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Colonial Issues and Independent Ideas Key Ideas ODuring the French and Indian War, American became increasingly aware of how different they were from the.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Issues and Independent Ideas Key Ideas ODuring the French and Indian War, American became increasingly aware of how different they were from the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Issues and Independent Ideas Key Ideas ODuring the French and Indian War, American became increasingly aware of how different they were from the British. OAmerican came to believe that the British were using taxation as an excuse to deprive Americans of their rights ONew and more radical principles of freedom and equality in government and society began to emerge in the 1770’s

2 French Settlement in the “New World” O Began the year after the founding of Jamestown O Two areas (Canada and French Louisiana) O Canada nothing more than patch work of settlements O French Louisiana was inhabited by fur traders

3 The Colonial Wars O King William’s War O Queen Anne’s War O King George’s War British coat of arms French coat of arms

4 The French and Indian War (1754-1763) O Clash began in Ohio River Valley O Virginia Colonial Land speculators became alarmed at the chain of French forts begin built in the area O Sent out Lieutenant Colonel George Washington and 150 Virginia militiamen O Encounter a small French troop - Washington wins! O French return w/ reinforcements - surround Washington @ Fort Necessity - forced to surrender O Albany Congress meets for colonial unity

5 The French and Indian War (1754-1763) O Join or Die” O The first propaganda cartoon O by Benjamin Franklin

6 The French and Indian War (1754-1763) O Native American side with the French O less likely to disrupt their way of life O Native Americans liked it when the two European Nations were @ war O French kept the English & colonist @ bay

7 The French and Indian War (1754-1763) O Gen Braddock is defeated @ Fort Duquesne O his fault - bad method used to fight O Indians used hide hit and run

8 The French and Indian War (1754-1763) O William Pitt become War Minister in England O changed the war strategies defeat France in New World NOT in Europe threw money @ British forces in America gave command to young men of ability carried the battles to the enemy

9 The French and Indian War (1754-1763) O Battle of Quebec (1759) turning pt. under Gen. James Wolfe

10 The French and Indian War (1754-1763) O Treaty of Paris (1763) granted Canada to British

11 Results of the French and Indian War O Results of the French and Indian WarTension between England and colonist develop 1. “Royal arrogance of officers insults colonial gentlemen like George Washington 2. Soldiers’ bad language horrified God fearing men 3. High-handed treatment towards merchants and artisans suggested colonial inferiority 4. Colonist began to see how different they were 5. British faced with ENORMOUS war debts and depression 6. Big losers are Native American Indians

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