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Whose Green Economy? Ours! QUESTION: What happens when labor unions, community-building orgs and environmentalists around MA unite over a common agenda?

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Presentation on theme: "Whose Green Economy? Ours! QUESTION: What happens when labor unions, community-building orgs and environmentalists around MA unite over a common agenda?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Whose Green Economy? Ours! QUESTION: What happens when labor unions, community-building orgs and environmentalists around MA unite over a common agenda? ANSWER: We build game-changing power!

3 Our Energy Systems: Making Us & the Planet Sick Burning fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil degrades air and water quality, and causes severe heart and lung problems for many of us. Disproportionate burdens on EJ populations...

4 So It's Time to Get Green, Fast!! 2008 in MA: A win for the environment Global Warming Solutions Act - Ambitious Climate Targets. Green Communities Act - Bringing Energy Advances Home. New efficiency standards and potential for great green job creation. BUT WHO BENEFITS?

5 Equity in the System

6 Inequity & Access Barriers Low-to-moderate income, communities of color, immigrants, non-English speakers, renters -- difficulty accessing programs Faced Many Barriers Preweatherization $$ - e.g. old wiring Upfront cost -- Just too much for people modest means! Language Trust - Need community partner Landlord/Tenant Issues AND - Are we tracking who is being served?

7 Some GJC Recommendations Targeted (& Funded) Community Marketing, Mobilization Tiered rebates -- different financial package for different income levels Pre-Wx Funding: $ for knob and tube wiring and other issues re:old housing stock Data: Track who is being served, esp. renters



10 Hang on a Sec -- How Do We Tell Our Story, Build Power? Public Education, Forums, Barnraisings Public Protest When Necessary Public Hearings Dialogue/direct meetings with contractors (Responsible Employer Ordinances, wages) Dialogue with state + utility officials Legislation + legislators Energy Docket: Department of Public Utilities Municipal Advocacy, Meetings, Programs Research + Reports! Art and Fun Don't Forget to Party

11 Make the Issue Public (Community Forums)


13 Build Multi-Sector, Geographic Diversity

14 Bring Public Voice to Public Hearings

15 Research: Facts, Stories, Delivery



18 Barnraising - Public Weatherization to Educate, Advocate, Celebrate

19 Legislation: File Bills as Organizing Tools

20 Back to the Calendar: 2009 - 3-year plan guarantees CMIs

21 Community Mobilization - Chelsea


23 CMIs Confirmed Barriers Exist Trusted, Funded Outreach WORKED Pre-weatherization + upfront cost still blocked access in many cases! Landlord/Tenant Barrier Slow growth on local job-creation Ongoing data issue


25 We Need Data To Ensure Equity: GJC files legislation (2011)



28 Ongoing Advocacy - Data + Renters

29 New Municipal Partners Ongoing Advocacy - Municipal Voices

30 2012 - CMI celebration - Chinatown


32 2013 - Boston honors CPA/GJC for Energy Work (We're Still Partying!)

33 New 3-Year Plans + DPU Rulings Efficient Neighborhoods+ Pre-Wx Funding - Statewide Landlord Incentives Residential Barriers Group New reason to go public - celebrate wins, promote the program, call for data access!

34 2013 - After new 3 year plans, GJC partied again in Chelsea

35 Roadshow for Efficient Neigborhoods+

36 We're still going! Joel Wool, 617-338-8131 x205

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