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Strategic plan 2015–2018 Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

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1 Strategic plan 2015–2018 Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

2 We influence the development of a diverse society. 1.We are a sought ‑ after and reliable partner. 2.We inspire people to study the Russian language and culture. 3.We promote integration, interaction and multidisciplinary cooperation through art and culture. Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | | Vision 2018

3 We are an expert organisation with an extensive network. Our active operations support the identity and integration of the Russian-speaking population group and increase awareness of and the development of Russian language studies and the Russian culture. Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | | Concept of operations

4 Responsibility – we operate responsibly to support the development of a diverse and equal Finnish society. Effectivity – we operate effectively. Communality – we promote mutual trust, interaction and participation between different population groups in equal cooperation. Transparency and courage – we communicate transparently, topically and reliably and operate in a courageous and flexible manner. Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | | Values

5 Strategic goals for 2018 The Fund for the 150th Anniversary of Regular Legislative Work in Finland is a renowned and effective channel for supporting Russian language and culture studies. The Anniversary Fund The Cultura Foundation conducts distinctive operations to promote the integration of the Russian ‑ speaking population through art and culture. The Cultura Foundation reaches an audience interested in the Russian language and culture. Russian language and culture The Cultura Foundation is a proactive and easily approachable partner. The Cultura Foundation influences social dialogue both in Finland and internationally. A competent agent with a network Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

6 Strategic goals for 2018 Intended outcomes by 2018 The practices and administration of the Anniversary Fund are transparent. Those who teach and study Russian in Finland are familiar with the Anniversary Fund and the Cultura Foundation. The grounds for granting funds have been clearly and effectively specified. The availability of up ‑ to ‑ date Russian language study materials has improved in Finland. Indicators: Completed website content and online surveys (including feedback questionnaires to those who have received funding) Completed application and selection rounds, applicant numbers and quality of applications Quantity of external funding Long ‑ term outcomes: the number of people studying Russian in Finland The Fund for the 150th Anniversary of Regular Legislative Work in Finland is a renowned and effective channel for supporting Russian language and culture studies. The Anniversary Fund Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

7 Strategic goals for 2018 Intended outcomes by 2018 The Russian ‑ speaking population in Finland is actively involved in the operations of the foundation. The operations have been expanded through the cooperation networks in the founding cities. The number of customers attracted by Kasi meetings and other events, mentoring and training will double between 2014 and 2017. Integration through art and culture is a natural and distinctive element of the foundation’s operations. Indicators: Completed website content and online surveys Number of active partners, both jointly and separately outside of the Helsinki metropolitan region Quantity of external funding Number of events and customer encounters and customer feedback concerning the most important events The Cultura Foundation conducts distinctive operations to promote the integration of the Russian ‑ speaking population through art and culture. The Cultura Foundation reaches the national audience interested in the Russian language and culture. Russian language and culture Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

8 Strategic goals for 2018 Intended outcomes by 2018 The foundation has an influencing strategy and programmes in place to develop international operations and fund ‑ raising, and progress is made with programme implementation. Communication is effective, transparent and reliable and supports the realisation of the foundation’s strategic plan and objectives. The foundation’s messages have national visibility and reach the foundation’s key stakeholders and the decision ‑ makers. The foundation’s website shows the interactive nature of the foundation and supports the strategic themes of its operations as well as its expert role. In 2018, over EUR 200,000 of funding will come from external sources supplementing basic funding. The internal practices of the foundation have been reformed. Indicators: Programme and plan implementation, completed website content and online surveys (for example, to international network partners) The number of active partners, both jointly and separately outside of the Helsinki metropolitan region as well as internationally Quantity of external funding, and funding collected through international cooperation projects Number of events and customer encounters, customer feedback concerning the most important events The Cultura Foundation is a proactive and easily approachable partner. The Cultura Foundation influences social dialogue both in Finland and internationally. A competent agent with a network Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

9 The Cultura Foundation is an attractive employer with a healthy, occupationally committed staff who are inspired by their work. Staff policy supports the implementation of the strategic plan of the Cultura Foundation through continuous development. The cornerstones of staff policy Regeneration and the continuous development and management of diverse competence Utilising everyone’s competence and maintaining state ‑ of ‑ the ‑ art competence Commitment to jointly determined objectives Work community skills, such as the ability of the members of the work community to engage in transparent and mutually respectful interaction, are essential. Everyone’s effort counts. The Cultura Foundation supports work community diversity. For example, there is room for different cultural backgrounds and competence. Indicators Training investments, staff well ‑ being (including absences due to illness and job satisfaction results) and completed target and target monitoring discussions (%) Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | | Staff policy

10 Organisation Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | | Board of Trustees The Anniversary Fund Board of Directors Director Communications Officer Administrative and support services Area of responsibility: The Anniversary Fund and training Area of responsibility: An agent with a network/ Social dialogue Area of responsibility: Russian language and culture Kasi Services supporting the realisation of all strategic goals Each strategic area of responsibility has a coordinator responsible for the realisation of the objectives.

