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F. – Focus A. – Accountability T. – Teamwork Using Focus, Accountability and Teamwork, Kingsmen teams will perform at higher levels.

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Presentation on theme: "F. – Focus A. – Accountability T. – Teamwork Using Focus, Accountability and Teamwork, Kingsmen teams will perform at higher levels."— Presentation transcript:


2 F. – Focus A. – Accountability T. – Teamwork Using Focus, Accountability and Teamwork, Kingsmen teams will perform at higher levels

3 What are our objectives for today, this week, this season? What am I held accountable for? Can I count on my team’s support and can they count on me? When every player can answer these questions the same…we have achieved F.A.T.


5 What are we all working on today, for this week’s game, for this season?

6 Our Focus Goals rise above all other objectives and become our “default” settings to drive performance and productivity

7 Focus Goals: 1. 10 Big Plays (5 runs > 10 yards, 5 passes > 20 yards) 2. Turnovers (+2 net per game) 3. Penalties (< 8 at 75 yards per game)

8 What are your Focus Goals? 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________

9 Focus goals must contain 3 elements: 1. Clear statement 2. Metric 3. Target

10 Individual Focus Objectives are derived from the game plan established each week for the team by the coaches and team leadership

11 1. Establish objectives 2. Share them with your teammates 3. Over communicate them with position coach 4. Make them visible and tangible

12 When you meet or exceed your FOCUS OBJECTIVES….. You win!


14 The clear understanding and mutual commitment as to what I will contribute and what you will contribute in order to meet our Team Focus Goals

15 What am I held accountable for? What do I hold my teammates accountable for?

16 Specific objectives relating to achieving the Team Focus goals become a part of each player’s objectives for the season Clearly communicated Measured Daily Evaluated after each game

17 At the top of the funnel, all 3 objectives may be owned by the entire Team…as they cascade down, they turn into individual, functional objectives Team Execution Measurable Commitment with position Coach

18 1. Develop Written goal for each position/player Clearly communicate it Measure it Develop an Action Plan 2. Evaluate your progress with position coach 3. Establish Team scorecard for each game Visible Tangible

19 Accountability Sheet


21 Can I count on my teammates to support me and can they count on me for support when they need it?

22 Internal mistrust and isolation are poison that sap a player and a team’s time and energy.

23 F.A.T. defines the foundation of true teamwork and is the roadmap to become a high performance team.

24 Your “BS” drives the look of teamwork It all begins with leadership…the integrity, attitude, and passion to achieve a common goal

25 Integrity – doing the right thing even when nobody is watching Behaviors that display integrity 1. ________________ 2. ________________

26 Attitude – a choice each day that makes a huge difference in our success Behaviors that display attitude 1. ________________ 2. ________________

27 Passion – separates the extraordinary from the ordinary Behaviors that display passion 1. ________________ 2. ________________

28 What guides our decisions and actions? Focus Accountability Teamwork We are aligned to common goals. We have visible priorities. We have passion for everything we do. We know that accountability begins with personal responsibility. We understand our actions impact others. We take pride in our work. Trust is the foundation our team is built on. We support each other. If one of us fails, we all fail.

29 Players working in a supportive TEAMWORK culture are more productive and use more of their energy and skills to achieve common goals

30 “I came to see in my time at IBM that CULTURE isn’t just one aspect of the game – it is the game” Louis V. Gerstner Jr.

31 Integrity, attitude, and passion Celebrate milestones and successes Our “BS” is accountability to support the team first

32 Accountability Sheet

33 What is our FOCUS today, in this week’s game, this season? What am I held ACCOUNTABLE for? What do I hold others accountable for? Can I count on TEAMWORK to support me and can my Team count on me for support when they need it?

34 When the Kingsmen football team executed their commitment to meet or exceed their individual FAT objectives of: 1. Big Plays 2. Turnovers 3. Penalties Kingsmen became SCIAC Champions!

35 When you execute your commitment to meet or exceed your individual FAT objectives of: 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ You become SCIAC Champion!

36 Go Kingsmen!

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