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Welcome to IB 201 IB Coordinator : Ms. Nelms IB Counselor : Ms. Simmons.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to IB 201 IB Coordinator : Ms. Nelms IB Counselor : Ms. Simmons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to IB 201 IB Coordinator : Ms. Nelms IB Counselor : Ms. Simmons

2 Overview of IB 201 Presentation: 1.Course Registration 2.IB requirements: Courses, CAS, TOK, EE, HL/SL 3.6 th subject options & course progression 4.How to achieve the IB Diploma: -Points, Internal Assessments 5.Standards to remain in IB 6.College/University

3 The Core Curriculum Group 3: History Group 1: English Group 4: Biology Chemistry Physics Group 6: Arts/ Elective Group 5: Math Group 2: Foreign Language

4 TYPICAL SCHEDULE 9 th Grade -English 1 pre-IB -French or Spanish 1 pre-IB -AP Human Geography -Biology 1 pre-IB -Geometry Honors -Two electives 10 th Grade -AP Language &Composition -French 2 pre-IB /Spanish 2 pre-IB -AP European History -Chemistry 1 pre-IB -Algebra 2 Honors / Algebra 2 -2 electives

5 Electives Visit IB website: Students & Parents < Course Registration Informational Sheet Popular Electives: AP Psychology AP Environmental Science AP US Government (1 sem) AP Macroecomonics (1 sem) AP Human Geography Physics Honors Marine Science 2 Honors_____ Ceramics and Pottery 2D Art Studio 2 Debate Band, Guitar, Jazz Ensemble Acting Art Journalism (yearbook) Humanities 1 Honors (Academic Team)

6 11 th Grade -AP Literature and Composition -IB French 3 or IB Spanish 3 -AP U.S. History -IB Biology, IB Chemistry, IB Physics -IB Precalculus or IB Math Studies -IB 6 th Subject: IB Geo 2, Art, Theatre, Music or 2 nd Science -TOK 1 12 th Grade -IB English 4 -IB French 4 or IB Spanish 4 -IB History of the Americas -IB Biology 3 / IB Chemistry 3 / IB Physics -IB Adv Calculus,IB Calculus or IB Statistics -IB Art 2, IB Theatre 2 -TOK 2 -Elective

7 Junior TOK 1 Course IB visit on December 9, 2013 –TOK class for junior year required Students with needed class such as Band, ROTC, SGA, etc. will be given an alternative way to meet the requirement –2/3 days lunch or before school Class will include EE, CAS and a study hall

8 Sixth Subject Options IB Geography – 1 year SL course Typically completed in junior year IB Theatre – 11 th & 12 th grade (SL or HL) IB Art - 11th & 12th grade (SL or HL) 2 nd IB Science- 11 th & 12 th grade Bio/Chem Chem/Physics Physics/Bio 2nd Foreign Language – All 4 years Course registration is Feb 13 th Possibly implementing IB Music

9 SCIENCE OPTIONS -Student selects a Science Track by 11 th grade year Biology 9 th : Biology 1- Pre IB (Every IB student takes) 11 th : IB Biology (1 st year of HL) or IB Biology 2 (SL) 12 th : IB Biology 3 (HL) Chemistry 10 th : Chemistry 1-Pre IB (Every IB student takes) 11 th : IB Chemistry (1 st year of HL) or IB Chemistry 2 (SL) 12 th : IB Chemistry 3 (HL) Physics 10 th : Physics Honors 11 th : IB Physics 1/2 (SL or 1 st year HL) or Physics Honors 12 th : IB Physics 3 optional (HL) or IB Physics 2

10 SCIENCE TRACKS Biology Pre-IB Chemistry Pre-IB IB Chemistry 1 IB Chemistry 2 IB Chemistry 1 IB Chemistry 2 IB Biology 1 IB Biology 2 IB Biology 1 IB Biology 2 IB Chemistry 3 (HL) IB Biology 3 (HL) Physics H IB Physics 2 (SL) 9th 10th 11th 12th Traditional 2 Sciences Physics Physics H IB Physics 1 IB Physics 2 IB Physics 1 IB Physics 2 IB Physics 3 (HL) Biology-Pre IB In addition to

