateResponses $0.001 $0.341 $1.731 $1.961 $2.022 $2.301 $3.581 $4.381 $6.671

37 Administrative Expenses Per Mile Only 11 responses statewide! Only 2 responses in area 3! Low response count. What does this mean? $0.53$3.33

38 Statewide RateNumber of responses $0.002 $0.171 $0.261 $0.301 $0.53*1 $0.551 $3.33*1 N/A1 Unknown2

39 Minimum Need to Cover Cost Per Mile 2 responses: $0.24 – 3.58 $10.00

40 11 Statewide Responses! Rates $0.00 $0.89 $1.90 $1.96 $2.02 $2.30 $4.38 $10.00 $18.02 $0.24 - $3.58 N/A Unknown

41 Actual Cost of a NON- WHEELCHAIR accessible ride Per Mile 4 responses from area 3 $0.50$0.96$2.02$6.67

42 Statewide Responses CostNumber of Responses $01 $0.341 $0.501 $0.961 $2.021 $2.301 $3.481 $4.381 $6.671 Unknown or N/A8 Varies or Non2

43 Administrative Expenses Per Mile 3 responses from area 3! $0.41$0.48$3.33

44 11 Responses Statewide! ExpensesNumber of Responses $0.001 $0.281 $0.301 $0.41*1 $0.48*1 $0.551 $3.33*1 N/A2 Unknown2

45 Minimum Needed to Cover Cost Per Mile 3 responses from area 3! $0.96$0.98$10.00

46 Statewide NeededNumber of Responses $0.001 $0.891 $0.961 $0.981 $2.301 $3.481 $4.381 $10.001 $18.021 N/A2 Unknown1

47 Actual cost of an ambulatory ride per mile? 4 total responses! $0.50$0.58$2.02$6.67

48 Statewide Responses CostNumber of Responses $0.001 $0.341 $0.501 $0.581 $2.022 $2.301 $4.381 $6.671 Unknown/NA16

49 Administrative Expenses Per Mile State Area 3 ExpenseNumber of Responses $0.481 $1.001 $3.331 ExpenseNumber of Responses $0.001 $0.301 $0.48*1 $0.551 $1.00*1 $3.33*1 N/A1 Unknown3

50 Minimum Needed to Cover Cost Per Mile StateArea 3 Cost NeededNo. Responses $0.001 $0.891 $0.981 $1.581 $4.381 $10.001 N/A1 Unknown3 Cost NeededNo. Responses $0.981 $1.581 $10.001

51 Other Rides Provided Accompanied Service to doctor appointments & grocery shopping

52 Other Rides Statewide Senior Rides Commuters Public Transit with a designated project area Non-Public funded trips to locations outside MnDot project area Non-Medica volunteer driver program to visit spouses in nursing homes

53 Costs of “Other” Ride Per Mile Zero responses in area 3 Statewide: –“no cost, this is a bonus” –$50/hr. for bus service operating outside transit hours –$0.55 –$0.34 –$1.02

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