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Published byMeryl Randall Modified over 9 years ago
Ratification Meeting January 13, 2015 United School Employees of Pasco
Funding Comparison 2013/20142014-2015 State FEFP$333,804,091 $350,687,890 Local Funding $124,371,632 $124,501,747 $458,175,723 $475,189,637 *State funding increased by $17 Million or 3.71% *Student count actually estimated to increase by an estimated 925 overall. * Second consecutive year of additional state funding.
State Funding History in Pasco Recent Historical review of State funding: School YearTotal Funding 2008-2009$474,369,000 2009-2009$453,359,000 2010-2011$456,815,000 2011-2012$418,317,000 2012-2013$429,315,000 2013-2014$458,175,000 2014-2015$475,189,000 Pasco County’s Education funding had been reduced (2008-2014) and only reached the same level of 2008 this year.
District Position State funding increases for the second time in 6 years with a 3.71% increase. Increased costs to the District: –School Choice/McKay Scholarships……………………………$2.4 Million –FRS contribution increases (6.95 – 7.37%)………………$1.4 Million –Health Insurance Plan increases…………………………………$1.5 Million –Professional Developmt/Curriculum mandates………….$2.8 Million –School/District allocation increases………………..…………$7.9 Million $16 Million Considerations: Eliminate the Early Retirement Program Roll forward funds remaining from last year Eliminate all Tobacco usage
Health Insurance Update for 2015 District increased insurance rates by 5% due to the following: –Medical claims through September 2014 exceeded District contributions by $260,200 –Rx – trend reflected an increase of 10% needed for 2015 or $850,000 –Insurance Reserve Fund – Health Insurance Reserve Fund, to fully fund state req’d reserve –HWC – expenditures from January through September 2014 exceed by $1,252,000. –ACA – first year of required payment of $675,000 under the new Federal law $250 wellness incentive program continued Changes for employees for 2015: –Out of Pocket Maximum includes: Combining Medical & Prescription Drug (2015 required by ACA) –Standard PPO (with $87.50/mth buy-up, up $17.50) –Premium HMO (current plan with a $50/mth buy-up, up $10) –Basic HMO ( still with no cost to employees) –Dependent Rates to increase 5%
Settlements Reached December 10th! Extended session produced settlements for both USEP Units Elements agreed to for both Units: –Tobacco Free Policy – eliminates the use of tobacco products at all worksites effective July, 1, 2016. –Early Retirement Monthly Benefit – Effective June 30, 2018, no employee or retiree will be permitted to begin receiving an early retirement benefit. The benefit will continue for any employee already receiving the benefit. Savings from early retirement benefit elimination intended to increase future raises. –Electronic Availability And Printing Of Agreement – District and Union each responsible for printing own contracts. –Electronic Personnel Directory – Eliminates the printed directory and makes the electronic version available to employees at home and work via Outlook. –Injury-in the Line of Duty (ILD) Leave – requires employees seeking leave beyond the current school year to submit requests to the ILD committee for consideration. Eliminated from both Contracts: –In the event that any regular pay date falls on a weekend or during any holiday period, paychecks shall be issued on the last working day preceding said weekend or holiday period.
Economic Settlement Economic Settlements reached for both USEP units on December 10 th after 6 months of bargaining. Terms of the Instructional Settlement: Salary Improvements: –COLA - District will provide a 1.5% increase to the base salary of each teacher as a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). This becomes a permanent addition to each teacher’s salary. –PFP – (Performance Pay Program). In compliance with the Student Success Act (SB 736), each district must establish a “performance pay” program or schedule in which to compensate teachers related to their summative evaluations. This new provision is effective July 1, 2014. Therefore, in addition to the COLA described above, teachers will receive performance pay as follows: –Grandfathered teachers (PSC/CC contracts)……………will receive an estimated “share” of $650 –PFP teachers with Effective Evaluations…………………..will receive an estimated “share” of $682.50 –PFP teachers with Highly Effective Evals………………….will receive an estimated “share” of $910 –Teachers w/o evaluation for 2012/2013 SY……………..will receive one half “share” of $325 The District is providing $6.4 million in compensation improvement to fund the above increases. The District will provide an additional $1.1million to pay the increase for Health Insurance plans in 2015. The District will provide $42,500 to cover refinger-printing retention costs for this school year. Therefore, the District will provide $7,542,000 to the Instructional Unit to cover the above obligations.