11 9th Grade : (Algebra1 H) or Geometry H for selected students, Geometry H & Algebra 2 H Students in Algebra 1 Honors only as a freshman need to make up Geometry over the summer online 10th Grade Algebra 2 or Algebra 2H for selected students, IB Precalculus 11th Grade : IB Math Studies or IB Precalculus for selected students, AP Calculus BC 12th Grade : IB Statistics (if student took Math Studies) or IB Calculus (if student took Precalculus) or IB Adv Calculus (Math HL) for qualified students, IB Mathematics HL MATH TRACKS

12 Geometry H Algebra 2 H Algebra 2 IB Pre-Calculus IB Math Studies AP AB Calculus/ AP BC Calculus AP AB Calculus/ AP BC Calculus IB Statistics Algebra 2 H IB Pre-Cal AP Calculus / AP BC Calculus AP Calculus / AP BC Calculus AP BC Cal/ IB Adv Cal (HL) AP BC Cal/ IB Adv Cal (HL) 9th 10th 11th 12th

13 WHICH MATH? Math Studies - designed for students who will be taking college algebra and statistics in college Math SL - designed for college majors that may require a semester or two of calculus Math HL - designed for math intensive majors with multiple calculus and above courses expected


15 6 Subject Areas and the Core Group 3: History Group 1: English Group 4: Biology Chemistry Physics Group 6: Arts/ Elective Group 5: Math Group 2: Foreign Language

16 Pre-IB English: English Pre-IB AP Language and Composition IB English: AP Literature and Composition (IB English year 1) IB English 4 (HL) Pre-IB History: AP Human Geography AP European History IB History: AP US History (IB History 1) IB Contemp. History 2 (HL) Pre-IB Math: Geometry Hon Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 H IB Math: IB Math Studies IB Statistics (SL) IB Pre-Calculus IB Calculus/ (SL) IB Adv Cal (Math HL) Pre-IB Electives : 2D Studio Art 2 Tech Theater,Acting IB Art/Theater Electives: IB Art 1 IB Theater 1 IB Art 2 IB Theater 2 Pre-IB Science: Biology pre-IB Chemistry pre-IB Physics Hon (optional) IB Science: IB Biology 2 (SL) IB Biology 3 (HL) IB Chemistry 2 (SL) IB Chemistry 3 (HL) IB Physics 2 (SL) IB Physics 3 (HL) Pre-IB Foreign Language: French 1 pre-IB Spanish 1 pre-IB French 2 pre-IB Spanish 2 pre-IB IB Foreign Language: IB French 4 IB Spanish 4 IB French 5 IB Spanish 5 IB Spanish 6 (HL)

17 What is the difference? It is NOT a difference in quality of instruction, only quantity of instructional time -HL = 240 hours (2 years) -SL = 150 hours (1 or 2 year depending) Difference also is number of assessments 3 IB courses “Higher Level” 3 IB courses SL“Standard Level” Some students do 4HL/2SL Higher Level (HL) vs. Standard Level (SL)

18 Higher Level Options English-all students take History-most students take Biology, Chemistry, Physics Visual Arts Theatre -French/Spanish-Spanish/French 2 in 9 th -Math (Algebra II required in 9th)

19 Standard Level Options Spanish/French Math Studies Math SL (Calculus) Geography Visual Arts Theatre Additional Science: –Biology, Chemistry, Physics Possible Music

20 CENTER of the CIRCLE Theory of Knowledge Creativity, Action, Service Extended Essay

21 CAS DEADLINES 9 th & 10 th Grade CAS: Log experiences balancing C/A/S spread over two years equaling 50 hours and engage in reflection by August 1 before 11 th grade. IB CAS: 100 additional hours, including one sustained, collaborative project integrating at least two categories of C/A/S. -Evidence of 8 learning outcomes due in February before graduation. -Students & Parents <CAS -Web-based record-keeping via Managebac: -Instructions on website

