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Published byAubrie Logan Modified over 9 years ago
Posodobitev kurikularnega procesa na OŠ in GIMN International Baccalaureate – Music (Glasba na Mednarodni maturi) Viljem Babič Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport.
Curriculum Student assesment Professional development School evaluation Primary Years Ages 3 - 12 Middle Years Ages 11 - 16 Diploma Ages 16 - 19
POSLANSTVO IB IB si prizadeva ustvariti program, ki bi dijakom omogočal, da bi se razvili v vedoželjne, strpne in sočutne ljudi, ki bi pomagali pri ustvarjanju lepšega sveta in miru v svetu – z medkulturnim razumevanjem in spoštovanjem.IB si prizadeva ustvariti program, ki bi dijakom omogočal, da bi se razvili v vedoželjne, strpne in sočutne ljudi, ki bi pomagali pri ustvarjanju lepšega sveta in miru v svetu – z medkulturnim razumevanjem in spoštovanjem. S tem namenom IB sodeluje s šolami ter vladnimi in mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki ji pomagajo pri razvijanju zahtevnim učnih programov na področju mednarodnega izobraževanja ter pri natančnem in temeljitem preverjanju znanja.S tem namenom IB sodeluje s šolami ter vladnimi in mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki ji pomagajo pri razvijanju zahtevnim učnih programov na področju mednarodnega izobraževanja ter pri natančnem in temeljitem preverjanju znanja. Ti programi spodbujajo dijake po vsem svetu k aktivnosti, sočutju in vseživljenjskemu učenju, pa tudi k razumevanju in sprejemanju drugih in drugačnih ljudi.Ti programi spodbujajo dijake po vsem svetu k aktivnosti, sočutju in vseživljenjskemu učenju, pa tudi k razumevanju in sprejemanju drugih in drugačnih ljudi.
PROFIL DIJAKA V MEDNARODNI MATURI - MM IB learners strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective raziskovalen senzibilen in empatičen vedoželjensvobodomiselnmisleč pripravljen tvegati komunikativen miselno konstruktiven načelen sposoben refleksije
MUSIC - ASSESMENT OBJECTIVES / CILJI OCENJEVANJA PRI GLASBI Having followed the music course at SL or HL, students will be expected to demonstrate: knowledge, understanding and perception of music in relation to time, place and cultures, appropriate musical terminology to describe and reflect their critical understanding of music, comparative analysis of music in relation to time, place and cultures (unlike at SL, HL students are also expected to demonstrate this in response to pieces not previously studied), creative skills through exploration, control and development of musical elements (SLC, HL), performance skills through solo music making (SLS, HL) or group music making (SLG), critical-thinking skills through reflective thought.
Osnovna raven (SL) – izbira:Višja raven (HL): SLC (SL creating) creating in solo performing SLS (SL solo performing) SLG (SL group performing) + Musical perception Musical Links Investigation Listening examination paper
Musical perception – SL in HL obvezen del programa za vse dijake SL in HL, spoznavanje, analiziranje, raziskovanje glasbe sveta in različnih glasbenih kultur skozi zgodovino, dijaki razvijajo slušno zaznavanje in analitično razumevanje poslušanih skladb skozi glasbene elemente (npr. oblika, tempo, dinamika, melodija, …), različne notacije, glasbeno terminologijo in zgodovinsko-družbeni kontekst, dijaki vzpostavljajo glasbene povezave (musical links) med skladbami študija in vsakdanjika. STUDY OF TWO PRESCRIBED WORKS (2010-2012:Mozart & Copland) različno glasbeno obdobje, čas, prostor in kultura, analiza, raziskava, primerjava.
EKSTERNO OCENJEVANJE osnovni nivo (SL) 75 UR 50% končne ocene Slušni izpit – 2h15min – 30% „Raziskovalna“ naloga – 20%
LISTENING PAPER – 2 hours 15 minutes30% Five musical perception questions (100 marks) SECTION A Students answer two questions. Question 1 or question 2 (20 marks) Question 3 (20 marks) SECTION B Students answer three questions. Question 4 or question 5 (20 marks) Question 6 (20 marks) Question 7 (20 marks) MUSICAL LINKS INVESTIGATION20% A written media script of no more than 2.000 words, investigating the significant musical links between two (or more) pieces from distinct musical cultures (20 marks)
INTERNO OCENJEVANJE osnovni nivo (SL) 75 UR 50% končne ocene Ustvarjanje / Creating(SLC) Solistični nastop / Solo performing (SLS) Skupinski nastop / Group performing (SLG)
This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course. Student choose one of the following options. 50% Creating (SLC) – composing, music technology composing, arranging, improvising, stylistic techniques Two pieces of coursework, with recordings and written work (30 marks) Solo performing (SLS) A recording selected from pieces presented during one or more public performance(s), 15 minutes (20 marks) Group performing (SLG) A recording selected from pieces presented during two or more public preformances, 20-30 minutes (20 marks)
EKSTERNO OCENJEVANJE Pisni izpit (tri metode ocenjevanja): navodila za ocenjevanje (markscheme), natančni ocenjevalni kriteriji (assessment criteria), merila za ocenjevanje (markbands). Raziskovalna naloga / Musical links investigation: natančni ocenjevalni kriteriji (assessment criteria).
