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Earth Science Need to Know Facts Final Review. Observation and Measurement  Same substance = same density  As pressure increases, density increases.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Science Need to Know Facts Final Review. Observation and Measurement  Same substance = same density  As pressure increases, density increases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Science Need to Know Facts Final Review

2 Observation and Measurement  Same substance = same density  As pressure increases, density increases. PRESSUREPRESSURE TEMPERATURE

3 Observation and Measurement  As temperature increases, density decreases  Water expands when it freezes TEMPERATURE D E N S I T Y

4 Observation and Measurement  A sphere is the best model of Earth’s shape (oblate spheroid)  Altitude of Polaris equals your latitude!!!! 54° Horizon Zenith 36°

5 Observation and Measurement  Longitude (time) is based on the sun  Close contour lines=steep slope/gradient

6 Observation and Measurement  Contour lines “bend” upstream— Law of V’s

7 Rocks and Minerals Sedimentary  Form underwater  Horizontal layers  Contains fossils  Compaction  Cementation  Evaporites  Precipitates

8 Rocks and Minerals Igneous  Solidification of Magma  Intergrown Crystals  Extrusive (formed at Earth’s surface)- cools fast-small crystals (fine), no crystals (glassy) ObsidianScoria

9 Rocks and Minerals Igneous  Intrusive (formed within the Earth)- cools slow-large crystals (coarse to very coarse)  Felsic/Mafic Diorite

10 Rocks and Minerals Metamorphic  Heat  Pressure  Recrystallization  Foliated-shows minerals alignment Phyllite

11 Rocks and Minerals Metamorphic  Non-Foliated-do not have mineral alignment  Banding-layered arrangement  NO MELTING!!! Marble

12 Minerals  Naturally Occurring  Inorganic  Definite Chemical Composition  Solid  Crystal Structure (internal arrangement of atoms)

13 Minerals Properties of Mineral Identification - - Color-Density - - Streak - - Luster - - Hardness - - Cleavage/Fracture - - Special Properties

14 Surface Processes and Landscapes  Porosity (amount of holes) – size doesn’t matter (when sorted)  Permeability (holes connected) – the bigger the particle size, the faster water goes through

15 Surface Processes and Landscapes  Gravity is behind all erosion (wind, running water, glaciers, ocean waves)  Streams are the number one agent of erosion

16 Surface Processes and Landscapes  Capillarity (movement upward) – increases as particle size decreases

17 Surface Processes and Landscapes  Stream velocity depends on slope and discharge (amount of water in stream)

18 Surface Processes and Landscapes  Velocity is faster on outside of meander bend – erosion occurs there and it is deepest.

19 Surface Processes and Landscapes  Heavy dense round particles settle out first in water  Graded bedding (vertical sorting) biggest sediments on the bottom  Horizontal sorting – large particles settle out first (stream slows down when entering a larger body of water)

20 Surface Processes and Landscapes  Glacial sediments are unsorted, scratched, U-shaped valley and can carry boulders.  Stream deposits are sorted, round, smooth, V-shaped valley (Abrasion)

21 Astronomy Seasons  Earth is tilted at 23.5°  When the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun it’s SUMMER!!!  Earth revolves around the sun  Earth axis is always points in the same direction  Equator= no seasons= always has 12 hours of daylight  Hottest time of day – 3 pm  Coldest time of day – around sunrise

22 Astronomy Seasons DAYDATE VERTICAL RAY SUN RISE SUN SET DAY LENGTH Summer Solstice June 21st Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N N of E N of W Longest

23 Astronomy Seasons DAYDATE VERTICAL RAY SUN RISE SUN SET DAY LENGTH AutumnEquinox Sept. 23rd Equator 0°0°0°0°EastWest 12 hours

24 Astronomy Seasons DAYDATE VERTICAL RAY SUN RISE SUN SET DAY LENGTH Winter Solstice Dec. 21st Tropic of Capricorn 23.5°S S of E S of W Shortest