22 NEW IB CAS REQUIREMENTS FOR CURRENT JUNIORS 100 hour project over a minimum of 9 months College/Universities want to see students making a difference long term Must follow CAS guidelines- managebac Project must be pre-approved Presentations to students

23 Extended Essay Independent RESEARCH project: topic of student’s choice 4,000 words Written during summer between 11 th & 12 th Newer process this year 11 th : TOK class Final draft due the first day of senior year Externally graded by IB from A to E Can earn points towards diploma

24 THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE TOK Concepts begin in 11 th grade in TOK 1 TOK class in 12 th grade: One oral presentation in the fall and TOK paper responding to choice of set question (1,000-words) With TOK essay and EE grade, students can be awarded up to 3 points towards IB diploma

25 Students can not earn an E in TOK and on their EE or they will not receive an IB diploma A-Excellent B-Good C-Satisfactory D-Mediocre E-Elementary N-No Grade

26 How to Earn IB diploma IB EXAMINATIONS: 2 components: Internal Assessment External Assessment Exams called Papers For Art & Theatre: Portfolios/Production No make-up for IB Exams

27 INTERNAL ASSESSMENTS Internal assessments are graded by classroom teacher and moderated by an IB examiner Internal assessment also determine final points awarded for each subject I t is NOT only the exam that matters but the internal assessments effect the final points

28 ASSESSMENT BREAKDOWN English Papers (Exams)70% Internal Assessments30% (starts junior year) Foreign Language Papers (Exams)70% Internal Assessments30% (starts junior year) History Papers (Exams)80% Internal Assessments20%

29 ASSESSMENT BREAKDOWN Math Papers (Exams)80% Internal Assessment 20% Science Papers (Exams)76% Internal Assessments24% Art External Portfolio60% Internal Assessment40% Theatre External Assessment50% Internal Assessment50%

30 Earning the IB Diploma Earn high school diploma in June; notified of IB diploma results in July Seniors-your IB personal code and pin is how you log in to see if you received diploma 6 Subjects – 1-7 points in each Diploma = Must earn minimum of 24 points 7-Excellent 6-Very Good 5-Good 4-Satisfactory 3-Mediocre 2-Poor 1-Very Poor

31 Failing Conditions for IB Diploma 1. CAS requirements have not been met. 2. Candidate’s total points are fewer than 24. 3. An N has been given for theory of knowledge, extended essay or for a contributing subject. 4. A grade E has been awarded for one or both of theory of knowledge and the extended essay. 5. There is a grade 1 awarded in a subject/level. 6. Grade 2 has been awarded three or more times (HL or SL).

32 Failing Conditions Continued 7. Grade 3 or below has been awarded four or more times (HL or SL). 8. Candidate has gained fewer than 12 points on HL subjects (for candidates who register for four HL subjects, the three highest grades count). 9. Candidate has gained fewer than 9 points on SL subjects (candidates who register for two SL subjects must gain at least 5 points at SL).

33 Standards to Remain in IB Lack of Effort Policy Cheating Policy Academic Probation Policy Must be on time with deadlines: Internal Assessments CAS Extended Essay TOK

34 Last Section: Ms. Simmons: IB College Counselor

35 What are the Advantages of graduating from the IB Program? Best college preparatory program in the area. IB is widely recognized by the World’s leading universities. Earn college credit, in many cases allowing them to skip over entry-level courses. Develop study habits and time management skills. IB family community Increased scholarship opportunities.

36 How do universities view IB? Universities have indicated they only come to our school out of the entire surrounding area to recruit due to the quality students IB provides: University of Pennsylvania Emory University Rice University University of Miami

37 we typically prefer a student take IB courses, even when other schools offer AP/Honors/Dual Enrollment.IB is more standardized on an international platform why the IB courseworkwhen available “Students have many options when it comes to their high school curriculum. AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, and Honors classes all provide an opportunity for students to better prepare themselves for college. At Emory University, we typically prefer a student take IB courses, even when other schools offer AP/Honors/Dual Enrollment. The reason behind this preference is simply that IB is more standardized on an international platform whereas AP, Honors and DE can vary widely across the US from school-to-school. Strength of HS curriculum is the number one indicator for us as to a student’s likelihood of success once they enroll at Emory, which is why the IB coursework, when available, is necessary for a student’s admission to Emory. “ Nicholas E. Missler, Senior Admission Advisor


