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Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move This presentation will cover the following topic: Planning a Trip Name:

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move This presentation will cover the following topic: Planning a Trip Name:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move This presentation will cover the following topic: Planning a Trip Name:

2 Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move Chapter Objectives: By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Understand the purpose of search engines and online encyclopaedias Search the Internet efficiently to find information Use the information to answer questions. Name:

3 Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move Starter Say you were planning a month long InterRail trip around Europe, below are some of the key things you would want to do whilst travelling. o Contact friends and family o Take photos o Show photos to friends o Let them know where the images are taken But first of all you need to arrange the holiday! What arrangements could you do online and what would best be done face-2-face. Online e.g. Read hotel reviews Use e.g. Try out a rucksack

4 Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move Keeping in touch – Sending messages and taking photos/video Use or create below a mind map to list all the different systems now available to send messages and take and display photographs for family and friends whilst travelling. Answers may be Apps, websites or specific devices. Put a screenshot of your ideas map below:

5 Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move The InterRail Website Search online for the InterRail website, there are lots of them but find the original official website. Paste a screenshot of it and its address below. Answer the following questions, showing you can navigate and research from the site: Where can you buy a pass? Is a pass cheaper if you are 17? How much is a month pass? Can you get any train in Europe and do you have to book in advance? What are the rules about the pass in Britain? Screenshot and web address here

6 Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move Open Page 9/10 in the VLE textbook and select etask 2.2 and paste a screenshot of the completed exercise below.

7 Unit 1 Living in the Digital WorldChapter 2 On the move Exam Style Questions Write a answer to the following questions on a new slide or in your exercise books. Question 1 Booking holidays online without visiting a travel agent is now more more and more popular. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the customer using this method and how has the way we travel changed because of the Internet? There are some useful research websites available on the VLE. Question 2 In order to find the correct InterRail website you had to research and judge which site was the official one. What advice and tips would you offer to someone learning how to use search engines today? (6 Marks) There are some useful research websites available on the VLE.

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