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Adolfo Mata, EAP coordinator
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access The California State University: Preparing for Admission and Enrollment Adolfo Mata, EAP coordinator HACU 2007
EAP Testing Early Start Update English Conditional
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access EAP Update English Conditional Common Core Standards Testing Registration Exemptions from EPT/ELM Early Start Message When required HACU 2007
CSU Message on Preparation
Concentrated focus must be on early preparation Begin early Elementary and middle school Focus on academic success What will help them become better students in college? Emphasize rigorous English and math courses The senior year math question…..
Preparation Tabs Encourage students to attend CSU college fairs
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access Preparation Tabs Encourage students to attend CSU college fairs Ask questions about impacted programs, supplemental criteria, deadlines, etc. HACU 2007
Resources for Counselors
Admissions Handbook Impacted Programs Campus Specific Practices CSU Mentor tutorial Student Academic Support site provides multiple resources on its website
Resources for Counselors
CSU Mentor Counselor & Educator link High School Planner Transfer Planner Application Filing Status Report CSU Success CSU Mentor offers many resources for counselors as well as prospective students. CSU Success website provides tools to assist students who need support in English and mathematics.
Early Assessment Program
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access Early Assessment Program Give students an early signal of college readiness Identify students before their senior year who need to do additional work in English and/or mathematics before entering the CSU Collaborate with the high school community Inform students, families, and high schools of students’ readiness for college-level work Provide 12th grade interventions Motivate students to take the necessary steps in 12th grade to ensure readiness HACU 2007
EAP 11th Grade Testing Students may be exempt from CSU (and participating community college) placement tests if students earn a ready for college level courses in English/mathematics status To receive EAP results students must complete ALL sections of test ELA CST and additional 15 multiple choice questions, and EAP essay administered in March CST in Algebra 2 or Summative High School Mathematics and 15 multiple choice questions EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
EAP 11th Grade Testing EAP Statuses
Ready for CSU or participating community college level English/math course (exempt) Not yet demonstrating CSU or participating community college level readiness in English/math (must take EPT/ELM – unless exempt through another way) Ready for CSU or participating community college level math/English course – conditional EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
Conditional Statuses Must earn a grade of C or higher
Math- Conditional Must take a 4th year of math with a pre-requisite of Algebra II (If student does not take a 4th year math class will be required to take the ELM) English – Conditional Year-long Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC), or AP/IB English course, or Approved Honors English (UC Doorways Site) Must earn a grade of C or higher
EAP and the Community Colleges
EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Approximately 70 community colleges are accepting EAP results Community colleges may not be accepting both statuses Check their website!!!
EAP and Common Core Standards Test
New assessment tool being developed for state standards (Smarter Balance Consortia) Computer adaptive Pilot testing in 2013 and 2014 Full implementation in 2015 Will incorporate college readiness standards English and math faculty working with Smarter Balance to develop/align the standards EAP is not going away – the assessment tool will change
Continue to use EAP Resources
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access Continue to use EAP Resources On-line preparation tools English and math road maps/to do lists Free practice tests Letter in February reminding students/administrators of upcoming EAP test (available on-line only) Campus EAP coordinators may provide one on one assistance HACU 2007
EAP Release Important to release EAP results to the CSU/CCC
If a student did not release results, will be required to submit hard copy to campus ETS will begin charging $10 for duplicates 2012 Release Results English Both: 64% Not Authorizing: (72K) 19% 2012 Release Results for Math Both: 70% Not Authorizing (26K) 13% EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
EAP Test Results
WWW.CSUSUCCESS.ORG SAT (encouraging early test taking)
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access SAT (encouraging early test taking) ACT (encouraging early test taking) HACU 2007
EAP – Grade 12 Learn EAP results
Determine if student needs to focus on English or math (or both) Adjust courses accordingly (previous CST results) If applying to CSU register for EPT/ELM if necessary Conditional status students may need to take EPT/ELM even if in an approved course If student does not meet the condition, admitted campus will provide direction. EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
Campus Communication Upon application, campus will send confirmation with further communication instructions Campuses are using as main form of communication Students should check campus website/portals regularly Read more than just the first line….. Some campuses send out blanket form letters to all students asking them to register for EPT/ELM EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
EPT/ELM: Does the Student Need it?
