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On Campus, Online. So… On Campus, Online …do you feel naked without your cell phone?

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Presentation on theme: "On Campus, Online. So… On Campus, Online …do you feel naked without your cell phone?"— Presentation transcript:

1 On Campus, Online

2 So…

3 On Campus, Online …do you feel naked without your cell phone?

4 On Campus, Online …do you HAVE to check email at the sight of a computer?

5 On Campus, Online …are you intimately familiar with ?

6 On Campus, Online …have you pined over getting a laptop? PDA?

7 On Campus, Online Then there’s no denying…

8 On Campus, Online …technology is wired into your system.

9 On Campus, Online How about technology in your MINISTRY??

10 On Campus, Online …in reaching people for Christ? WIN

11 On Campus, Online …in helping others grow deeper with God? BUILD

12 On Campus, Online SEND …or stepping out in faith ?

13 On Campus, Online campus internet ministries technology to help you WIN, BUILD & SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

14 On Campus, Online campus internet ministries technology to help you WIN, BUILD & SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry The world is our playground. September 2003 United Arab Emirates 565 China 245 India 722 Saudi Arabia 480 March 2004 United Arab Emirates 562 China 468 India 705 Saudi Arabia 697

15 On Campus, Online campus internet ministries & WIN c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry This past year we amalgamated the Campus Ministry’s 3 Internet Ministries. SEND BUILD

16 On Campus, Online It’s like this… c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

17 On Campus, Online WIN BUILD SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

18 On Campus, Online WIN BUILD SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

19 On Campus, Online campus internet ministries WIN BUILD SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

20 On Campus, Online Say a student has questions… c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

21 On Campus, Online WIN They ask, “How on EARTH do I start sharing about God with my friends??” c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

22 On Campus, Online WIN They ask, “What kind of advice can I give on relationships?” c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

23 On Campus, Online WIN Or maybe they ask, “Where can I find some good study tips?” c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

24 On Campus, Online WIN or, “Is there anyone out there who’s like me??” c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

25 On Campus, Online WIN Answer: winning students to Christ using the Internet A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

26 On Campus, Online WIN and are seeker sensitive No in-your-face Christianity c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

27 On Campus, Online WIN They’ll bridge the gap between you and your campus… c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

28 On Campus, Online WIN They are bridging the gap between Canada and the world… c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

29 On Campus, Online WIN …and give good advice with Christian perspectives c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

30 On Campus, Online WIN Point them to or c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

31 On Campus, Online WIN Point them to or Share YOUR story on the site c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

32 On Campus, Online WIN Sharing YOUR story online c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

33 On Campus, Online WIN Point them to or Share YOUR story Mentor over email c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

34 On Campus, Online WIN Sharing YOUR story Mentoring over email c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

35 On Campus, Online WIN Point them to or Share YOUR story Mentor over email Show how Christ is relevant in EVERY area of Life! c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

36 On Campus, Online c.i. WIN Sharing YOUR story Mentoring over email Showing how Christ is relevant in EVERY area of Life! A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

37 On Campus, Online WIN Join the 50,000 people visiting the iamnext network each month c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

38 On Campus, Online WIN Countries from around the globe make up the 50,000 people visiting the iamnext network each month c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

39 On Campus, Online WIN So, what happens when you give a student your iamnext/ilyaplus business card? c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

40 On Campus, Online WIN They will visit iamnext or

41 On Campus, Online WIN They may choose an article to read.

42 On Campus, Online WIN They may want to leave their comments

43 On Campus, Online WIN Their commet will be placed along the side with the others.

44 On Campus, Online WIN They may want to ask some one for advice or to help them discover a relationship with God.

45 On Campus, Online

46 WIN Or, maybe they go directly to your personal testimony from the address on your card.

47 On Campus, Online WIN There you have it. Online evangelism at its finest.

48 On Campus, Online WIN Mentoring on the iamnext network has begun to grow. We have developed a new application process and training for recruiting new mentors. So what, you say? We now have 7 mentors responding to several people a month. We are now ready to receive all your students and supporters who would love to be involved in this ministry. Our goal in the next three years is to have 50 mentors reaching out to 150 people each month.

49 On Campus, Online WIN Our goal in the next three years is to have 50 mentors reaching out to 150 people each month.

50 On Campus, Online Or maybe you need stuff… c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

51 On Campus, Online Then you need: BUILD building students in ministry with online resources A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

52 On Campus, Online BUILD Stuff like… Bible study material for your student’s small group c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

53 On Campus, Online BUILD Stuff like… Info for starting a movement on campus c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

54 On Campus, Online BUILD Stuff like… Registration for conferences and projects c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

55 On Campus, Online BUILD Available…24/7 There’s over 250 resources on evangelism and discipleship. c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

56 On Campus, Online OR, you’re wondering… c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

57 On Campus, Online SEND Is God calling one of my students to take a big LEAP of faith? c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

58 On Campus, Online What would it be like for them to give one year of their life to God? SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

59 On Campus, Online Where? How? When? What about…? SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

60 On Campus, Online Answer: online info for sending students to the world SEND A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

61 On Campus, Online Explore the possibilities SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

62 On Campus, Online Explore the possibilities Find out about other’s experiences SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

63 On Campus, Online SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry They can explore the possibilities They can find out about other’s experiences They can download their application

64 On Campus, Online SEND c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry They can explore the possibilities They can find out about other’s experiences They can download their application GO!

65 On Campus, Online The Campus Internet Ministry has added 2 new staff for a total of 5. This past year: campus internet ministries

66 On Campus, Online C.I.M. has created a development team consisting of 5 volunteers from the U of C and U of Waterloo. This past year: campus internet ministries

67 On Campus, Online We anticipate the addition of another 3 new staff. The next 3 years: campus internet ministries

68 On Campus, Online We will complete the Interactive Gospel. The next 3 years: campus internet ministries

69 On Campus, Online We will integrate with the field ministries. The next 3 years: -CI staff on campus -Greater availability to technology campus internet ministries

70 On Campus, Online So… c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

71 On Campus, Online …now you see how it works c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

72 On Campus, Online …come and see how it can work for you. c.i. A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

73 On Campus, Online c.i. campus internet ministries technology to help you WIN, BUILD & SEND A Ministry of the Canadian Campus Ministry

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