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2nd Forum Quarterly Meeting th June, Abu Dhabi

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1 2nd Forum Quarterly Meeting 2013 17th June, Abu Dhabi
Progress Report 2013 A partnership to champion sustainability in Abu Dhabi 2nd Forum Quarterly Meeting 2013 17th June, Abu Dhabi

2 Welcome Speech Huda Al Houqani Director Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group

3 Welcome Speech Kahsif Azeem Head of Operations Business Planning ADNEC

4 Agenda Time (Duration) Topic Details Presenter 8:45-09:00 (15’)
Registration 09:00-09:15 Opening Session Welcome Note Welcome Note from ADNEC (TBC) Huda Al Houqani, ADSG Director Khaled Al Hashmi, Chief Operations Officer 09:15-09:45 (30’) Knowledge Sharing focusing on Sustainability Reporting An Overview of the capacity building programme, includes: objectives, approach and achievements Dialogue / Q&A Emmanuel Perakis, Capacity Building Trainer 09:45-10:30 (45’) Showcasing three new sustainability reports from ADSG members Speaker 1: Etisalat (15’) Ahmed bin Ali, Senior Vice President for Corporate Communications Speaker 2: Emirates Foundation (15’) Basima Al Mesbahi, Senior Analyst Research & Advocacy Speaker 3: Aramex (15’) Dima Al Ashram, Sustainability Leader 10:30-11:00 Discussion on Sustainability Reporting A facilitated structured discussion. Questions to be considered could include the following: a- what were the key objectives your organisation wanted to achieve with the production of this report? b- What were the major challenges you overcame to produce your report? c- How will this report help your organisation to become more sustainable? d- Do you plan to continue to produce sustainability reports in the future and if not why not? If yes, then what additional support would you need from ADSG? & Speakers

5 Celebration of 5th ADSG Anniversary and Lunch
Agenda Time (Duration) Topic Details Presenter 11:00-11:30 (30’) Coffee Break 11:30-12:00 Operational Meeting 1- Review and update on action points from the last meeting (15’) Dialogue / Q&A Huda Al Houqani, ADSG Director 2- Adoption of the 2013/14 action plan (15’) TBC 12:00-12:15 (15’) ADSG Facilitation & Coordination Team Demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of the new ADSG Facilitation and Coordination team and the nomination process. (20’) 12:15-12:35 (20’) GRI Conference Update from the GRI Conference and a discussion on the future aspirations relating to sustainability reporting for ADSG members including a view on the possible adoption of the G4 Guidelines Emmanuel Perakis, Capacity Building Trainer 12:35-12:50 Communication Task Force Update from the ADSG Communications Task Force (CTF). Sandra Anani, Communication Advisor, ADSG 12:50 Closure Celebration of 5th ADSG Anniversary and Lunch

6 Meeting Objectives Knowledge Sharing focusing on Sustainability Reporting Progress review Seek input and feedback on activities and future direction

7 Capacity Building & Reporting
Emmanuel Perakis – Stream Ahmed bin Ali – Etisalat Basima Al Mesbahi – Emirates Foundation Dima Al Ashram - Aramex

8 MOM from Last FQM held on 3rd April 2013
Review MOM from Last FQM held on 3rd April 2013

9 2013/14 Action Plan

10 Additional Topics New Facilitation & Coordination Team GRI G4

11 Communications Task Force
Invitation to join the CTF were sent out on: 17 April, 2013 Representatives from the following organisations have joined the CTF: Zayed Higher Organisation Emirates Foundation Department of Transport Masdar Musanada DLA Piper UPC Al Dar EAD ADSG The first meeting took place on: 29 May

12 Communications Task Force
Feedback from Members’ Survey

13 Communications Task Force
Agenda of the First Meeting covered: Introduction Feedback on current ADSG communication (review of the ADSG portal and eJournal) Objectives (internal & external) Proposed communication management approach AOB

14 Communications Task Force
Portal: 1. Feedback from CTF regarding the Portal, complete. 2. Please provide information on how you want to use the portal (function, information). Complete. 3. Please provide feedback regarding the Portal Development Plan. 4. Include the number of ADSG members visibly on portal. 5. Include external useful resources.

15 Communications Task Force
Journal:  1.Editing the submissions.  2.Articles written specifically for the ADSG Journal (using the provided forms).  3. Decision regarding the name of the journal. Communications Planning & strategy:  Social Media will be included in the ADSG Comms Plan.  Currently ADSG has: twitter account 

16 Communications Task Force
AOB 1.CTF to Develop criteria for conferences and sponsorships. 2.Members to include links to ADSG Portal and Journal. 3.Communications for ADSW.

17 Communications Task Force
ADSG eJournal: next issue due out 21 July, Deadline for submissions: 1 July Please contact: for more information

18 Communications Task Force
Currently under progress: Draft Terms of Reference (to follow, by 30 June)  Draft Communications Strategy & Plan (to follow, by 30 June)  Draft criteria for ASDG engagement with future conferences (speaking or sponsoring) and events.  Social Media: currently ADSG has: twitter account  and hope to expand the website to include an ADSG blog with potentially regular blogs from members and guest sustainability experts. 

19 Communications Task Force
Portal Development

20 Communications Task Force
Feedback from ADSG Members Thank you

21 Celebration of 5th ADSG Anniversary and Lunch
Closure Celebration of 5th ADSG Anniversary and Lunch

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