39 How prestigious universities view IB compared to Dual Enrollment & other AP classes the IB as a challenging curriculum respect IB very much community service component of the IB is also highly respected have not been challenged to do so before or in other types of curriculums “A student’s high school courses and curriculum is the most important factor in the selection process complimented by all of the other pieces in the application. We see the IB as a challenging curriculum, with higher and standard level courses as well as the TOK and extended essay. As a staff, we respect IB very much and see applicants from all over the world in the IB curriculum. The community service component of the IB is also highly respected as students engage in outreach to their communities as a part of their holistic school requirements. We also note the extended essay subject and the opportunity for students to research and write in a way they have not been challenged to do so before or in other types of curriculums. The IB is a wonderful program. ” Jodi Robinson, Director of Admissions

40 Earning College Credit through IB! Most universities reward your IB exam results with college-credit; however, the exam scores and awarded college credit varies by university. To learn what IB scores are needed for college-credit, students can check out the IBO website at –select the United States –choose a college or university – *remember to follow-up with the individual universities admissions websites for the most up to date criteria

41 Villanova University Villanova University recognizes the rigors of the IB curriculum and grants placement and/or credit for the following Higher Level IB scores and University course equivalents:

42 Does being in the IB program help obtain scholarships? Class of 2014: $11.2 million dollars rewarded for 100 students Class of 2014: 100% of IB students received Bright Future Scholarships Several universities incentivize earning the IB diploma with scholarships –Automatic Florida Bright Futures scholarship –Oglethorpe University - $2,500 –Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD) – ranges from $3,000 to $15,000 depending on IB diploma score –University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) – $2,500 Also check out the IBO website for college and university scholarships at:

43 College Timeline Refer to PHS IB website at under the College tab for a complete timeline of the college admissions process for high school students. IB College Counselor will be visiting each junior AP English class to discuss the college application process on February 11 (ask your student to share the handouts with you). Important for juniors to register for the SAT/ACT this spring and to also register for the SAT II subject tests in May or June in subjects they are taking AP exams. ACT and SAT dates are on the IB website

44 Comparing College Choices Environment: Urban vs. Rural Size of Nearest City Co-ed/Single sexed Religious Affiliation Location: Distance from Home Setting Size: Enrollment Campus Size Student/Faculty Ratio Typical class size Academics: Major(s) Minors/Pre-professional Special Requirements Accreditation Housing: Residence Hall Requirements Availability Types and Sizes Deposit Amount/Due Date Cost: Tuition, Room and Board Estimated Total Expenses Application Fee Admissions Requirements: Deadlines Tests Required Average SAT/ACT Average GPA Credits Awarded for AP Special Requirements

45 Florida State University College of Medicine Summer Institute – Mini Medical School Experience Eligibility: Rising Juniors and Seniors 3.3 minimum GPA Experience in college preparatory Math and Science courses Minimum 500 word essay Recommendation letter from teacher and guidance counselor Cost: $975 Includes: registration, lodging, meals, transportation to site visits, and supplies Limited Scholarships available Program Dates: Session 1: June 7 th – 12 th, 2015 Session 2: June 21 st – 26 th, 2015 Session 3: July 12 th – 17 th, 2015 Mission of the College of Medicine Summer Institute: Introduce students to college life and FSU College of Medicine Inspire students to work with medically underserved patients Offer opportunity for enhancement of knowledge and skills in the field of medicine

46 What is IBSF IB T-Shirt Sale Volunteering IBSF

47 Questions? Thank you for coming!

48 EE + TOK = 0 to 3 Bonus Points EE and TOK done and both must be between an A-D Diploma = 24 points 6 Subjects – 1-7 points in each Students who earn IB diploma automatically receive Bright Future Scholarship CAS Requirements are met Will discuss more at IB 201 GETTING THE IB DIPLOMA

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