Students who do not show readiness on EAP (AP, SAT, ACT) will be required to take the EPT and/or ELM Students that do not pass EPT/ELM will be required to begin a remediation activity in the summer Early Start Students who earned an EAP conditional status may be required to take the EPT/ELM Campuses may use final transcripts to determine if remediation is needed If student is earning a grade below a “C” should consider taking EPT/ELM EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
Other Exemptions - Mathematics
550 or higher on the mathematics portion of the SAT Reasoning Test 550 or higher on a mathematics subject test (level 1 or level 2) 23 or more on the ACT mathematics test 3 or higher on College Board Advanced Placement Calculus or Statistics
Other Exemptions - English
500 or higher on the Critical Reading section of the SAT 22 or higher on the ACT English Test Score of 3 or higher on either the Language & Composition or Literature & Composition College Board Advanced Placement Exam
EPT/ELM Most students know by the end of the first semester if they are failing a conditional class In math, it’s the 4th year and student has opportunity to do other activity (i.e. on-line ALEKS) In English, if they fail the class they are no longer CSU eligible!!!! Conditional students who are not sure if they are failing, should register for the EPT/ELM exams EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
EPT/ELM Registration New registration system
On-line system designed to: Register students who actually need to take the EPT/ELM Download EAP, SAT, and ACT data and match w/student Reduce walk-ins Reduce cash on hand Allow campus tests offices to plan accordingly EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
EPT/ELM Registration Students who are exempt from EPT or ELM by means of an EAP status of Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level coursework, SAT or ACT will not be permitted to register for the EPT/ELM through the on-line registration system. Students who receive a Ready for CSU or participating CCC college-level coursework – Conditional or Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or participating CCC college-level course work in English and/or mathematics will be permitted to register. EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
EPT/ELM: Who Should Take the Test
The California State University (CSU) requires you to take the English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) exam prior to enrollment in the CSU. Your scores will determine which Math and English courses you should take to begin your career at CSU. You may be exempt from taking the EPT or ELM based on your scores earned on other appropriate tests such as the CSU's Early Assessment Program (EAP) tests in English and Mathematics, the SAT®, ACT®, or Advanced Placement® (AP). This site will determine if you are exempt as part of the registration process. For more information about the EPT and ELM click on the EPT/ELM Information Bulletin link below. EAP Section marked by the CSU or CCCC logo English CSU questions on CST are from State Board Standards Reading comprehension and literary response Writing strategies Written essay- Based on short non-fiction passage (under 100 words) Student explains author’s argument and extent to which student agrees with author’s analysis and conclusion Sometimes scheduled at a later date Math Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access
HACU 2007
Early Start Program The goals of the Early Start Program include better preparation of new students in mathematics and English by starting in the summer preceding their first fall semester, provide better assessment of academic preparation and improve students’ likelihood of a successful completion of a college degree. Early Start was adopted by the CSU Board of Trustees Goals of Early Start are to: better prepare students in math and English, before the Fall semester of freshman year provide better assessment and preparation ultimately improve a students' chances of successful completion of a college degree
Early Start Students who do not pass the ELM/EPT exams or earn an exemption will be required to participate in the Early Start Program A student who earns an exemption through EAP, ACT, SAT or AP is not required to participate in Early Start or remediation Conditional status students do not need to participate in Early Start Depending on performance may still be required to complete remediation – direction from campus Phased approach to implementation – fall 2012 first students Students who are already “college ready” based on EAP, SAT, ACT, ELM or EPT are not required to participate. Likewise, there are other exemptions. Students will receive information from the campuses to which they’ve been admitted Emphasis still on early assessment – , new first time freshman who would require the most academic support in mathematics or English based on their ELM or EPT score will be required to begin academic support courses during summer 2012 through the Early Start Program.
EPT/ELM Cut Off Scores If a student earned a score in: Math English –
Less than 50 English – Less than 138 Will be required to participate in Early Start English: scores between will not need to participate in Early Start but will be required to remediate during the first year of enrollment In 2014, all students below 147 will be required to participate in Early Start
Registering for Early Start
Several ways a student may participate in Early Start Service Area Campus Campus close to home Destination Campus Campus where student will ultimately enroll On-line Where offered (destination or service area) Student may choose a 1 to 3 unit course
Registering for Early Start
Once student is admitted, campus will determine if Early Start is required Campus will send registration instructions Student must tell campus how they will complete program via Early Start Smart page Service Area Campus Destination Campus Cost is $182 per unit plus $2 for campus fees Student may be eligible for Early Start fee waiver
Registering for Early Start
When student decides how and where they will participate in Early Start, AND Have told their destination campus via Early Start Smart Page, Campus selected will send further instructions Student will then be able to register for selected course/courses
When Student Completes Early Start
Results will be sent to destination campus if Early Start activity was completed at a service area campus If student took less than 3 units, may be required to complete remediation at destination campus during the first year depending on performance Math score values mimic ELM (if they score a 50 or higher in Early Start Math they will have completed the remediation requirement)
Students who may be exempt from Early Start Participation
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access Students who may be exempt from Early Start Participation Student may be exempt from Early Start if: Participating in a Summer Bridge/or similar program Non-resident International Late-admits Requested and was granted a waiver due to hardship EAP Conditional HACU 2007
Students who do not willingly participate in Early Start
A student that does not participate in Early Start will have their file reviewed by the Campus Compliance Committee There are a range of consequences: Student may be blocked from registering for fall semester classes Student may be placed on academic probation May be given two semesters to comply with remediation requirement
Early Start 2012 Summer 2012 was first year of Early Start
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access Early Start 2012 Summer 2012 was first year of Early Start 18,748 students participated (24K were identified as Early Start participants) 15,546 participated at their destination campus 3,202 participated at service campus Most students opted to take a 3 unit course Currently gathering final data on participants HACU 2007
The CSU Early Assessment & TRIO Programs: Maximizing our Resources for Access
Any questions? HACU 2007
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