Listening paper SL 2 hours 15 minutesHL 3 hours Section AQuestion 1 or question 2 Analyse and examine question: prescribed works Question 1 or question 2 Analyse and examine question: prescribed works Question 3Compare and contrast question: prescribed works Question 3Compare and contrast question: prescribed works Section BQuestion 4 or question 5 Analyse and examine question: western art music Question 4 Question 5 Analyse and examine question: western art music Question 6 Question 7 Analyse and examine question: jazz/pop, world music Question 6 Question 7 Analyse and examine question: jazz/pop, world music Section C//Question 8Compare and contrast question: two extracts from section B
KRITERIJI EKSTERNEGA OCENJEVANJA PISNI IZPIT Section A (SL in HL) This criterion concerns the student’s ability to: question 1 or question 2 - analyse and examine essential musical elements (including form and structure) within one of the two prescribed works, question 3 - compare and contrast the two prescribed works, emphasizing the presence of any significant musical links.
MarksLevel descriptor 0The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1 – 4The arguments, which generally do not address the question, show a minimal level of musical understanding. There is limited use of musical evidence, though this is poorly located, or none at all. There is limited use of musical terminology or none at all. 5 – 8The arguments, which may not always address the question, show some level of musical understanding. There is some use of musical evidence, though this is not located precisely enough. There is some use of musical terminology. 9 – 12The arguments, which generally address the question, show an adequate level of musical understanding. There is use of musical evidence, though this is not always precisely located. There is partially effective use of musical terminology. 13 – 16The arguments, which generally address the question, may not always be convincing but show a good level of musical understanding. There is appropriate use of musical evidence, mostly precisely located. There is mostly effective use of musical terminology. 17 - 20The arguments, which consistently address the question, are convincing and show a very good level of musical understanding, supported by a most appropriate use of musical evidence, precisely located. There is highly effective use of musical terminology.
Section B (SL in HL) A Musical elements / 0 – 5 marks B Musical structure / 0 – 5 marks C Musical terminology / 0 – 5 marks D Musical context / 0 – 5 marks
A Musical elements This criterion concerns the student’s ability in each extract to perceive the musical elements (duration, pitch, timbre/tone colour, texture and dynamics) and their significance. Articulation and other expressive and production techniques might also be discussed. MarksLevel descriptor 0The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1The work displays insufficient and weak aural perception. The student has identified musical elements poorly, including very few, if any of the significant ones. 2The work sometimes displays adequate aural perception. The student has identified some musical elements, including a few of the significant ones. 3The work displays partially effective aural perception. The student has generally accurately identified musical elements, including some of the significant ones. 4The work displays mostly effective aural perception. The student has accurately identified musical elements, including many of the significant ones. 5The work consistently displays highly effective aural perception. The student has accurately identified musical elements, including nearly all of the significant ones.
B Musical structure This criterion concerns the student’s ability to perceive the principal structural features of each extract. MarksLevel descriptor 0The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1The work demonstrates little perception of the principal structural features of each extract. 2The work demonstrates limited and ineffective perception of the principal structural features of each extract. 3The work demonstrates partially effective perception of the principal structural features of each extract. 4The work demonstrates mostly effective perception of the principal structural features of each extract. 5The work consistently demonstrates highly effective perception of the principal structural features of each extract.
C Musical terminology This criterion concerns the student’s knowledge of musical terminology and its appropriate use. MarksLevel descriptor 0The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1The work displays little knowledge and use, if any, of musical terminology. 2The work displays some knowledge of musical terminology but its use is inaccurate at times. 3The work displays satisfactory knowledge and use of musical terminology. 4The work displays good knowledge and use of musical terminology. 5The work consistently displays very good knowledge and use of musical terminology.
