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Presentation on theme: "The Revised State Plan Template BACKGROUND, CHANGES, AND FOCUS OF THE INSTITUTE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Background on Revisions Draft performance measures are being piloted ◦The Performance Measures Pilot Group is currently “testing” the draft measures, and reporting on the measures provided an opportunity to review the State plan template The State plan template is the foundation for reporting activities and results in the Annual Program Performance Report (APPR) ◦Clarification(s) to the current template were needed ◦Format improvements will allow DD Councils to better report the information AIDD needs

3 Template Revisions Let’s take a look at the revisions to the State plan template In the packet, you will find the following: Revised 2017-2021 State Plan Template Summary of changes for the revised State plan template 2017- 2021

4 Section I and Section II Section I: Council Identification ◦DD Council membership category codes have been updated to include gender, geographical, and race/ethnicity data points ◦DD Council staff information has been expanded to include gender, race/ethnicity, and voluntary disability data Section II: Designated State Agency ◦No changes

5 Section III: Comprehensive Review and Analysis Part A. State Information – no changes Part B. Portrait of the State Services ◦Gather input directly from culturally diverse group(s) of people with developmental disabilities and their families; ◦Include information about the status of people with developmental disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; ◦Include any information about disparities related to specific areas. Part C. Analysis of State Issues and Challenges ◦Identify populations in the State/Territory that are unserved and underserved; ◦Describe the process used to identify the unserved and underserved population; ◦Describe the rationale used to identify the population(s) over others.

6 Section III continued Part D. Rationale for Goal Selection ◦Given that the DD Act provides a broad mandate to address needs in the State, it is essential that Councils prioritize their work. ◦Not all the issues identified and analyzed in Parts B and C can be addressed by the Council. Include a brief explanation of how the Council prioritized issues to be addressed in the Plan.

7 Section III continued Part E: 5-Year Goals For each 5-year goal, the DD Council will identify the ◦Goal(s), Objective(s), and Expected Outcome(s) ◦This is a major change, as activities, collaborators, areas of emphasis, strategies, and timelines are not included in this section. ◦An annual work plan will be developed by the DD Council (hang on…a few more slides) Included in the DD Council’s goals are the following: ◦Self-advocacy goal(s) and/or objective(s) ◦Targeted disparity goal(s) and/or objective(s) ◦Collaboration goal(s) and/or objective(s) 5-year Logic Model

8 Section IV: Evaluation Plan No major changes to the format Additional guidance is provided on the following: ◦Include separate information on the self-advocacy goal and/or objectives and the three required elements ◦Include the process to track progress towards reducing the targeted disparity

9 Section V: Projected Council Budget No changes

10 Section VI: Assurances No changes However….DD Council can attach a signed, scanned copy of the Assurances and keep the original on file in the DD Council office.

11 Section VII: Public Input and Review No changes Note: Language access is required in Title VI, Section 601, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ◦Resource: ◦What is limited English proficiency? ◦Meaningful access to program and activities by LEP persons

12 New! The Annual Work Plan Background ◦AIDD recognized that DD Council work has many moving pieces and parts; many are outside of the DD Council’s control. ◦DD Council’s cannot predict (with accuracy) 5 years in advance Result ◦DD Councils will submit annual work plans for the first two years (due August 15, 2016) ◦DD Councils will submit annual work plans for the third and fourth years (due January 1, 2018) ◦DD Councils will submit an annual work plan for the fifth and final year (due January 1, 2019) Check out the timeline for the 2017-2021 template handout in your packet!

13 How will this affect DD Councils? PROCESS Plan DoEvaluateAdjust BENEFITS OF ANNUAL WORK PLAN DD Councils can reflect on the previous year’s activities and results and update the following year annual work plan to more accurately reflect the DD Council’s work and planning; Allows a DD Council to more accurately forecast activities for an upcoming year

14 Areas of focus for this morning Unserved and Underserved Targeted Disparity goal or objective with corresponding activities What do we know? We know that DD Councils analyze the barriers to full participation of unserved and underserved groups of people with DD and their families What we don’t know is what the obvious work is to reduce or resolve those barriers to services, supports So the element was enhanced *Collaboration was enhanced to ensure DD Councils engaged in a planning process with the DD Network partners because it was not evident that collaboration efforts in the 5-year plans were pre-planned for inclusion into the 5-year State plan.

15 Small Group Assignments - Morning Group 1 Leaders: Angela, Sara, Margie, Brian, Shannon, and Calob Alaska; Arizona; Connecticut; Florida; Hawaii; Illinois; Louisiana; Maine; Mississippi; Nebraska; New Mexico; Ohio; South Carolina; Texas; Vermont; Washington State, Wyoming Group 2 Leaders: Sheryl, Becky, Sherry, Kari, Fil, and Ann Arkansas; California; Colorado; District of Columbia; Georgia; Guam; Iowa; Kansas; Massachusetts; Michigan; New Hampshire; North Carolina; Oregon; Pennsylvania; South Dakota; Utah, Wisconsin Group 3 Leaders: Allison, Cheryl, Robin, Jim, Jessica, and Alicia American Samoa; Delaware; Idaho; Kentucky; Maryland; Missouri; New Jersey; New York; North Dakota; Northern Mariana Islands; Puerto Rico; Tennessee; Virgin Islands

16 Feedback Additional information What information do you need? What information do you need to assist in communicating these updates to your Council members? Areas for clarification Other?

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