25 Astronomy Seasons DAYDATE VERTICAL RAY SUN RISE SUN SET DAY LENGTH SpringEquinox March 21st Equator 0°0°0°0°EastWest 12 hours

26 Astronomy  Earth rotates West to East  15°/hr  All celestial objects appear to move from E to W  Evidence of rotation:  Coriolis Effect — deflects winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere  Foucault Pendulum—changes direction of swing

27 Astronomy  Earth revolves counterclockwise  1°/day  Evidence of revolution—changing constellations each season  Earth is closer to the sun in winter, revolves fastest  Geocentric—Earth centered / Heliocentric—Sun centered

28 Astronomy  Red Shift  Moving Away  Blue Shift  Moving Toward  Our universe is red shifting, expanding, getting bigger

29 Astronomy  The lower the sun the longer the shadow; noon shadow in NY points North  Energy in stars is produced by nuclear fusion.

30 Weather Cloud Formation  Rising air!!  Air expands and cools to the dew point  The air becomes saturated  Water vapor attaches to condensation nuclei  Condensation G  L

31 Weather Wind  Horizontal movement of air  Caused by uneven heating of Earth’s surface

32 Weather High Pressure CALLED : Anticyclone AIR IS: Sinking CAUSED BY: More dense ROTATES: Clockwise WEATHER: Happy, clear skies, no rain BAROMETER: Rising H

33 Weather Low Pressure CALLED : Cyclone AIR IS: Rising CAUSED BY: Less dense ROTATES: Counterclockwise WEATHER: Lousy, cloudy with precipitation BAROMETER: Falling L

34 Weather  Isobars close together= fast wind  Air mass—region of atmosphere with uniform temperature and humidity  Front—boundary between two air mass

35 Weather  Passing of a front= precipitation and change in temperature and wind direction  Cold fronts move fastest  Weather move NE in NYS

36 Weather  Cold Front  Precipitation occurs before and after the front

37 Weather  Warm Front  Precipitation occurs before the front

38 Weather  Occluded Front  occur when cold air is replacing cool air or vice versa at the surface, with warm air above.

39 Energy  Black/Rough = Good ABSORBER  White/Smooth = Good REFLECTOR  !!!A good absorber of energy is a good radiator of energy!!!

40 Energy  Conduction—molecule to molecule  Radiation—through space (vacuum) – ex. Light  Convection—due to differences in density

41 Energy  Temperature does NOT change during a phase change  Condensation G  L  Evaporation L  G  Freezing L  S  Melting S  L  Sublimation S  G

42 Energy  Infrared radiation – reradiated from Earth – long wave radiation (Greenhouse Effect)  Ultraviolet radiation – from Sun – short wave radiation  Greenhouse Gases  Carbon dioxide  Methane  Nitrous oxide  Water vapor  Ozone

43 Climates  Latitude: low latitude = small temperature range and warm temperatures  Elevation: higher elevations = cooler temperatures

44 Climates  Wind belts: from the south =warm, from water = moist  Mountain barriers  Windward = cool and moist  Leeward = warm and dry

45 Climates  Ocean Currents

46 Dynamic Crust P-Waves  Faster  Can travel through solid, liquid and gas  Arrive at the station 1 st

47 Dynamic Crust S-Waves  Slow  Can travel through solid only  Arrive at the station 2 nd  Need 3 stations to locate the epicenter

48 Geologic Time  Law of Superposition—bottom layer is the oldest  Intrusions and faults are younger than the rocks they cut through

49 Geologic Time  Unconformity—gap in geologic time – erosional surface Unconformity

50 Geologic Time (Climate)  Arid Landscape  Steep slopes

51 Geologic Time (Climate)  Humid Landscape  Smooth round slope

52 Geologic Time  Carbon-14 dates recent, once living objects  Half Life = 5,700 years  Uranium 238 dates oldest rocks  Half Life = A LOT!!

53 Geologic Time  Mid-Ocean ridges  Crust is created  Trenches  Crust is destroyed   Marine sea fossils on mountain tops indicate that the land has been uplifted

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