11 Appendices Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

12 History Neuvostoliitto-instituutti (The Institute for Cultural Relations between Finland and the USSR) 1947–1992 The Finnish Institute for Russian and Eastern European Studies 1992–2012 Fund for the 150th Anniversary of Regular Legislative Work in Finland, 13 September 2013 Cultura Foundation 1 January 2013 Meeting place Kasi 10 April The development of the size of the Russian ‑ speaking population in Finland Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

13 Key events 20132014 Launch of Cultura Foundation operations on 1 January 2013 Opening ceremony, seminar entitled “Kuinka kaupunki ilmentää monimuotoista kulttuuria” (“How the city manifests diverse culture”) 1,700 events organised by Kasi 50 events, introduction of the foundation’s operations in six localities The Ministry of Education and Culture grants funding for the Osaava project The Director begins work on 1 August Fund for the 150th Anniversary of Regular Legislative Work in Finland, 13 September A total of 3,500 visitors in events organised by Kasi The foundation has organised or participated in approximately 200 events, including World Village Festival, Kirja irti! and Harasoo! week. “Vetoa venäjään” training seminar in Lappeenranta Osaava project, including report entitled “Russian ‑ speaking communities in the European Union” Mentoring activities are launched The Anniversary Fund Board of Directors and the finance committee begin to organise financial management. A Christmas networking event at Finlandia Hall Strategic work Number of employees 8–9Number of staff 9 Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

14 Changes in the operating environment Political situation and attitudes grow tense Trade with Russia wanes, uncertain prospects for foreign companies operating in Russia The impact of media on attitudes The role of social media increases International situation and climate The Russian ‑ speaking population in Finland has doubled in a decade In 2013, the Russian ‑ speaking population in Finland totals 67,000 and is expected to increase considerably. Outside of Russia, over 25 million people around the world speak Russian Nearly 13 million people crossed the eastern border in 2013. Immigration and tourism State and municipal funding decreasing and tightened up Increasingly demanding productivity requirements The significance of sponsors and other external sources of funding increases Economic situation School children’s language selection decreases, approximately 2% of comprehensive school pupils study Russian at some point Multilingualism increases and the significance of international skills increases. The number of people studying Russian has slightly increased but remains low. Russia is the 7th most popular travel destination and the 10th most popular exchange destination for Finns Status of language and culture Project funding has been tendered The significance of competence, expertise and networking increases. Diverse competition for people’s free time Competitive situation Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

15 Other operators in the field Associations related to Russian language and culture, including Finnish Association of Russian ‑ speaking Organizations (FARO) and Suomi-Venäjä-Seura Parties providing teaching in the Russian language and culture, including the Finnish ‑ Russian School (Suomalais-venäläinen koulu), the Finnish ‑ Russian School of Eastern Finland, numerous comprehensive schools and adult education centres, universities, universities of applied sciences and upper secondary schools Operators in the field of multiculturality and integration, such as the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations (ETNO), the Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU), the Ministry of Employment and the Economy’s Centre of Expertise in Integration of Immigrants, the International Cultural Centre Caisa, the Family Federation of Finland, etc. Other experts related to Russia and the Russian language, including the Aleksanteri Institute, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, the Karelian Institute, the Registered Association Finnish ‑ Russian Chamber of Commerce (FRCC), the Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | |

16 Other networks Cultura Foundation | Vuorikatu 20, FI-00100 Helsinki | | Potential Enterprises engaging in trade in Russia The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, other big foundations and parties providing funding The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities International control organisations Educational institutions, parishes Customers Citizens interested in the Russian language and culture, students, teachers cultural operators Russian ‑ language associations Educational institutions Founding parties, other cities and municipalities Institutional support The Parliament of Finland Founding parties: Ministry of Education and Culture, Founding cities, FARO and SVS Other partners Other organisations – The Finnish Institute in St Petersburg, FRCC, Venäjänkielisten opettajien yhdistys (the association of Russian teachers in Finland) Operators in the field of multiculturality TE Office and other parties engaging in integration work Media Cultura Foundation staff, Board of Trustees and the Anniversary Fund Board of Directors

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