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Wind Turbine Support Structure

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1 Wind Turbine Support Structure
Benjamin Boyett ET 493 Advisor – Dr Mohamed Zeidan Instructor - Dr. Cris Koutsougeras 04/04/2014 This template can be used as a starter file to give updates for project milestones. Sections Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors. On the Home tab, under Slides, click Section, and then click Add Section. Notes Use the Notes pane for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. You can see these notes in Presenter View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production) Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes. Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale. Graphics, tables, and graphs Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors. Label all graphs and tables.

2 Introduction Wind turbines are supported by 3 main tower types. Monopole, guy-wired, and lattice (truss) towers. Amount of space available and budget determine which tower is used. In this case I am designing and building a lattice tower to support the wind turbine. A lattice tower is cheaper to build than monopole and takes up less space than a guy-wired tower.

3 Turbine Types

4 Project Overview 50ft tall 4 sided lattice tower A36 Low Carbon Steel
L-section steel beam legs and cross supports bolted together Top of tower 4’x4’ plate for turbine to rest on 10’x10’ – 15’x15’ base Concrete foundation legs extend into ground Sustainability Center What is the project about? Define the goal of this project Is it similar to projects in the past or is it a new effort? Define the scope of this project Is it an independent project or is it related to other projects? * Note that this slide is not necessary for weekly status meetings

5 Objectives Research standards for wind turbine structures
Design a lattice support structure for the vertical wind turbine being built by Anthony, Brody, and Hulon. (COMSOL) Calculate exterior and interior loads and ensure the structure can withstand normal and extreme cases. Determine forces on members and choose size L section beam (COMSOL) Build tower and foundation

6 Research American Society for Civil Engineers 7 (ASCE7) Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) ASCE/AWEA RP2011 Recommended Practice for Compliance of Large Land-based Wind Turbine Support Structures AISC Steel manual Standards for small wind energy systems

7 Wind Load Calculations
Worst case, wind turbine stopped at max wind velocity Design Wind Pressure P at height z ASCE7 Pz = q*G*Cp – qi(G*Cpi) Velocity Pressure ASCE7 Eq (6-15) qz = (Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I) Design Wind Force ASCE7 Eq (6-25) F = qz*G*Cf*D Pz 39.37psf qz 35.07 psf F 157.48 (lb/ft)

8 COMSOL A finite element analysis (FEA), solver, and simulation software. Simple truss designed in COMSOL COMSOL shows the deformation of the truss from the forces

9 Timeline Research standards for wind turbine support structures 02/21/2014 – 02/25/2014 FINISHED Calculate loads, vertical, horizontal, max wind, and vibration 02/25/ /05/2014 FINISHED Design lattice structure and foundation using COMSOL 03/05/2014 – 03/15/2014 IN PROGRESS Survey land and test a soil sample 03/15/2014 – 03/28/2014 FINISHED Order/Pickup parts and tools 03/20/2014 – 03/28/2014 Build the support structure 03/28/2014 – 05/05/2014 Finish 05/05/2014 – 05/09/2014 Duplicate this slide as necessary if there is more than one issue. This and related slides can be moved to the appendix or hidden if necessary.

10 Looking Ahead Complete COMSOL model and finalize materials list
Estimate cost of materials Order materials Lay foundation Construct tower in sections and assemble on site

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