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Planning Today For Tomorrow Opportunities To Earn College Credit At Perry High School.

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1 Planning Today For Tomorrow Opportunities To Earn College Credit At Perry High School

2 Current Programs Advance Placement courses Dual enrollment courses On the college campus At Perry High School Senior to Sophomore International Baccalaureate College Tech Prep programs

3 Advance Placement College level course taught by a high school teacher at the high school. Student earns high school credit and a weighted grade. Student sits for the AP exam in May. If the student earns a score of 3 or higher he is guaranteed college credit at any OHIO PUBLIC college or university. To prepare:  Student should take challenging courses.  Student should develop strong study skills

4 Dual Enrollment On Campus Students may apply to take college courses beginning in 9 th grade, IF THEY ARE ELIGIBLE. Students must meet the required ACT score set by the college or university (completed before March of the year prior to enrollment) and have no lower than a B in the subject area they will be taking in college. Students attend the classes at the college or university. College credit and high school credit is earned. Tuition and books are paid for by Perry local. If attending a Public college/university the courses should be TAG courses and which must be accepted by all OHIO PUBLIC COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES.

5 Dual Credit Off Campus College course is taught at Perry high school during the junior year by a high school teacher who is also an adjunct professor at an area college/university. Student must meet ACT/Compass score requirements on/before (math ACT score at least 20, English ACT score at least 18) December of the year prior to enrollment. Students receive high school and college credit. Cost is set by university or college (currently $68.00-$75.00 per course). Courses are TAG (transfer assurance modules-major specific courses) or OTM (Ohio Transfer Modules-general requirement courses) which must be accepted by all OHIO PUBLIC COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES.

6 Senior to Sophomore Student attends an area college or university full time (at least 15 college credit hours EACH semester). Student may continue to participate in high school activities. Upon completion of the senior year, the student should have earned enough credits to be a sophomore in college. Student must have all high school core courses completed except English 12, and have at least 20 high school credits completed in order to apply for the program. Tuition and books paid for by Perry local. Courses are TAG or OTM courses and must be accepted by all OHIO PUBLIC COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES.

7 International Baccalaureate A highly challenging educational program recognized world wide Many top tier schools give preference to IB diploma candidates Students may earn college credit for completed courses (first check with the college or university) Course preparation begins as early as 8 th grade Application is made during the first semester of the sophomore year This is a collaborative of Perry Local, Jackson Local and North Canton City Schools IB program is currently housed at Jackson High School

8 College Tech. Prep Opportunities Various programs offered at Perry high school which teach specific technical skills. Students may have the opportunity to earn college credit in these programs. Courses are college preparatory courses. Students will experience the actual career field with hands on experience in a lab setting and in a job setting. Students graduate with employable job skills.

9 Programs Business, Medical, Building Trades, Graphic and Visual design, Media Engineering-Project Lead the Way Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, IT Teacher Academy, Metal Fabrication, Automotive

10 Admission Into Tech. Prep Programs Past and current high school course work is reviewed Course difficulty Grades Attendance Behavior Teacher recommendation

11 In Order to Be Prepared to Take Advantage of These Opportunities…preparation BEGINS NOW Coursework. Math, science, social studies, English.  It is important that your child take the recommended classes and do well.  The more college preparatory classes a student takes, the better prepared he will be for the ACT exam and for college. Colleges, universities and scholarships look at the LEVEL of courses taken and the GRADE earned. Data proves that students score higher on the ACT test when they take four years of math and science (including physics) and at least three years of a foreign language.

12 Attendance Is Important Programs, colleges and scholarships look at attendance when considering your child’s application. The more students are IN school, the more they learn!

13 The ACT Exam If a student wishes to participate in the dual enrollment Associate of Art program, they need to take the ACT exam no later than December of their 8 th grade year. For the remaining Dual Enrollment Off Campus programs students need to have earned the required scores no later than December of the previous year (Dec. 2011 for the 2012-13 school year), for On Campus programs students need to have earned scores no later than March of the previous year of enrollment (March 2012 for the 2012-13 school year) By taking the ACT multiple times, students have an opportunity to improve their score. ACT tests students on knowledge through the junior year in high school (this is why it is important to take challenging courses).

