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Identification of current research gaps Dr Nem Vaughan Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research University of East Anglia LWEC geoengineering meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Identification of current research gaps Dr Nem Vaughan Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research University of East Anglia LWEC geoengineering meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identification of current research gaps Dr Nem Vaughan Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research University of East Anglia LWEC geoengineering meeting - Friday 20 May 2011 Dr Nem Vaughan LWEC geoengineering meeting Friday 20 th May 2011 Slide 1 of 10

2 Outline 1. Work to date 2. General Dr Nem Vaughan LWEC geoengineering meeting Friday 20 th May 2011 Slide 2 of 10

3 Work to date Modelling studies solar geoengineering - % reduction in incoming solar radiation, 2xCO 2, 4xCO 2 Technical/ideas published scientific literature non-scientific publications - e.g. submissions to US GAO, DOE, UK select committees, The Royal Society Assessment Quantitative - e.g. Lenton & Vaughan (2009) Qualitative - e.g. Boyd (2009), The Royal Society (2009), Vaughan & Lenton (2011), IGBP ecosystems Public perceptions NERC public dialogue, The Royal Society SPICE, IAGP (N Pidgeon), UEA PhD (R Bellamy) Theory Climate change remediation, i.e. mitigation context (various) Governance (e.g. Victor et al 2009), Ethics (e.g. Corner & Pidgeon, 2010), History (Fleming, 2010) Dr Nem Vaughan LWEC geoengineering meeting Friday 20 th May 2011 Slide 3 of 10

4 General areas of research interest 1. Effectiveness 2. Impacts (positive and negative) 3. Implementation dynamics 4. Resource use 5. Economics 6. Integrated assessment modelling 7. International public perceptions Dr Nem Vaughan LWEC geoengineering meeting Friday 20 th May 2011 Slide 4 of 10

5 General areas of research interest 1. Effectiveness - Global, regional and localised effectiveness (i.e. climate change impact remediation). 2. Impacts (positive and negative) (a) Direct and indirect impacts (i) intentional (predictable?), unintentional (ii) spatial scale - local, regional, global (b) Earth system, e.g., (i) climate - e.g. temperature and precipitation (ii) biogeochemical cycles - e.g. carbon, nitrogen (iii) sea-level rise (iv) ecosystem - distribution, resilience (c) Social (i) ecosystem services - e.g. food, fibre, fuel (ii) opportunity costs - e.g. other land uses, emission reduction activities (mitigation) (d) Monitoring and verification (i) monitor/verify intended impacts Dr Nem Vaughan LWEC geoengineering meeting Friday 20 th May 2011 Slide 5 of 10

6 General areas of research interest 3. Implementation dynamics (a) Timescale (i) deployment (ii) impacts (b) Reversibility (i) technological design (ii) impacts 4. Resource use (a) Energy, water, mineral resources (i) demand, capacity, divert from other activities (ii) waste products, pollutants, e.g. CO 2 footprint Dr Nem Vaughan LWEC geoengineering meeting Friday 20 th May 2011 Slide 6 of 10

7 General areas of research interest 5. Economics A robust and consistent assessment of technologies (using a method capable of dealing with the embryonic nature of some of the proposals, and the decadal timescales of implementation). 6. Integrated assessment modelling Comparison with projected climate change impacts, trade-offs with future emission pathways and choices. (Informed by outputs from points 1 to 5.) 7. International public perceptions International public perceptions and public acceptability. Dr Nem Vaughan LWEC geoengineering meeting Friday 20 th May 2011 Slide 7 of 10

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