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Using the duties as a lever for change Jill Evans Aneurin Bevan Health Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the duties as a lever for change Jill Evans Aneurin Bevan Health Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the duties as a lever for change Jill Evans Aneurin Bevan Health Board

2 Scope of Presentation Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How we will use the duties to help get us there?

3 Aneurin Bevan Health Board Over 13,500 staff Over 6,500 nurses Over 1300 Doctors Including 380 Consultants We serve a population of around 561,700 and are one of the largest and busiest health organisations in Wales

4 Caring for a diverse community


6 More care being provided in peoples own homes

7 Reported Hate Crime January to December 2010

8 Opportunity knocks! Include disability harassment as a key objective within our new Strategic Equality Plan

9 Where do we want to be? Organisational response Individual response Community response

10 Using the duties as a lever for change Recognising our statutory duty to eliminate discrimination and harassment and to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people Increasing the confidence of disabled people to report Ensuring robust processes in place for identification and protection of people at risk of harm Working together to raise awareness of and tackle disability harassment

11 Road Shows

12 Ensuring awareness of Hate Crime is part of all disability equality campaigns



15 Hate Crime Forum Multi agency case handling is an integral part of the Forum

16 Every little helps! Disability Advisory Group School nurses – anti bullying forums Talk about it centres Sharing resources - Presentation on Hate Crime from SEWREC Availability of posters and hate crime report forms

17 Using equality impact assessment Positive images and portrayal of disabled people in our publications Community engagement Partnership working



20 How does your partnership rate on this health test? EIGHT TESTS OF A HEALTHY PARTNERSHIP 1.You can demonstrate real results through collaboration 2. Common interest supersedes partner interest 3. You use "we" when talking about partner matters 4. You feel you are mutually accountable for tasks and outcomes 5. You share responsibilities and rewards 6. You strive to develop and maintain trust 7. You are willing to change what you do and how you do it in the interests of the greater good 8. You seek to improve how the partnership performs

21 The new duties are a lever for change

22 Three Types of Organisation! Those that make it happen

23 Those that let it happen

24 Those who wonder what happened!

25 The new duty is a lever for change An opportunity to Make Things Happen

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