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Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits.

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1 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits

2 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits The technology is used for: Discovery of massive oil and gas fields, both onshore an offshore; Structural mapping of mountain ranges; Forecasts for geodynamic processes and events

3 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Field of performance: Identification of conditions for the formation and migration of components such as gas and oil Determination of the migration and concentration of hydrocarbons in the deep layers of the earth's crust Determination of migration conditions, the concentration, the formation of deposits and their storage in the sedimentary regions

4 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits List of services offered: Conduct geological and geophysical mapping, analysis of geological and geophysical conditions, direct search for hydrocarbons (including non-structural layers); Mapping of railway networks, the determination of areas intersects with streets, highways, and regional pipeline systems, power lines and other utilities; Collection and analysis of the technical state of bridges; Development and implementation of a rapid diagnosis of the condition of pipe pipelines; Technical maintenance of underground reservoirs and on-line facilities and underground utilities and storage facilities for petroleum products; Detection and measurement of pollutant sources.

5 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Competitive advantages GPS method allows carrying out geophysical works in hard-to-reach areas: mountainous area, swamps, offshore, transition zone, sea; maximum mobility – the ability to research large areas in a relatively short time (the terms of holding the geologic exploration using a new technology are 3-5 time less than during holding a seismic exploration); possibility of effective tracking of tectonic disturbances; allows by direct features (oil-water and gas-water contacts) to substrate the deposits of hydrocarbons, including fracture zones in the basement as well as the deposits, confined to salt-dome structures; method with different scale survey may be used at all stages of geological and geophysical prospecting and exploration works; lower costs for research in comparison with the traditional geophysical methods of comparable effectiveness (the price for services for geologic exploration is reduced by 30-50% for 1 running (linear) km compared to other methods of exploration); no observed harmful effects on the environment; can be used independently or together with other geophysical methods. from 5 wells drilled according to the data of exploration for oil and gas by new

6 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Exploration technology, all the wells entered oil-and-gas-bearing formation parallel synchronous flight (in line) up to 4 LA; duplicate radio channels with LA (USW-diapason and satellite systems «Iridium»); possibility of flights on the complex terrain (in the mountains) and over the sea (take-off and landing on the shipboard); possibility to certify the complex for the use in open-air space; high mobility: onboard and ground systems of the complex are located in compact shipping containers. the new technology will allow sensing on depth in increments of 1-5 m. The technology enables to significantly enhance the abilities of geophysics in the search of mineral deposits. Taken as a whole with other methods, it will give an opportunity to carry out a direct search of deposits. For example, for oil geology there will be expanded the spectrum of deposits search by detecting non-structural (litho logical) deposits, and for structural ones – the possibility of delineation of deposits in the open structure.

7 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Technological Foundations The technology research with the help of geo-polarization measurement (GEA) was first developed in Ukraine by Prof. Dr. Yury Bogdanov. In 1983 he made ​​ the discovery of global self-generating electromagnetic radiations of the geological environment due to the ability to self-oscillation of geological elements in a period of 1 to 14 hours, which appear in the form of systematic cones, in areas with liquids increased permeability. The system of activated channels form a configuration that are formed with annular components, structured morphological evidence for the existence of possible plastic with hydrocarbons. (ROM) On this subject, more than 60 scientific articles were published in journals of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (geology, geophysics), and in other scientific publications, 6 patents for this technology are registered. The results were discussed at conferences in Ukraine, Russia, Europe, Peru, India and other countries.

8 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits List of selected publications on this topic: Bogdanov Yu., Chernjakov A., Uvarov V., Voronin V. Radiation of earth entrails: display and mechanism // 27 General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, 22-27 April 2002, Nice, France. Geophysical Research Abstracts. – 2002. – V. 4. – A-00417 Y.A. Bogdanov, PV Unbalanced radiation from the Earth's crust - an indicator of geodynamic processes / / Geophysical Journal - 2008. - V. 30 № 4, - Pp. 12-24 Y.A. Bogdanov, PV, Shuman, VN Spontaneous emission of electromagnetic lithosphere: the resistance problems and mathematical models / / Geophys. Magazine., 2009, Vol 31 № 4, - Pp. 20-33. Y.A. Bogdanov, Cobol, VP, Rusakov OM Zakharov, IG Geopolyaritonne sensing gas bearing structures of the north-western shelf of the Black Sea / / Geology and mineral resources of the oceans. - 2007. - № 1 - Pp. 77-88 The team of Prof. Dr. Y.A. Bogdanova is formed out of three doctors of physical-mathematical sciences, four doctor’s candidates, and 12 leading scientific experts. The team conducted the research in the fields of the Ukraine, China, Peru, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Antarctica, etc., which showed that there is a close connection between the structure of the anomalies of the radiation of geopolaric intensity (GPI), and the surface structures, which showed accordance with seismographic studies. It is observed consistent with data from test drilling.

9 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Application Examples The following information was made during the search for oil-layers in 2D, the results were proven by drillings

10 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits The shown structure of an oil containing layer for the positioning of drilling equipment (blue color) was worked out on the basis of data from distance exploration. The existence of oil is likely to prove with this new method at 85%. The investigated area had a size of 400 square kilometers. The work was carried out in 2010 within 12 working shifts.

11 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Application Examples Horizon structure due to seismic data

12 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Application Examples Horizon structure due to GPS Typical picture for an oil layer in 3D format

13 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Application Examples Comparison of the results obtained from seismic surveys (upper panel) and the results of the method Bogdanov (lower panel)

14 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Application Examples Comparison of the results obtained from seismic surveys (upper panel) and the results of the method Bogdanov (lower panel)

15 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Licenses and Documents

16 Spez Avia Industries Use of passive measurement techniques and geodynamic monitoring for the determination of mineral deposits Contact information: PhD Lomonosov Prize winner Yuri BOGDANOV 56, Lenin avenue, Kharkow 61072, Ukraine Tel./fax: +380 57 76 30 116 Email: Authorized partner for the Islamic countries Intera Global Middle East Mining Co. Afghanistan, Kabul, Email:, Tel.: +93 799 88 88 87, +93 790 66 00 06, Tel.: UA office +38 057 731 22 23.

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