Instructional Settlement - Con’t Maintains the “Placement Schedule” used for newly hired teachers. This schedule will be increased by the 1.5% increase all teachers received as COLA’s. Advanced Degrees will continue to be paid as supplements Compensation Task Force – this 12 person task force will meet to discuss and potentially make recommendations on teachers substituting during their planning periods or accepting additional students for an absent teacher, review the paycheck issue for 2015-2016 (current process or move to a year-round 26 checks). Marchman TEC – negotiated that Full-time teachers who provide additional instruction beyond what is expected of other teachers at his/her school will be paid a supplement of $5,000 annually or $2,500/semester
Settlements Con’t SRP Economic Settlement: Salary Improvements: All eligible SRP will move up one step $ 663,846 Improvement of Salary Schedules$1,003,886 Fingerprinting of all SRP$ 28,000 Improvement to Supplement Schedules$ 45,850 Increase to Benefit Package$ 648,000 Settlement Total$2,389,582 All increases are retroactive to July 1, 2014 Salary improvement will not be processed until after ratification
SRP Settlement Con’t Language Improvements: –Article XI, Section A – SRP substituting for teacher shall be paid his/her regular hourly rate plus a $2.00 per hour differential or the regular substitute rate of pay for that position, whichever is greater. (SRP no longer have to substitute for a full ½ day to get this supplement.) Memorandums of Understanding: –Fourth of July Holiday (renamed) Seventh Paid Holiday – Ensures that July 4 th is a non-workday but allows flexibility to assign the paid-portion of the holiday to allow a week off at Thanksgiving. –Turnaround School Option – Lacoochee Elementary School – Establishes and continues additional compensation for SRP at this school.
Teacher Evaluation All teachers will have two (2) or three (3) informal observations each year according to the Observation Schedule. –Informal observations will be unannounced –Should be 15-20 minutes in length –Will be documented in iObservation –Post-conferences for individual informal observations may be requested by the teacher Teachers may request an informal be rescheduled one time –Request to reschedule must be made before the observation is conducted –Scheduling conflicts may preclude this option
Teacher Evaluation For teachers who received Effective or Highly Effective rating on the previous year’s status score (observation portion of evaluation) : –If all informal observations earn Effective or Highly Effective rating, no formal observation is required. –The cumulative score for the informal observations will serve as the status score for the year. –A post conference will be held to discuss the results. –If necessary, an additional observation can be scheduled specifically to collect DP data.
Teacher Evaluation For teachers who received Effective or Highly Effective rating on the previous year’s status score (observation portion of evaluation) : –If each informal observation does not earn an Effective or Highly Effective rating, informal observations will be for feedback purposes only. –A formal observation is required. Formal will be conducted in a designated one-week window A pre-conference and post-conference will be held There will be no “do-over” option for this formal
Teacher Evaluation For first year teachers in Pasco and those who did NOT earn Effective or Highly Effective status score (observation portion of evaluation) the previous year: –Informal observations will be conducted for feedback purposes only. –A formal observation will serve as the data point for this year’s status score. Formal will be conducted in a designated one-week window A pre-conference and post-conference will be held If the formal results in a less than Effective rating, an additional formal observation can be requested
Teacher Evaluation Domains 2, 3 & 4 of the Marzano Framework will be scored and weighted in the teacher’s status score as follows: –Domain 1: Classroom Strategies & Behaviors (70%) –Domain 2: Planning and Preparing (15%) –Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching (10%) –Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism (5%) Scoring of the Summative Evaluation remains the same. Deliberate Practice (DP) component will be continued as a bonus only.
Other MOU’s for Teachers Lowest “300” – 3 schools identified by the state as scoring in the lowest 300 for reading achievement. Additional money provided for 4 th and 5 th grade teachers providing an additional 50 minutes instructions/day. Pasco eSchool – MOU significantly modified to address overcrowding in courses, summer compensation and other issues.
What’s been signed MOUs for Teachers and SRP School Choice Preference Indoor Air/Environmental Quality Committee Retention of Fingerprints and 5-year National Check Extended School Year Electronic Personnel Directory Electronic Job Advertising Electronic Printing of Agreement
What’s been signed MOUs for Teachers K-12 Comp Reading Plan NBPTS Reimbursement of Fees Voluntary Pre-K School Utilization of Expanded Homeroom/Skinny Period Problem Solving/RtI Pasco eSchool – Regular & ESY Lacoochee ES Pearson Pilot Program MOUs for SRP Career Development Program Dress code Legislation by State and Federal Govt. NNB/Admin Settlement Review SRP Compensation Committee Summer Food Service Program Transportation Issues
Closing USEP’s President and Chief Negotiators want to thank every member of this year’s dedicated Bargaining Teams! This settlement could not have been reached without their involvement and contributions to the Union’s efforts. THANK YOU!!
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