D Musical context This criterion concerns the student’s ability to place each extract in its musical context—cultural, historicaland stylistic—and relate it to music that he or she knows. MarksLevel descriptor 0The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1The work demonstrates little and inaccurate knowledge of the musical context. The student has used little reasoned argument. 2The work demonstrates some knowledge of the musical context. The student has sometimes used reasoned argument. 3The work demonstrates adequate knowledge of the musical context. The student has used partially effective reasoned argument. 4The work demonstrates good knowledge of the musical context. The student has used mostly effective reasoned argument. 5The work consistently demonstrates very good knowledge of the musical context. The student has consistently used highly effective reasoned argument.
KRITERIJI INTERNEGA OCENJEVANJA SOLISTIČNI ALI SKUPINSKI NASTOP A Izbira programa (Selection of programme) B Tehnika (Technical proficiency) C Razumevanje stila glasbe (Understanding of style) D Glasbena komunikacija (Musical communication)
A Izbira programa (Selection of programme) This criterion concerns the choice of contrasting pieces that feature the student’s/group’s capabilities, and the fulfillment of the accompaniment requirements. MarksLevel descriptor 0The selected presentation does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1The selected presentation shows little contrast, and is not appropriate to the student’s/group’s performance capabilities. Accompaniment guidelines are not followed. 2The selected presentation shows some contrast but is sometimes beyond the student’s/group’s performance capabilities. Accompaniment guidelines are followed. 3The selected presentation mostly shows good contrast, and is appropriate for the student’s/group’s performance capabilities. Accompaniment guidelines are followed. 4The selected presentation consistently shows very good contrast, and is well matched to the student’s/group’s performance capabilities. Accompaniment guidelines are followed.
B Tehnika (Technical proficiency) This criterion concerns the control of musical elements (duration, pitch, timbre/tone colour, texture and dynamics, form and structure) through appropriate and consistent technique as demonstrated in the selected presentation. MarksLevel descriptor 0The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1The work demonstrates little control of musical elements. The technical challenges are rarely met. 2The work demonstrates some control of musical elements. The technical challenges are sometimes met. 3The work demonstrates partially effective control of musical elements. The technical challenges are mostly met. 4The work demonstrates mostly effective control of musical elements. The technical challenges are mostly met. 5The work consistently demonstrates effective control of musical elements. The technical challenges are met. 6The work consistently demonstrates highly effective control of musical elements. The technical challenges are consistently met.
C Razumevanje stila glasbe (Understanding of style) This criterion concerns the student’s/group’s understanding of the particular style of each musical piece within the selected presentation. MarksLevel descriptor 0The selected presentation does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1The selected presentation shows little understanding of the musical styles. 2The selected presentation shows some understanding of the musical styles. 3The selected presentation shows mostly effective understanding of the musical styles. 4The selected presentation shows consistently effective understanding of the musical styles.
D Glasbena komunikacija (Musical communication) This criterion is concerned with the extent to which the student/group communicates their musical recreation to an audience. MarksLevel descriptor 0The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1The work displays little musical communication. 2The work displays some musical communication. 3The work displays partially effective musical communication. 4The work displays mostly effective musical communication. 5The work consistently displays effective musical communication. 6The work consistently displays highly effective musical communication.
OCENE v programu mednarodne mature 1 - 7 Grade 7 Excellent Demonstrates: in-depth and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the media used, with precise use of terminology to communicate this understanding. Highly effective use of research, investigation and technical skills. In-depth understanding of artistic intention and engagement with the artistic process demonstrated in consistent development of ideas, creativity and critical reflection. Grade 6 Very good Demonstrates: detailed knowledge and understanding of the media used, with appropriate and consistent use of terminology to communicate this understanding. Effective use of research, investigation and technical skills. Understanding of artistic intention and engagement with the artistic process demonstrated in development of ideas, creativity and critical reflection. Grade 5 Good Demonstrates: sound knowledge and understanding of the media used, with appropriate use of terminology to communicate this understanding. Research, investigation and technical skills are evident and sometimes well developed. Evidence of understanding of artistic intention and the artistic process and development of ideas, creativity and critical reflection.
Grade 4 Satisfactory Demonstrates: secure knowledge and understanding of the media used, with appropriate use of terminology to communicate this understanding. Research and/or investigation skills are evident but not well developed. Some understanding of artistic intention and the artistic process, that is, understanding of the work of others, the student’s own work and the connections between these. Some evidence, through the student’s own work, of understanding of the artistic process. Technical skills are evident but not necessarily well developed. There is some evidence of development of ideas and some evidence of creativity and critical reflection. Grade 3 Mediocre Demonstrates: basic knowledge and understanding of the media used, with some use of terminology to communicate this understanding. There is evidence of research and/or investigation but this remains undeveloped. Partial understanding of artistic intention, that is, understanding of the work of others and the student’s own work. Evidence in the student’s own work of limited artistic process and technical skills. Creativity and critical reflection emerge occasionally in the work.
