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Circulatory System. Consists of Heart Blood Vessels Blood.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory System. Consists of Heart Blood Vessels Blood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory System

2 Consists of Heart Blood Vessels Blood

3 Function Transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells Transports carbon dioxide and metabolic waste away from the cells

4 Heart Define –Muscular, hollow organ –Size of a clenched fist –Located in the center of the chest, under the sternum

5 Layers of the Heart Endocardium –Inner lining of heart Myocardium –Cardiac muscle tissue Pericardium –Covers outside of heart


7 Septum Wall that divides the heart into left and right

8 Heart Chambers Atria (atrium) 1. Right 3. Left Ventricle 2. Right 4. Left

9 Heart Valves Tricuspid –Separates the right atrium from the right ventricle –Has 3 flaps Mitral –Separates the left atria and the left ventricle –Has 2 flaps

10 Pulmonary valve –Separates the right ventricle from the pulmonary artery Aortic valve –Separates the left ventricle from the aorta

11 Cardiac Cycle Right and left atria work together Right and left ventricles work together Systole – period of contraction Diastole – brief period of rest

12 Blood Pressure 120/70 Diastolic –Bottom number –Heart relaxes as it passively fills with blood Systolic –Top number –Highest pressure in vessels when the ventricles contract

13 Pattern of Circulation Vena cava Right atrium Right ventricle Pulmonary artery Lungs Pulmonary veins Left atrium Left ventricle Aorta Arteries Capillaries Veins Vena cava

14 Blood Vessels Arteries Capillaries Veins

15 Blood Vessels Arteries –blood away from heart –Usually oxygenated blood –Largest is the aorta –Muscular wall

16 Blood Vessels Capillaries –One-cell thick –Diffuse O2, CO2, nutrients, and waste –Connect arteries with veins

17 Blood Vessels Veins –blood back to the heart –Largest - superior and inferior vena cava –Usually deoxygenated blood –Has valves to prevent backflow

18 Electrical Conductive Pathway Function –A group of nerve cells that send out an electrical impulse for muscle contraction –SA Node - Sinoatrial node –AV Node - Atrioventricular node


20 EKG - Electrocardiogram Record of the movement of the electrical impulse as it travels through the heart

21 Normal EKG

22 Arrhythmias Abnormal or irregular heart rhythms

23 Defibrillators When the heart is in fibrillation, the heart must be shocked with an electrical current to stop the uncoordinated contraction and allow the SA node to regain control


25 Pacemakers A small battery powered device with electrodes that monitors the hearts activity and delivers an electrical impulse to stimulate contraction

26 Pacemakers

27 Blood Tissue (contains many types of cells) 4-6 quarts in the average adult Composed of plasma and blood cells Plasma is 90% water

28 Functions Transports –oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away –nutrients to cells –Metabolic waste from the cells –heat produced by the body –hormones to body organs

29 Blood Types O, A, B, AB Rh factor Universal Donor (O) Universal Recipient (AB)

30 Blood Types Out of 100 people, about: 38 will be O + 7 will be O - 34 will be A + 6 will be A - 8 will be B + 2 will be B - 4 will be AB + 1 will be AB - Who Can Receive Whose Red Blood Cells: O - can only use O - O + can use O + or O - A - can use A - or O - A + can use A +, A -, O + or O - B - can use B - or O - B + can use B +, B -, O + or O - AB - can use AB -, A -, B - or O - AB + can use All Blood Types



33 Blood Cells Erythrocytes - Red Blood Cells RBC –Live for 120 days –Shaped like a disk –Contains hemoglobin – a blood protein –Amount of hemoglobin gives blood its red color –Carries the O 2 and CO 2

34 Leukocytes White blood cells - WBC Function – fight infection Live 3-9 days Fight infection by phagocytes 5 types of leukocytes

35 Clotting Factor Thrombocytes –Platelets –Cell fragments –Formed in the bone marrow Function –Clotting Live –5 to 9 days

36 Diseases Anemia –Too little RBC’s or hemoglobin or both

37 Sickle Cell Anemia Chronic inherited anemia Occurs almost exclusively in African Americans Cells are abnormally shaped like a sickle Crisis occur when they block the vessels and severe pain results

38 Aneurysm A ballooning out or weakness of an artery wall Usually asymptomatic May rupture and hemorrhage and death results Repair is possible if diagnosed early

39 Common Aneurysm Sites Cerebral, Aortic, Abdominal

40 Repair of an Aneurysm

41 Arteriosclerosis Hardening of the arteries Results in the loss of elasticity and contractility Results of aging Causes hypertension

42 Atherosclerosis Deposits of plaque on artery wall If plaque breaks loose circulates as an emboli and

43 Surgical Repair CABG –Coronary artery bypass graft –A vein from the leg or chest is used to go around or “bypass” the blockage

44 Stent Insertion of an expandable coil that Keeps the vessel open Some are medicated

45 Hemophilia Inherited disease that occurs mostly in males but carried by females Lack of a clotting factor (VII most common) Minor cut can cause prolonged bleeding

46 Hypertension Increased blood pressure Caused by a narrowing of the vessels or too much fluid in the vessel Controlled with medication and diet very effective Leading cause of stroke

47 Hypotension Low blood pressure Due to dilation of the blood vessels, shock, or hemorrhage

48 Leukemia Cancer of the bone marrow or lymph tissue Results in a high number of immature WBC”s Treatment –Radiation, chemo, bone marrow transplant

49 Myocardial Infarction Heart Attack Due to blockage in the coronary arteries that cuts off the blood supply to the heart Treatment includes clot busting drugs, CABG, stents

50 Phlebitits Inflammation of a vein If caused by a clot it is called thrombophlebitis

51 Varicose Veins Dilated, swollen veins

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