14 WE NEED YOU! Your involvement and encouragement are appreciated TOGETHER WE CAN HELP YOUR CHILD ACHIEVE

15 To Summarize With thoughtful planning today your child may have an opportunity to earn over 30 college credit hours (that is equivalent to at 1 ½ years of college tuition and books) by the time he/she graduates from high school. In order to take advantage of these opportunities, your child needs to take the proper courses and earn good grades starting NOW.

16 Stark State College Associate of Arts Degree Program Offered at Perry High School

17 History of Dual Enrollment at Perry Started with the Seniors to Sophomores grant Allows students to take College level course work while still in High School PHS already has dual enrollment opportunities in place Designed to break down barriers to college

18 How Does a Student Qualify? Students must show “college readiness” by taking the ACT test Cut scores on the ACT are: Composite of 22, OR English 18 AND English Writing 19 Cut scores on the Compass are: Reading: 80Writing: 70 Algebra I: 55 Final acceptance is determined by Stark State

19 How Much Does This Cost? The current 2012-2013 school year cost to you per course is $75.00 - $85.00. This may vary year to year as the tuition cost is controlled by Stark State College The regular rate for the same course at Stark State is: $131.25/credit hour. A three hour course would cost you $393.75 + fees, a four hour course will cost you $525.00 plus fees.

20 Is This the Right Move for My Child? There will be some electives your child won’t be able to schedule This program is not for everyone, it will become more rigorous each year Families will need to support their student through difficult times There needs to be a commitment from the student and the family

21 What Can Go Wrong? The grades your child earns in the dual enrollment courses stay on their transcript The grades will also be a part of the high school transcript and may effect rank and GPA

22 What’s Next? All students interested in the program must complete an application. Completed application and test scores are due to the Edison counselors no later than January 27, 2012 All students must take the ACT test Dates for the Compass test are: January 27, 2012 Students who do not meet the ACT eligibility scores or have been notified will be required to take the Compass

23 Enrollment Procedure Student and Parent must complete the Stark State College application in its entirety in blue or black ink Writing must be legible All signatures must be on the form Social Security number is required by SSC. Students will be assigned a SSC ID number.

24 ACT testing Next ACT exam is December 10, 2011 November 4 th is the registration deadline Nov. 5 th -18 th is the late registration time and involves extra charges Send your reports to Perry High School code is 363-282 Go to to

25 Finally Once you have received your test scores from ACT staple them to your application. If you have met the required score/s bring the completed application, coversheet and scores to your counselor. If you do not meet the scores you must take the Compass Exam January 27 th at Edison Students taking the compass must bring the completed application, coversheet and ACT scores with them in order to take the Compass Exam

26 Notification Students will be notified in early to mid February of acceptance or denial into the program. Acceptance is also based on behavior, absences, tardiness, course work level and grades Final decision on acceptance is made by Stark State College

27 Course Preparation Students need to be enrolled in Honors Geometry, Honor’s Biology, and Honors World History the freshman year to be in the Associate of Arts program. Students need to be enrolled in the proper courses in 8 th grade to be eligible for these 9 th grade courses. These courses are; Advanced Algebra I and Honors Physical Science. Advanced Language Arts is strongly recommended

28 International Baccalaureate The International Baccalaureate Program follows the same guidelines for admittance as the Associate of Arts Program. The exception: ACT scores are not needed until December of freshman year The IB program is housed at Jackson High School-all courses are taught at Jackson. A compact with Jackson, North Canton and Perry Local Schools. IB is one of the most rigorous academic programs available. Tier I universities state that preference is given to those students who have completed an IB program International and course integration foundation Holistic evaluation and testing Application process begins in November of sophomore year

29 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING If you are currently an 8 th grade parent and wish to have your student apply to the program, please make sure you pick up an application packet. If you have further questions after this evening feel free to email Mrs. Mary Jo Bowersox at

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