Grade 2 Poor Demonstrates: little knowledge and understanding of the media used, with limited use of terminology. There is evidence of superficial research and/or investigation. The student’s own work demonstrates very limited artistic process, technical skills, creativity and critical reflection. Grade 1 Very poor Demonstrates: very little knowledge and understanding of the media used, with inadequate use of terminology. Irrelevant research and/or investigation. The student’s own work demonstrates almost no artistic process, technical skills, creativity or critical reflection.
May 2011 – overall grade boundaries Standard level group performing Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mark range: 0 – 14 15 – 31 32 – 49 50 – 61 62 – 74 75 – 86 87 – 100 Standard level solo performing Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mark range: 0 – 14 15 – 31 32 – 51 52 – 63 64 – 71 72 – 83 84 – 100
Component grade boundaries Solo performing (HL/SLS) Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mark range: 0 – 3 4 – 7 8 – 11 12 – 13 14 – 16 17 – 18 19 - 20 Group performing (SLG) Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mark range: 0 – 3 4 – 7 8 – 12 13 – 14 15 – 15 16 – 17 18 – 20 Paper 1 (Listening paper) (SLS, SLG, SLC) Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mark range: 0 – 12 13 – 25 26 – 41 42 – 54 55 – 66 67 – 79 80 – 100
Primer slušnega izpita_maj_2011 / Section A Either 1. Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K. 551 “Jupiter”by W A Mozart In movement four (“Molto Allegro”) locate the principle themes found in the exposition and discuss Mozart’s treatment of these themes in either the development (bar/measure158–224) or the coda (bar/measure356–end). [20 marks] Or 2. El Salón México by A Copland Demonstrate the rhythmic sophistication found in Copland’s El Salón México by discussing at least four elements/features in the passage between rehearsal numbers 11–27(bar/measure103–267). [20 marks] 3. Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K. 551 “Jupiter”by W A Mozart and El Salón México by A Copland Through the link of thematic development, compare Copland’s El Salón México to any one movement (with exception of the fourth movement) of Mozart’s “Jupiter” Symphony. [20 marks]
Primer slušnega izpita_maj_2011 / Section B Either 4. Short Ride in a Fast Machine by J Adams (no score provided) Analyse,examine and discuss in detail what you hear in this extract. [20 marks] Or 5. First movement from Symphony No. 1, Op. 25 “Classical” by S Prokofiev (score provided) With clear reference to the score provided, analyse, examine and discuss in detail what you hear in this extract. [20 marks] 6. Unidentified Piece (no score provided) Analyse, examine and discuss in detail what you hear in this extract. [20 marks] 7. Unidentified Piece (no score provided) Analyse, examine and discuss in detail what you hear in this extract. [20 marks]
MARKSCHEME Short Ride in a Fast Machine by J Adams (no score provided) Musical elements The track consists of a number of passages with thick, chordal textures, set against the consistent tapping of a wood block and other instruments playing various subdivisions, which overlap and create shifts of patterns against the beat, giving rise to irregular and fast-changing rhythms. Musical structure There are many possible interpretations of the structure of this excerpt. Here is one of them. However, candidates are not expected to give such detail. 0:00 The wood block starts alone, playing fast crotchet beats, quickly joined by ostinato on the clarinets and then four trumpets playing a major triad with added 6th on the strong beat. Introduction of other instruments – woodwind, lower brass. 0:14 New chord (one tone lower) intermeshed with the opening chord, followed by flute and piccolo flourishes and addition of snare drum. 0:34 Rhythm briefly becomes more regular before developing into polyrhythms. 0:39 The flute and piccolo flourish is extended. 1:02 New section, with new major chord, bass drum and strings, with a gradual addition of instruments, notes and increasingly complex harmonic material building to a climax –French horns have hunting calls/rips. 1:40 New section, lower pitched wood block with tambourine, and the bass section seemingly in a different time signature, with trumpet stab chords slowly increasing in frequency. Chords with added notes, and a building of dissonant texture. 2:31 New bass theme repeated in lower instruments of the orchestra.
Musical terminology Some of the words that could be relevant to criterion C include (but are not limited to): rhythmic ostinato, cross rhythms, regular pulse, metric displacement, motivic, homophonic chords, layering, polyrhythm, polymeters, dissonance. Musical context American. John Adams – born in 1947. Minimalist. This piece dates from 1986. Commissioned for the Great Woods Festival and premiered by the Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra. Hence the original title “Fanfare for Great Woods”. Some candidates may relate this excerpt to film music.
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