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Mental Health and Work Ewan Hilton, Executive Director Gofal.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health and Work Ewan Hilton, Executive Director Gofal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health and Work Ewan Hilton, Executive Director Gofal

2 Who we are Our Vision Good mental health and wellbeing for all Our Mission To have a lasting and positive impact in all that we do To inspire others to think differently about mental health and business

3 What we do We deliver a range of crisis, housing & employment services We lobby to improve policy and practice We campaign to improve public attitude and behaviour We operate a social business – PS Services

4 Why is this relevant to us? We all have mental health 1 in 4 people will experience mental health problems in any given year. Thats 1 in 4 people in this room and 1 in 4 people in your organisations It is all of our business

5 Why is this important? Our mental health can have an impact on: Our friends and family Our homes Our finances Our work Our education Our physical health and wellbeing Our social lives

6 Our Businesses 1 in 6 of our workforce is affected by a mental health problem such as depression or anxiety at any one time The costs associated with poor mental health in the workplace amount to nearly to £1.2 billion a year, equivalent to –£860 for every employee in the Welsh workforce –More than 2% of total Welsh national income

7 Mentally Health Workplaces Result in Increased productivity Committed cared for workforce – extra mile Reduced sickness absence Reduced turnover Reduced presenteeism Ultimately its good for business

8 Together for Mental Health New WG strategy for Improved mental health and wellbeing Its everybody's business Identifies the role and responsibility employers play Measuring the economic benefit Measuring staff wellbeing, values, attidudes Cross Cabinet – every Minister

9 Time to Change Wales Campaign to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems in Wales. Led by Welsh mental health charities Gofal, Mind Cymru and Hafal Funded by Big Lottery, Comic Relief and Welsh Government Social marketing, Educators Social leadership

10 What can you do? Promote the importance of good mental health and wellbeing Develop and implement mental health and wellbeing policies – Mindful employer Create a safe and supportive environment for employees to talk about their mental health Measure staff wellbeing Take Time to Change Wales into your organisations Training, EAPs Support staff and mangers


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