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 Students will know core vocabulary pertaining to minerals.

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Presentation on theme: " Students will know core vocabulary pertaining to minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1  Students will know core vocabulary pertaining to minerals.

2  Students will identify that minerals are naturally occurring chemical compounds that have a specific chemical composition.  The physical properties of all minerals depend on the internal arrangement of the atoms, within that mineral.

3  Students will identify that the silicate minerals, which have silicon-oxygen tetrahedrons in their crystal structure, form the most abundant mineral group.

4  Using the properties of hardness, cleavage or fracture, luster, and streak, students will identify common minerals.

5  Given properties of minerals, or having determined them, students will identify minerals using the “Properties of Common Minerals” chart on page 16 of the E.S.R.T.

6  Students will know core vocabulary pertaining to igneous rocks.

7  Students will describe the difference between intrusive and extrusive textures for igneous rocks.

8  Students will identify igneous rocks using the “Scheme for Igneous Rock Identification”, found on page 6 of the E.S.R.T.

9  Students will know core vocabulary pertaining to sedimentary rocks.

10  Students will describe the basis for classification of the two main groups of sedimentary rocks.

11  Students will identify sedimentary rocks using the “Scheme for Sedimentary Rock Identification”, found on page 7 of the E.S.R.T.

12  Students will know core vocabulary pertaining to metamorphic rocks.

13  Students will describe the conditions necessary to form metamorphic rocks.

14  Students will be able to distinguish between contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism.

15  Students will describe the difference between foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks.

16  Students will identify metamorphic rocks using the “Scheme for Metamorphic Rock I.D.” chart, from page 7 of the ESRT.

17  Students will identify the distinctive textures of the different main rock types.

18  Students will be able to interpret the rock cycle diagram, on page 6 of the ESRT.

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